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upcoming marijuana debate?

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Was just about to post a new thread but then saw this.

I dunno if it's the one you're talking about but I just saw an as for Today Tonight: Legalise Cannabis?

Today Tonight of all people are running a story on Monday, 28 December.

For some fucked up reason (considering TT's history) it looks to be positive. The ad says "With over 2 millions Australians breaking the law, is it finally time to legalise Marijuana?"

Maybe that's just to suck people in before they brainwash them, not sure.

Make sure you watch it!


Oh yeah and that's on Channel 7.


Also there was another one that the dude from the Hemp Embassy is involved in on 60 minutes but I dunno when that's coming on yet.

Edited by luciddreaming
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[quote name='luciddreaming' date='Dec 26 2009, 01:37 AM' post='253525

I dunno if it's the one you're talking about but I just saw an as for Today Tonight: Legalise Cannabis?

The ad says "With over 2 millions Australians breaking the law, is it finally time to legalise Marijuana?



i bet there stance is no.... no its not time!! :)

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It's Today Tonight...of course their stance will be NO, just like it would be if it was ACA doing the same story.


My bet is they'll harp on about just how many Aussies are breaking the law, then they'll yabba on about it being a "serious drug", then they'll basically try and make out that anyone who uses Cannabis is a low life and that the penalties should be harsher, I'm betting they'll also say it's addictive and is some kind of "epidemic amoung our youth". Oh and of course whoever is reporting will be using the usual sarcastic, "head up ones own" arse and bored tone of voice, it is Today Tonight after all.


I'll watch it for shits and giggles though :)

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It's Today Tonight...of course their stance will be NO, just like it would be if it was ACA doing the same story.


My bet is they'll harp on about just how many Aussies are breaking the law, then they'll yabba on about it being a "serious drug", then they'll basically try and make out that anyone who uses Cannabis is a low life and that the penalties should be harsher, I'm betting they'll also say it's addictive and is some kind of "epidemic amoung our youth". Oh and of course whoever is reporting will be using the usual sarcastic, "head up ones own" arse and bored tone of voice, it is Today Tonight after all.


I'll watch it for shits and giggles though :)


Don't forget about the psychologist they'll have on, who makes a good living off people who have been forced into treatment by the courts or there family, carrying on about how there's a new strain of cannabis out there that gives everyone who uses it psychosis and is worse than heroin!

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It would be nice if one of our "idolised" current affair programmes would offer some relevant information on the subject for once. How about an honest, statistical comparison between alcohol and pot? Can't say that I have ever come to blows with someone under the influence of pot, whereas, alcohol.... We all know the wonderful effects of over consumption, especially of late.


And, of course, none of our " high steed " tv personalities would ever dream of swaying to the dark side or even ponder the thought of havin' a doobie. Overpaid, double standard wankers the lot of them ( in my opinion ). I believe the going rate for an omitted conscience in the tv industry is $100K, and you get the added bonus of blissful ignorance for free.


Have a good day all. I will post some shots of my little baby growroom ( first ever attempt ) later today.


Let's hope finally that " The truth will out "

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