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12-1 good or no good?

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G'day Puka.


I'm only fairly new to indoor growing, but have had plenty of outdoor grows. My first indoor grow was started on 18-6 but then I read about 12-1. I thought I would give it a go and the results were ok, but nothing special as regards the quantity, the quality is fine. The tent I had was shit, and many aspects of that grow were a nightmare. A lot of trouble with temp control and a savage infestation of fungus gnats to name a few. Also being a ham fisted kinda bloke didn't help. But now I have a new purpose built shed which has 2 x Red Devils and 2 x Pot of Gold going gang busters on 12-1. I've flipped them 2 weeks ago and things are really starting to happen now. You might like to check out the grow diary I have. My last power bill made my eyes water, but I did have every lamp, fan and heater I owned going flat out, there were 3 different grows going on, so I'm not really that surprised it was a monster bill. Now I only have a 1000watt HPS, and 3 fans running out of sequence to each other, so the costs should be significantly less, next bill. All the plants have above average growth of leaf and are now starting to stretch a bit. I'm not sure of their sex as yet. If this grow goes ok I will stick with 12-1 as I only grow for myself, the reason I am doing this is due to the power costs, pure and simple. I don't need, or want, 6012 million pounds from a 6 mile high plant. Good on those who do and can grow these. Providing I can keep my self supplied with a good medicinal strain, I'm a winner. What ever others say or do is their buisness, I do what's right for me.



:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

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Hey puka and everyone.


Wow. GH and Vrod, you two arn't married by any chance? :hug::applause:


I can see the problems with 12-1, but can't explain what i see. Every picture I see, really impresses me. D9's Red Devil is a phat arsed sexy beast. It makes sense though, why they have such fat leaves, and puka makes a very good point about flipping back to 24/0 to take advantage of that. I'll be watching D9's even closer now that he is doing just that. For me, this might be the biggest and best thing 12-1 has to offer.


My only problem with your argument Vrod is .....


4) It’s a proven that if you give a plant 10 hours only for flower it will finish in 36 days, I think you can find that in RC Clarkes MJ Botany, I have not come across anything or experienced longer outdoor flowering with shorter day.


Your only telling half truths. It is true, Canabis will finish faster under 11 or 10 hours for flower, however this does not mean maximum yield. The opposite is also true. Flower with 13 or 14 hours and yield will be increased but also flower time. I think 16 hours is a 90 day flower, they gotta be huge bud, JAH. 12/12 roughly 60 days. Its just a happy medium.


You can flower how ever you want to achieve the goals you set.


That stands true for growing in general too. No need for the ego and hate.


:bongon: :bleh: :blink:



Edited by iatd
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g'day everyone I appreciate all the imput to this thread.


Norm I;ve been watching your current grows and all is looking pretty good. :applause: I too had a shocker learning curve on my last attempt with Gnats almost destroying my plants overnight.. that was my first attempt at indoor and I had no idea I needed more than a light and some chook shit...


iatd some pertient coments bud..


Since I started this thread I have started a grow I followed 12,5.5,1,5.5 regime for the veg and it all went well. However out of six plants I got 3 males and a hermi. Fortunatly though it turned out the 2 strongest plants were the girls.. which is exactly what I was hoping for under my little 400w..

The girls are now three weeks into flower and seem to be humming along nicely.. They do seem to still be stretching too though so I guess we'll see..


I have diary titled "dow griary" if anyone is interested in having a look..

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i thought 12/1 was vrod veg and flower cycle now he has changed to 13/11 for flower. and the it grows bigger leaves is crap i have leaves as big as myface and suposdley they get bigger using the different lighting schedule anyway if people are that worried bout power cost maybe they should grow outdoors coz at the end of the day its still cheaper growing your own the buying off skum dealers just my 2 cents
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The 12-1 theory need s to be split into 2 diferent parts being veg and flower. Forget about it being one whole package.


The 13-11 flowering regime makes sense from evey point imo and really needs no debate.


THe veg cycle, 12-5.5-1-5.5 vs 18-6 is the important argument here.


Gday river rat,


I agree that perhaps it does need to be split in two to assess the theory. however, as far as I can see the veg cycle works fine (although I did get only 2 girls out of 6, weather or not that is due to the 12-1 cycle or not, I guess we willnever know)


The reducing hours flowering cycle is what I am concerned about. the theory states that every 2 weeks an extra 1/2 hour of darkness is added to the cycle. Now according to the marijuana botony book that has kindly been added by one of the 12-1 crew marijuana need s10 hrs lght to produce THC, here is a quote from it" As the days get shorter the plants flower more profusely and produce more THC until a peak period is reached during October and November. After this time the photoperiod drops below 10 hours and THC production slows." so with a 5 week flower time the final 4 weeks would only recieve 9.5 hrs and 9 hrs respectively.... therefor I am leaving mine on 11-13 for flower.. have considered going to 12-12 but am concerned about stressing the girls....


puka :thumbsup:

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Taken from Marijuana Botany - Chapter 1 - Sinsemilla Life Cycle of Cannabis.


"Given 10 hours per day of light a strain may only take 36 days to flower, whereas if given 16 hours per day it may take up to 90 days. Inductive photoperiods of less than 8 hours per day do not seem to accelerate primordia formation. Dark (night) cycles must be uninterrupted to induce flowering."


The amount of complete darkness needed to induce flowering is more than is needed to sustain flowering. You also wouldn't try 16/8 with a pure Indica.


The process would be, using a Sativa dom or pure Sativa. Start flowering at 12/12, 13/11 or 14/10. Once in full bloom. Then knock the dark hours to 8.


I totaly agree with riverrat. 12-1 is all about veg. No flowering cycle should be associated with it.


The question is, why do all pictures of vegging 12-1 plants look so lush, healthy, green? With massive fan leaves.


GH stated its because of lower light levels that make the leaves broader. I fundamentally agree with this. But there are some inconsistencies. Why don't low growing fan leaves (less intense light) act in the same manner? Why don't leaves on flowering plants become larger due to reduced hours of light?


I always thought leaf size is determined by genetics and humidity. Pure Sativa's may look Indica dominate in low humidity whereas pure Indica may look Sativa dominate in high humidity.


To sum up, I believe there are more factors envolved than just light schedules, you cant say 12-1 is the sole reason for your beautiful plants. Give yourself some credit for giving your plant what it needs.


I am spent. To much thinking makes iatd something something.



Edited by iatd
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