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12-1 good or no good?

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  On 27/08/2011 at 1:33 AM, Vrod said:

Hey Dani,

Cannabis is not the only plant grown under lights, the flower industry use lights, some flowers closely mimic how cannabis grows and like they say, if they use 18/6 or 24/0, your mothers day bouquet would cost $1200.



Wtf is this, six degrees of seperation? I'm all for a discussion of the positives/negatives of 12/1, but this kind of grasping at straws kind of detracts from the good points you have made about 12/1.


If I was at all interested in trying 12/1 for myself I would do a side by side grow. This is the only way you can make any kind of definitive statement about 12/1 that carries weight. I realise you probably couldn't bothered cause you seem happy enough with 12/1, and that's understandable I suppose.


Regarding your comment about anyone who doesn't think your plants are the bees knees not knowing what a lush plant looks like or whatever, ummmm..... try to have a bit of respect dude cause you seem smart enough to know how ridiculous that comment was.


Looking forward to some more scientific discussion of 12/1......


Naycha :peace:

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  On 27/08/2011 at 8:40 AM, Naycha said:



Regarding your comment about anyone who doesn't think your plants are the bees knees not knowing what a lush plant looks like or whatever, ummmm..... try to have a bit of respect dude cause you seem smart enough to know how ridiculous that comment was.


exactly :ack:


If I was at all interested in trying 12/1 for myself I would do a side by side grow.


same strain same phenotype .... aka, clones

a true comparrison would be along the lines of the following....

some on 18/6 and some on 12/1 ...same brand of food, same ph, same temps at lights on and off, same humidity at lights on and off, same medium.

the test would obviously be to see which eats more and produces more :uhhuh:

as for larger leaves .... have we ever herd of triats? phenotypes? :unsure: ... perhaps the plant with the large leaves is a "large leaf" pheno :o

i`ve had leaves as big as fuckn dinner plates on 18/6, 20/4, 24 on and outdoor.....cant say there was any reason for it other than it was the plants trait :unsure:

and to be honest, most of the plants ive had with gigantic leaves have ended up being hermi :huh:


just my two bob




Edited by uncle chron
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  On 27/08/2011 at 1:33 AM, Vrod said:

How much proof is required I wonder?

people have been using 12-1 for cannabis nearly 20 years .

Have you seen these people's plants/grows before they switched?, what ever method and result they have previously had regardless of other people's perception of how good or bad a result they have achieved, they all notice a change for the better with 12-1.

I,ve posted pic's (Tahoe OG lastest pic) and only 2 people have responded with their pic's which show 12-1 is just as good for less cost. I have used 18/6 for the last 16 years, the only reason I went to 12-1 was because of the bagging I recieved when I posted it up.




  On 27/08/2011 at 1:44 AM, Vrod said:

G'day Anakha, it's unreal how big the leaves get, like they say,these leaves belong on a 2m monster. With big leaves comes fat stems= good support & copious quantities of bud. People talk who about healthy lush plants under 18/6 have not seen a real healthy lush plant.



this^ ... Vrod you say "the only reason I went to 12-1 was because of the bagging I recieved when I posted it up." says it all, and in my mind demonstrates you are basically a troll




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I found this on the net which I found quite interesting-


Grow Bigger and Better saving 30-50% on your energy cost!



Saturday, 29 January 2011 03:30 Written by Joseph R. Pietri















How to reduce the cost of growing cannabis saving 30-50% on your electricty bill using the 12-1 lighting schedule.



The biggest innovator in the history of cannabis in my generation is Reinhard Delp. Not only did he invent and is the holder of the patent for ice water extraction, he has been building flower forcers since 1992. His new solar powered Sun-gate is the leader of the industry. He was the first to feminize seeds and sell them in Europe in the late 90’s. His process was done naturally, without the use of any chemicals.


No one is more copied but seldom matched than Mr. Delp, who to me is the top grower of our generation. The first time he impressed me he showed me 2 plants, planted next to one another, 1 completely covered in powdery mildew, the other completely clean and beautiful. He was developing mildew and mold resistant genetics.


