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Some awesome replies thanks again.


Mongy man after sleeping on it and then reading your post i can ur see ur perspective and sorry for sterotyping. Reading posts on this site i should on known better you read some posts and say to yourself "god that dude is switched on". I was talking about a certain crowd on the site, and was wrong to tarnish all with my same arrogant brush. It is a weakness of mine to come across as so arrogant, and it weakens my arguments.


Secondly i want to reinforce that im not fishing here. Insted i really like the site,

Insted it was a bit of a challenge to say hey - those same generic arguments wont work on someone who doesnt smoke and seen as the majority do not smoke regularly if it is legalisation you want then it is these "non-smokers" u will have to change the opinion of.

Post i think it was 52 in my other thread said it way better than i can.


As for the "pharma company" comment i wasnt saying this argument was incorrect or correct, just that it was vague and as an argument has no impact because the link would be difficult to prove, especially in any verbal argument. I know when most people here this they roll their eyes - valid or invalid.


I have an alternative perspective on corporations - Ever watched an anti-corporation cult film?, there are many, and they make compelling viewing, make you want to burn down your nearest Mcdons or BHP. Yet, the big ones are usually funded, and produced by film corporations :peace:. Corporations dont care where they make their money as long as they make their money. Just because we can all grow lettuce and tomatoes doesnt mean we never buy them. I cant see why a corporation wouldnt be interested in making money from weed or hemp. I dont think (actually guessing here) any corp has a patent on the synthetic opiates anymore do they, therefore this market it prob heavily competed for. In a market economy could a corporation make money from weed?


If there is a perfectly logical way in that pharma companies profit from weed being illegal can they please educate me cause somewhere i think i missed something......or is it because of the pain killers and stuff? yeah i get it. But is it that cut and dry. Arent alot of pain killers based on synthetic opiates ? - just synthetic forms of something found in a plant? And dont most painkillers already have a couple of diff substitutes? therefore why would weed be so bad for thier profits? these are honestly questions - feel free to help me out, educate me? . I understand that weed is amazing for cancer patients on chemo, reverse the spewing and replace with hunger, thereby reversing neg energy balance with a positive, which in important for immune function. I dont see why a corp wouldnt be interested in profiting from this.

And as a uninformed theory - there is no doubt that illegal marijuana drug trade is worth shit loads, therefore wouldnt it be in the greater interest of pharma companies to have a piece of the pie. Better than getting fucken plant hormones on your weed that so many commercial growers use. These substances are band in horticulture.


As for the hemp discussion as an aggy i agree from a resource economics perspective making paper for example from hemp would be 4 times more efficient.

Maybe this post has served its purpose just to outline that if you wanna change the mind of non-stoners ya gunna need less religous sounding banter (sorry to the people this clearly doesnt apply to, would love to name names but i would sound like a suck-up)


Peace to all - would u be surprised if told ya's i have political asperations - :huh: Bufo, and co, dont bother commenting on this last point its a waste of your valuable time.

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Peace to all - would u be surprised if told ya's i have political asperations - :huh: Bufo, and co, dont bother commenting on this last point its a waste of your valuable time.


seeing as you enjoy telling people what to do I'm sure you'll make an excellent One Nation candidate :D ... and it's bufo with a lower case????... and stop making me out like some sort of ring leader, it's giving me the creeps :peace: :pop:

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one nation? hahahhaha please explain (said with feminine voice) Bufo could u please PM me your replies in the future? cause i reckon your dodge remarks and my replies to them are pretty boring.




"Judging by your vote winning actions over the last few days perhaps you'd better forget that little fantasy"


- I posted fairly anti-weed stuff on a weed loving forum. Would you give up an asperation because you lost popularity at a feminist convention wearing a T-shirt that said "cook my dinner bitch"? - no wonder u prob havnt achieved much


Oh - your not jons son are you?? very clever political satire - you dont write for the chasers do u ? i didnt realise johanny wanted to legalise weed if i had to known i would of voted for him :peace:


Look, (to the minority of people here) if your post is gunna be some off topic insult can you make it funny, witty or interesting. I enjoy a good laugh even at my own expense. and yes bufo i have a raging hard on for u thats why ur adding to my post

Edited by danoz
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