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Dreams and Cannabis?

How do you dream at night?  

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I quit smoking weed at the start of this year for about 4 months to keep the gf happy!


In that time I started having heaps of really f**cked up dreams, I mean really violent shit. Gangs of vampires hunting me, zombies that I would cut to pieces with my sword in my dream, the pieces would regroup & so on.........I would have up to 10 nightmares every nite & wake at the zenith of each nightmare.


I got to the point where I was trying to avoid sleep, cause it was too scary.

One nite when I was nightmaring I grabbed my gf in a sleeper hold & was cutting off the blood to her brain.

If I had woken a few seconds after I did, she would have been dead!! Another time I almost broke her arm!!


I was diagnosed with psychotic tendencies when I was 18, so that could perhaps explain the dreams, however I didnt start smoking heavily til I was 19 & hadnt had unusual numbers of nightmares before that.

So perhaps I havent dreamed for a long time & I have a backlog.


I prefer to have a smoke, rather than wake up in terror several times a nite. The worst thing was that I would get up after a nightmare to convince myself that it was just a dream, then go back to bed & slip straight back into the nightmare.


I prefer not to dream at all!!! lol

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personal experiance


smokeing pot = not remembering dreams


stop smoking for a few weeks and your dreams will return to normal.


people usually get violent dreams or dreams involving blood (vampire stuff)if ive got a lot stress or problems and your trying to get off pot


i think there comes a time when everyone needs a break from smoking for a while. You will know in yourself when its time.



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I remember reading from some-where that smoking represses REM sleep (the state of sleep where you visualise and if someone was to look at ya... they'd see your eye balls moving under your 'lids)



It kinda makes sense because I can never remember my dreams if I smoke before I go to bed :D



How many of you can control your dreams? It's really fun (called lucid dreaming) :reallyexcited: all you gotta do is 'realize' that you're dreaming and you can actively control the story/dream.

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I don't normally dream thesedays, cones before bed or not, I usually just :P awake in the mornin... and for the first second or two, i have no idea where i am.


When I moved back in to my old bedroom at my parents house for a month a little while ago, I started dreamin every night. They were pretty scary dreams and most of them were related in some way to dreams and my 'depressed' state of mind from back in the day when i used to live in that room. That tripped me out... I wonder what really influences our dreams? It's like that room had some really negative vibes... My mum painted the room recently, changed it from blue to this really bright yellow and changed around all the furniture. When i go in there now I get a much more positive vibe. I haven't had a chance to sleep there since so i'm not sure how this has influenced my dreamin. This probably all sounds pretty crazy :P and I know it's all psychological, but has anyone had any similar experiences?


I agree with you Amnesiac about how fun it is controlling dreams... I have found, when I do occasionally dream, that I am not really able to change the scene or 'topic' in my dream but my actions and other the people in my dreams. I don't feel like I have complete control, just a large influence on what my imagination is going to create next. The best thing I have found with this though, is when I wake up during a dream in the morning, I am usually able to 'resume' the dream if I go back to sleep and think about where I left off... spins me out anyways :)


Best dreams i've ever had were in hospital on morph.... they were intense trips, very vivid colours, lots of green slime for some reason (not sticky n spooky), and really weird shit like I was getting 'bad reception' in my dream... my view of the dream kept getting snow and distorted lines all over it, like a poorly tuned tv. I can also remember those dreams much clearer than any others.


Has anyone smoked weed in a dream and actually felt high? Like your not dreaming your stoned, but actually seem to be stoned. I've had this once. I'm not 100% on it but it just really felt like I was high. Since THC supposedly gets absorbed in your body fat, when your body starts burning it for energy if you haven't eaten, would you get high off the THC in your fat? I was wondering if this is what happened... maybe?


toke up :D


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holy crap man I never thought about having drugs in my dreams before... what a mad idea? :reallyexcited: definately on the to-do list haha



I find that it's easiest to have lucid dreams if you go from sleeping, to waking and back to sleeping state (and try to consciously know that you're awake but try to dream at the same time)



All my lucid dreams end up with me flying through the air, floating around and doing wierd stuff in the sky :D for some strange reason I'll always try to dream about flying. And sometimes those dreams feel so good that even though I know I'm dreaming... I never want to have to wake up haha :P

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Well i usually remember about 1 dream a week whether high or not, tho i feel that when going to sleep high with music, if you get waken up before you get too deep into sleep (like from the start of a loud song) you'll remember it and can resume the dream (which is usually me running round my local village, doin drug deals, even tho i don't really do them).