In the late 90’s Reinhard brought back the gas lantern routine that you find in any college grade horticulture book, and applied it to cannabis. Cannabis needs only 13 hours to stay in the vegetative growth stage. The 18-6 lighting schedule in vegetation, actually stress your plants, that never get that much light in one-day outdoors. Cannabis is an outdoor plant. Growing indoors you should copy how it grows outdoors. No Cannabis growing in Afghanistan gets 18 hours of light in growth pattern. Most strains today have some part Indica in their genetic pool. Even equatorial strains don’t get 18 hours of sun a day.


The 12-1 lighting schedule is as follows 12 hours lights on, 5.5 lights off, 1-hour lights on, 5.5 lights off, and repeat schedule. The 1 hour on in between off period fools the plants that stay in vegetative growth state! Your immediate savings are 5 hours in energy costs daily, as well as your bulbs and equipment lasting longer. But how do the plants react to this lighting schedule?


You see immediate growth response from your plants, they are happy from the added rest time. By day 14 the plants tripled in size. The plants are bushy with twice as many bud sites without topping or bending, In fact when you top and stretch your plants out, you get many more bud sites than you would have had under 18-6 using same procedure of topping and stretching plant, your growing bigger and better and faster.




So your saving 5 hours daily in energy costs, as well as your excellerated growth pattern which also saves you time and energy and equipment use.


In the flowering stage, never use 12-12, start your flowering period at 11 hours on 13 hours off. When your are growing outdoors each day you get less and less sun light, you should copy the way the sun acts naturally in your indoor grow. So first 2 weeks of flower you go 11 on 13 off, the next 2 weeks you go down to 10.5 on 13.5 off, next 2 weeks 10 on 14 off, next two weeks 9.5 on 14.5 off and the last weeks of flower you should be at 9 hours on and 15 hours off. You’ll get bigger and better buds by copying the way the sun light works on cannabis outdoors.


Cannabis is an outdoor plant and you should copy the way it grows outdoors indoors. The only thing that 18-6, and then 12-12 lighting schedule's do is make the energy companies rich as well as the people who sell lights and equipment, the more you use the more you spend. 12-1 lighting schedule is a more natural way to grow indoors and you well have the best results you have ever had and save as much as 50% in energy costs.


For more growing tips and advice visit Joe on Facebook at www facebook com/jpietri

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Deja Vu ! lol . Yes it is interesting 12 Monkeys. People here have tried/ are trying it. Gotta say, I'm not convinced it gives better growth at all.

It may be able to "Trick your Plants" into staying in Veg, but are they really going to grow bigger and faster with less light? me thinks not........

The plant needs light for Photosynthesis, the more light it gets, the faster and stronger it can grow. Simple. Ask any indoor grower, increasing light increases yield. (as long as CO2 etc is adjusted accordingly.

You know this 12/1 might be OK for a few people growing mothers day roses in a greenhouse, but for Cannabis I'll stick with 18/6 and 12/12.


I have yet to see one shread of proof from people growing using 12/1 on this site that it can even keep up, let alone surpass 18/6 and 12/12

All I see is....

1) Longer Veg times. None of the grows I have seen have shown me triple the size in 14 days, thats for sure.

2) Less heat in the room when lights are off. Means you may have to heat the area in Veg. Lights are cheaper to run.

3) Plant health. None of the 12/1 plants look healthy, they seem a little under-developed in the bulk of the plant.

4) Longer Flower times. If you use the decreasing light in flower, it's gonna take longer.......just like outside, just common sense.

5) No REAL power saving. If it takes bloody ages to Veg and longer to flower and you gotta use a heater in Veg to keep em warm, do you save a Brass razoo?

6) The use of old GREENHOUSE lantern methods for INDOOR applications. It's not the same ball park, it ain't even the same code.

7) No increase in Bud growth over 18/6 through reduced hours. Thats a straight out bit 'O' Bullcrap. Less light = lower Yield, slower flower time. At this time they are REALLY hungry.

8) How easily people are influenced by the Net. Joe Pietri is behind most Cannabis conspirasy theories around and disses the good work of people like, Ed Rosenthaal, Jack Herer, Robert Clarke and countless others. Read "King of Nepal" , find out a bit more about this man. Plenty of stuff on the Net about what went down back in the day with the CIA. Check it for yourselves.


There's probably more, but I'll leave it at that.

Use it by all means if it works for you, but if you do a comparison for yourself, you'll see what I mean. 12 on 5.5 off 1on 5.5 off, is no match for 18/6, 20/4 or 24/0 Veg wise.

