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My shrubbery is annoying me

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My little shrubbery is growing in the garden on the north wall of a house in Sydney, AU.


I've been trimming it to have a short but broad plant, basically 1*1*1m. Much higher and the neighbors will be jumping the fence :-)


Many weeks ago I noticed buds on the lower branches but so far not much happening on top.


Am I causing this by trimming?

I also have a problem with a nearby streetlight.


BTW: the apparent colour in the 'tops' pic is due to the camera (phone), though the new growth is lighter in colour than can be seen in the 'lower branch' it is not as much as the pic indicates.








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Some plants can take up to a month just to show their sex.


Wait it out dude. That plant looks awesome though. The light from the street lamp I doubt would effect it much, by the time it got to the leaves the intensity would be tiny.


And judging by the long thin leaves its a sativa dominant strain which generally return smaller buds and also take longer to bud.

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Beautiful bush Barons. I didnt know you grow such sizable plants this time of year down there. Wicked!


Edit. But hang on its interesting you mention the streetlight. It could be keeping the plant in veg. Would be the first time Ive heard of it though. The tips on the top of your plant dont even look like theyre thinking about flowering yet which is most unusual for the time of year. I'd Be inclined to cover the plant at night for a couple of weeks and see what happens. If it is the street light then it just goes to shoe how little extra light a plant needs to stay in the veg cycle which could be pretty useful to some of us.


Look forward to the outcome. Good luck



Btw the plant dosn't look overly sativa which adds more weight to the streetlight theory.



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id make a panda cover for it

aome alluminium to drive into ground for night time

panda fitted to ally..

where it meests the ground a metre flap

just to prevent any light penetration

do that foir 12 hrs a night and shell flower for u real quick

i have a strett light not far from me

maybe assists in lighter yield but doesnt affect bud formation

all the best


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Thanks for the comments all and the young lady in question has had such compliments passed her way.


It being evening I've been out having a closer look and that damned light has gotta go. There appears to be no moon at the moment but if I stand in the way of the light I cast a clearly discernable shadow, probably greater definition than I would expect on a clear full moon. Unfortunately, I handed in the slug gun during the firearms amnesty, thought I'd not need it again.


Also, it seems that those lower branches which are showing bud are also (not so) coincidentally shaded from the light by a tree


Q. What say you regarding the light just plain stopping her from turning? Will she continue to veg out forever?


I seem to be heading for a sad tale, which in fact wouldn't be so sad but for an additional fact: The trimmings so far are damned near impossible to get into m' lungs. If I force it down I get a nice (young) buzz off the kiff and had some hopes that it would mellow out with age.


I've already been trying alternate methods of consumption and received compliments from friends who were given some Peanut Butter Cookies. Food that makes you hungry, yum :-)


The idea of making a tent for her to spend her nights in has merit. I don't think I'll bother though, mostly due to interest in watching development in the current conditions.


I think that next season the roses get that bed all to themselves.

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