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Gaytimegrower exposed !

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Guest Wilderbud

I have to be picky and tell you to NOT let that fan sit where it is - it could fall over and end up burning your crop. :rolleyes:


PS. if youre going to do something then do it right. :P

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Hey don't close your thread now - I'm still learning :-)


One thing I did learn from my first grow was not to get too carried away with the height of the plants. I grew mine too tall, and didn't allow for the streach during flowing. They ended up growing into the light weeks before they were ready lol . Ohh well. I'll know about that next time.

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Gay time grower why close the thread due to the lack of interest thats a lame excuse people can see this thread for years to come yet you think there is a lack of interest hmmm ok .As to the bitchiness just ignore it i havent seen any on this thread or did i miss something.


Now back to your grow .


Timer i would suggest changing to a digital one just my personal preference


There seems to be alot of algae on your rockwool i have 2 suggestions to combat this

1 use some of the black/white reflective plastic you have and cut a square the size of your biggest cubes. cut a line to the center and make a hole twice the size of the plants stem width place this on the cube white side up his will stop all light hitting the cubes and will stop the algae.the cut to the center will make easy removal it will jsut slip off.these can come off when placing in the expanded clay.

2 from the pictures you have shown when yout transplanted the babies to expanded clay i feel you didnt cover them enough pour more clay over the top making sure no light reaches the rockwool


How did you go with that fan so close?? i always have problems with the plants closest to the fans i try and keep the fan as far as possible from plants


buy some digital scales (not important i just hate those old school scales lol)

Also love your double chamber bong lol i have one like that only its taller


Your bus shots were looking good although that pic was a litle out of focus cant be doing anything to wrong by the looks of things.


my 2 cents

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