Back in the day, everybody did reducing hour flowering, was how I learnt, but then people figured out they could be done quicker and the plants also gave better yield under straight 12/12 in flower. So thats why the method dissapeared, it was not "lost", it just was never worth the effort.


When I can afford a couple of time lapse cameras, I will do a side by side CFL grow and document the whole thing. Then maybe people will see it.

Until then, let the madness that is 12/1 continue....... lol . Peace. Gh72



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  On 05/10/2011 at 4:37 AM, Grasshopper72 said:

I have yet to see one shread of proof from people growing using 12/1 on this site that it can even keep up, let alone surpass 18/6 and 12/12

All I see is....

1) Longer Veg times. None of the grows I have seen have shown me triple the size in 14 days, thats for sure.

2) Less heat in the room when lights are off. Means you may have to heat the area in Veg. Lights are cheaper to run.

3) Plant health. None of the 12/1 plants look healthy, they seem a little under-developed in the bulk of the plant.

4) Longer Flower times. If you use the decreasing light in flower, it's gonna take longer.......just like outside, just common sense.

5) No REAL power saving. If it takes bloody ages to Veg and longer to flower and you gotta use a heater in Veg to keep em warm, do you save a Brass razoo?

6) The use of old GREENHOUSE lantern methods for INDOOR applications. It's not the same ball park, it ain't even the same code.

7) No increase in Bud growth over 18/6 through reduced hours. Thats a straight out bit 'O' Bullcrap. Less light = lower Yield, slower flower time. At this time they are REALLY hungry.

8) How easily people are influenced by the Net. Joe Pietri is behind most Cannabis conspirasy theories around and disses the good work of people like, Ed Rosenthaal, Jack Herer, Robert Clarke and countless others. Read "King of Nepal" , find out a bit more about this man. Plenty of stuff on the Net about what went down back in the day with the CIA. Check it for yourselves.



Hmm... Hoppy, seems to me you're not as open minded as I first thought. This forum really tends to form cliques, and people are arguing for, and defending techniques they've never done themselves. If you haven't done it, STFU. It's no different from the Virgin Mary telling us how good she is at DP.


In regards to your 3rd point (Plant health), have a look at my grow diary, which you know is doing 12-1, and tell me it looks unhealthy.


Seriously guys, there's fucking heaps of techniques, they all have their pros and cons. Read, choose one that works for you, and do it. Try them all! :good:

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Hey guy’s I’d say I’m the reason GH is fired up about 12-1, posted a lot of info on this subject. Some if not all of this info was declared rubbish and has obviously pissed people off, hence the name calling, knob, troll etc. Yes, Joe pisses people off to, but some of his raves when researched have merit. If I had not stumbled across Joe Pietri I would probably not made contact with the likes of Rick Simpson, Shona Banda & many more.

As for 12-1 for veg, I have no probs with it, my grows run everyday of the year. 12-1 for veg, 11-13 for flower. There’s no race to veg in the quickest time, it’s about getting the plant in shape to try an achive a good yield. So the power drain is the same all year round, 10% might not seem like much of a saving buts that’s the GST.


I have to disagree from can I say, experience with using 12-1

1) Not triple no, but in my grows it’s better, with no extra grow time.

2) Heat is a major issue for me and less is best, anything that keeps my rooms cooler is a big plus.

3) How that has been determined has got me scratching my head in awe.

4) It’s a proven that if you give a plant 10 hours only for flower it will finish in 36 days, I think you can find that in RC Clarkes MJ Botany, I have not come across anything or experienced longer outdoor flowering with shorter days.

5) See above

6) It’s called Botany, cannabis is after all just a plant that’s been around for 50million years.

7) Can’t really call this one as I run 11-13 for flower not reducing.

8) Before the net there where books like the ones Ed & Robert published, (jack is a god and have never heard of Joe bagging him) they helped me heaps, especially MJ Botany but Robert C Clarke is not a botanist.


To be honest I would not go below 11 hours for flower, but will continue to use 12-1 for vegging.



This is the Pineapple Chunk that’s had similar veg & flowering time (still going) to GH’s, he ran it down saying it was not chunky that the buds where way inferior to the ones he grew, ‘the proofs in the pudding’. 7oz was the yield.

Looking at the overall mass of this plant and going on previous experience on whats required, I think this will go 10-12oz. Peoples opinions invited.


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