My friend who i get stoned with is a madman, in the middle of the night, he'll start cursing, loudly, and reaching his arms out trying to stangle/hit someone all the time screaming the name of his lil' brother. Really scary first time he did it, coz he'd never told me, i'm just freakin out bigtime!! :D

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Sorry to resurrect a dead thread, but I had never really experienced what was being discussed until last night, and I remembered seeing this thread when having breakfast.


For the last 4 weeks, me and 2 other buddies have been smoking a lot more than normal, sometimes daily - we've all had more money than normal, reasons to want to sit back and relax, and a new dealer selling really good stuff, at mates rates. As a tidbit, I don't generally enjoy smoking more than once a week - i feel it loses its benefits for me, but it just kind of happened. I don't want to repeat it though, as it started feeling like I was smoking to "turn off" instead of "turning on".


Having exhausted my money and my stash, I've been smokeless for 5 or so days now.


As an anecdote, I had my last cone when I was pissed like shit, also the first time I'd been drunk for 6 weeks - drinking half a bottle of Vodka, straight from the bottle - I spewed up 9 times, and was asking my friends to knock me out or call an ambulance.


I hadn't had particuarly vivid dreams - until last night my brain went off like a fucking nuclear missile. I went to bed at about 1AM, and became trapped in the most eternal, vivid and lucid Lovecraftian dreamscape I've ever experienced.


I say lucid not in the positive sense though - I remember "waking up" from my dreams in a dream itself, and being scared out of my mind I had gone insane, or that the world was after me, and I could control what I was doing, but couldn't do it... The dreamscape would prevent me from doing so. In one dream where I "woke up" from my nightmares, I was trying to get to my mums room (because I was so fucking scared, :rolleyes:) but my house kept fighting my wishes. I would try and walk, and my body would be paralysed (like sleep paralysis, which I have experienced) or the rooms would become infinite...walk past an object towards a door, and suddenly that door would be there again...and again...and again.


I'm actually waiting to see mum, because getting to her room was so real I wouldn't be surprised if I really was there.


I woke up at 6:30AM to go to school, and I must have been too terrified to get out of bed...because I went back to sleep, and my alarm is off but I don't remember turning it off.


I woke back up at 12, and my dreams continued through that sleep...but these were all in different places than my house...and as an odd fact, alot of the different dreamscapes I went to featured cannabis in some way. Perhaps guilt over how much I've been smoking, or my subconscious telling me that I don't really like smoking so often (which I don't).


1, me and friends were climbing this stairway to the clouds to find this "god bong" which we found...it was some big elaborate glassy. Then all these people from different parts of my life appeared at the bottom of my stairs, and all my friends didn't want to smoke anymore because they were ashamed. I started abusing all the people, and pulled a bong in front of them then started abusing them more. They all walked away shaking their heads like some sick Hollywood movie. Then all my friends disappeared, and an old childhood friend (a girl who was like a sister to me - now drug fucked) appeared, and the stairways became surrounded by thorns, and we were trapped on a trampoline (something we always played on in my backyard) and 2 evil psychologist types were doing all weird shit to us...we escaped, but i've lost a bit of memory about details in that dream.


2, I was staying with some unknown family, at a beach house. I was having some kind of sexual relations with a female my age in the family (I presume, because I had an erection when talking to her) and her brother, who was the older brother out of The Lost Boys (Michael?) hated me. I went into his room for some reason, and his cupboard was full of bud and bongs. That dream turned into some apocalyptic battle against sand worms (from Dune - wtf?), and I ended up drowning in the ocean after having sex with a girl (though I never actually dreamt this happening - I just knew it happened in the dream) who told me later she was only 14. When this girl appeared and told me this, it was the first time she had appeared. (I don't get this - this hasn't happened to me - and there is certainly no attraction to any 14 year old girl in my life. There is an attraction, but she is my age).


There was heaps more, but that is all I remember now, I can literally feel my memory of the dreams fading, as they always do. Sorry for ranting I didn't intend to write so much just want to help myself remember.


I'm trying to find symbolism in these dreams, which I always enjoy doing, rather successfully, to my dreams. But I can't see shit here. I do see some features from my life though. I've always dreamt, since I was a kid, that I am paralysed or being prevented in some way from moving while trying to escape something. Incidentally i have seen a therapist about social anxiety and depression. She wants me to go on an SSRI, and I feel pressured to take it and not to take it from different people in my life. Perhaps the paralysis is my struggle to determine what choice I want to make.


As another interesting feature, 2 of my best friends who are usually prominent in my dreams were not seen once...they have been taking a lot of E and I don't really enjoy being with them anymore - but the friends who I have been smoking a lot with, were heavily featured.


I feel abit weird today, like a subtle residue fear, but this has dissapeared now that I am alert and fully awake. I wouldn't really say this was negative though - it has inspired certain chains of introspective thought.

Edited by Warped
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