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I have no doubt that some studyies have been intentionally twisted to make weed look bad "propoganda" some call it. I however would never profess to know because its near impossible to evaluate properly, it wouldnt be propoganda if sponsoring bodies were listed at the bottom would it?. However, its very interesting how stoners instantly, and automatically, disregard ANY study that suggests something negative about weed. Usually regurgitating the same quotes each time, favourites of mine are "pharama company and/or petrochemical industry is behind it" or the more simple "yep govt. propaganda". Yet, when a study from the same databases that often "dams" weed pops up, it is instantly, and automatically embraced with same, but reversed ignorance. I have noticed a simular trend in a different group of people "evangelical christians". This religious group clings to any dodgy piece of pseudo science that apparently disproves evolution or supports the existence of god. However, are able to simply brush off all other and the majority of science as "flawed", athiest propoganda, or may even claim "satin made this happen to test you". They hold onto dearly any island of science they can. They do this because to deny evolution would contradict god, something that is fundamental to their life. Anyone who challenges these people, even politely, is met with fierce illogical argument and aggression.


The reason why people of religion become so upset at the prospect of evolution is because they think that this is attacking their entire value system and not just the means to the value system. No one would argue that to "love thy neighbour" is not a nobel value, or that "thy shall not steel" should be thrown out the window just because god didnt create the earth in seven days.


In much the same way, just because marijuana has alot of sound evidence showing its POTENTiAL harms in certain circumstances doesnt mean you cant enjoy smoking, it doesnt mean you cant achieve the gross satisfaction of cultivating it. Maybe it would be more healthy to embrace all the science PRO or ANTI weed, demonstrate a rounded opinion. Maybe, you will learn something, perhaps you will give up smoking it and start making cana butter insted to reduce possibility of harming your lungs. Perhaps you will obstain for a couple of months each year as a bit of a detox period. ALternatively maybe you read all the evidence, evaluate it, and say mmm, you no what given the risk im not gunna change my habbits at all because the risk is so low. This approach would serve you better, otherwise you risk alienating yourself from the general community, and clinging to cannibus forums where your sometimes wrong views can be shared giving a false sense of everyone else is wrong and im right.


Weed truely is an amazing plant, i dont know of any other organism on earth that can control people more so. Some plants are happy just offer you some fruit in the hope you'll throw the seed or shit it out and thereby help the plant spread. Weed on the otherhand takes it to whole new level targeting our greatest weakness for its own benefit, our brain, religously we care for it and cultivate it, and spread it, defending its right to exist with all our heart. People embrace cannibus culture to the point that it becomes fundamental to them, the same way religious beliefs are fundamental to islamic, jewish, or christain people. But this just ruins your ability to truely enjoy it for all its worth for fighting for it will only bring you heart ache.

If u dont come across as a fundmentalist, reactionary, and emotional you can better relate to, argue with, and change the opinion of the masses, and that is the road to legalisation.

MMMMMM gunna go outside and light one up right now infact im proud of this piece of writing. PS my last grow was so dodgy 50% turned hermy late, took forever to mature, buds are small and very low potency- BUT THE HIGH IS THE Most amazing smooth heat giggly buz ever. makes me wanna pull out my AK47 i think that will just kill me.


The majority of neUro biochem and anatomy sez weed is bad i therefore supported the current legal status as a result. However after some polite friendly replies with brilliant arguments and viewpoints my mind was completely changed and although i still feel weed isnt as good for me as i used to think it was I NOW STRONGY support its legalisation. In contrast to these good replies i also got some people responding with emotion, insults, and dumb calls, they never would have been able to change my mind.

Edited by danoz
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i say most of the shit that comes out of the governments mouth is propoganda because i dont know what to fucking believe anymore.




how do i know they're not lying now just like they did back then, they essentially want the same thing, for people not to do it.


And bud is like drinking alcohol, eating junk food and watching t.v.


too much of anything 1 thing is bad for you, everything in moderation is ok

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maybe i could be the new poster guy for the next bit of anti weed propanda , been accused of multiple personalities before. Quote "your a fucken weird mix of sterotypes" :peace: i like it. thanks for reading.


I wrote the whole thing but it is collection of old ideas from different people - the only original part was how i drew comparisons between fundamentilists stoners and religous fundys



Oh Bufo, great call i see what you did there, u made an insinuation that i was brain damaged!!! your so clever. You are testimate to the fact that weed doesnt slow you down mentally ;-) keep up the good work. mmm so sharp.


Actually Bufo would make the perfect example of the type of person im talking about. Very immersed into the culture, highly respected amongst fellow stoners. You could make a review of his posts that demonstrate a continued ability to simply shut out anything that challenges his fundamental beliefs about weed, usually using the same generic arguments, or as in this case some great unrelated wittiness.

Edited by danoz
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Oh Bufo, great call i see what you did there, u made an insinuation that i was brain damaged!!! your so clever. You are testimate to the fact that weed doesnt slow you down mentally ;-) keep up the good work. mmm so sharp.


Actually Bufo would make the perfect example of the type of person im talking about. Very immersed into the culture, highly respected amongst fellow stoners. You could make a review of his posts that demonstrate a continued ability to simply shut out anything that challenges his fundamental beliefs about weed, usually using the same generic arguments, or as in this case some great unrelated wittiness.


:D wow, I never knew you cared so much :huh: you sure your not getting a hard on???


oh dear :peace: look, I post pics of my grows to piss people like you off!! :D replying to these stupid posts is something I do to pass the time while next crop matures, and beats watching tv..... imo, it's also a vital part of taming the Reefer Madness mentality.

Perhaps we could review your posts and work out why your hat's screwed on so tight?

Have you ever considered joining alcoholinsmalldosesonlyonfridaysaturdaynightsisokforgeeks.com ? hmmmm? :pop: :D :P

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"People embrace cannibus culture to the point that it becomes fundamental to them, the same way religious beliefs are fundamental to islamic, jewish, or christain people. But this just ruins your ability to truely enjoy it for all its worth for fighting for it will only bring you heart ache.

If u dont come across as a fundmentalist, reactionary, and emotional you can better relate to, argue with, and change the opinion of the masses, and that is the road to legalisation."


It is a religion danoz. Rastafarian. Look it up, it may give you more of an insight as to why many of us embrace it.

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