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upcoming marijuana debate?

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..cos most of them haven't read the Bible, that's how. :peace:


You'd be suprised how true that statement actually is. I've lost count of the number of christians I've known that know nothing about what they base there whole belief structure on.


Indycar, I suppose I'm talking about all drugs in the broader picture of things. People need to be educated about this imaginary line government, law enforcement, religious groups and coporations with a invested interest like to draw between legal and illegal drugs.


Thing is most people that like to draw this imaginary line use alcohol as there drug of choice. If there drug of choice was benzodiazepines or whatever I guess I'd use that as the comparison.



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At least they presented parts of both sides of the debate in a clunky sort of way , even if they did use bias terms like dope, the wacky weed, dopers. Instead of saying cannabis or cannabis users.


It's smut news, you couldn't expect anything professional about it, but that was the best you could expect from today tonight. News for the stupid.

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