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Matter of interpretation there I think :peace:


I have no doubt that some studyies have been intentionally twisted to make weed look bad "propoganda" some call it............. it wouldnt be propoganda if sponsoring bodies were listed at the bottom would it?.


Why not :D ? Have you looked at just how many of these negative studies are directly from or can be linked back to chemical and drug companies etc. that have a financial interest in seeing prohibition continue. You do know that it's illegal because of their pressures originally yea? They put their name at the bottom of these 'reports' happily, it makes them look official and credible to the uneducated and gullible. It's still properganda on the whole though. :D


However, its very interesting how stoners instantly, and automatically, disregard ANY study that suggests something negative about weed. Usually regurgitating the same quotes each time, favourites of mine are ........................ I have noticed a simular trend in a different group of people "evangelical christians".


I notice you often refer to 'stoners' collectivly who speak with a single collective voice in your posts danoz. Stoners arn't a single organism you know :P We are all individuals mate and not everyone blindly disregards ANY study they dont like. I know I don't and find it offencive to be acused of it. :huh: Your condecending attitude to stoners sounds all very us and them to me. Us being yourself and peers, who I'm guessing, sit around having 'intelligent' conversations bashing 'stupid pig headed stoners' and "evangelical christians" it appears too among others no doubt. :D Them being us stupid pig headed stoners who cover all walks of society, and yes, some are even 'evangelical christians'. Stoners cant be stereotyped mate.

and if you want to steryotyp me to fit your argument, with all due respect danoz, go fuck yaself.


I'm going to skip and not bother quoting or commenting on your religious rant :D


........ just because marijuana has alot of sound evidence showing its POTENTiAL harms in certain circumstances doesnt mean you cant enjoy smoking, it doesnt mean you cant achieve the gross satisfaction of cultivating it. Maybe it would be more healthy to embrace all the science PRO or ANTI weed, demonstrate a rounded opinion. Maybe, you will learn something, perhaps you will give up smoking it and start making cana butter insted to reduce possibility of harming your lungs. Perhaps you will obstain for a couple of months each year as a bit of a detox period. ALternatively maybe you read all the evidence, evaluate it, and say mmm, you no what given the risk im not gunna change my habbits at all because the risk is so low.


I wonder how much you have looked around this site before condemning it's members as mindless retards? :pop: Have you seen the cooking section? the countless threads on vaporisers? The medical forums? And the list goes on. Or just what you choose to see to fit the view you have?


..... otherwise you risk alienating yourself from the general community, and clinging to cannibus forums where your sometimes wrong views can be shared giving a false sense of everyone else is wrong and im right.


LMAO mate. I'll keep that in mind while society alienates me because I choose to breed a plant ffs. At least I'll have here to cling to if all else has turned to shit hey? I really don't think you understand what you are talking about with comments like that. As for a false sense of everyone else is wrong and im right, thats exactly how most of your posts come across to me danoz honestly.


MMMMMM gunna go outside and light one up right now infact im proud of this piece of writing.


Like when you have finished writing a speech you mean? :D


Peace MongyMan

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However, its very interesting how stoners instantly, and automatically, disregard ANY study that suggests something negative about weed.

Its true that on this site you will find more pro cannabis views. No surprise there. What you don't seem to realise is that there are people here from all different walks of life, education, and occupation, who's only common ground is their use of cannabis. You seem to assume we are all too dumb to understand a scientific report. If you had been around longer you would know that science is often vigorously debated here with people on both sides pretty passionate. Some of these debates have even resulted in some leaving the site.


I'm interested in knowing both good and bad aspects of pot smoking. I will, however, look at any new study critically. Thats what you should do with all science.

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I get where danoz is coming from in the sense he has come to a pro pot forum, said pot is bad and should be illegal and as a result got blasted for his efforts. going through something like that would at the very least open your mind up to the possiblity we are no better than some religious nuts who demand intelligent design be taught along side evolution because darwin's observations and notes have amounted to nothing more than a theory :D


the fact of the matter is we have constantly had reefer madness rammed down our throats since it was made illegal and our experiences have not resembled even remotely what we have been taught. we got told smoking pot will send us nuts, turn us into killers, rapist, satan worshipers, etc. and after trying it without anything like that happening we pretty much believed we had been lied to. what would you think if you were told a plant will do all kinds of permanent damage to you mind, body and soul, but the only thing that happens is you get extra happy, lazy and a wicked case of the munchies, all of which go away when use is discontiued? you too would think you had been lied to and would virtually ignore all the bad shit that is said about all drugs, not just pot because if they lied about pot, imagine all the bullshit they say about meth and herion :peace:


another fact is that we are drug taking creatures of habit. by that i mean we aim to get the biggest bang for our buck and once we find that method we usually stick with it. in most cases that means we end up smoking bongs and grow to love doing it. I know i love packing cones, holding the bong and eventually lighting it before the smoke hits my lips, its almost half the fun of smoking as it is a ritual. I know that eating or vaping are much healthier options in comparion, but i dont own a vape as they are over priced for my poor arse and cooking is out of the question because i can get alot higher for alot longer by smoking it. well thats not technically true because you can only get so high from any given amount of pot, but why put 4oz of bud into butter only to have it last a couple of weeks when i put that 4oz through my bong and make it last a month?


I gotta admit i agree with you about the plant controlling us, but i believe the high was just the icing on the cake that has enforced its cultivation world wide. the plant literally has tens of thousands of other uses, most of which we are only just discovering, but thousands of years ago it was used for everything from clothing, shelter, medicine, rope, food, etc. and even upto the end of world war 2 it was indespensable to humanity, so much so that the USA actually made a video called hemp for victory and asks farmers to help the country by growing it!!! sadly though the reality is that even if cannabis didnt get people high, there are too many uses for the plant to have it remain legal. you say that we blame it on big pharma, the oil companies, etc. which is totally wrong, but i say you're the one that is wrong and recommend that you watch a little doco called grass. you can look up the imdb info here and you can download it from here although you'll probably need to update your codecs to play it...


as for the mental health issues associated with cannabis, didnt you watch the catalyst episode the other day which gave the definitive answer on it all? they said 1% of the population was schizophrenic or phycotic and that 10% of those cases wouldnt have occured if it wasnt for cannabis. based on their math, 0.1% of society is at risk from going crazy from cannabis...when it comes to drugs, a figure like that is definately worth getting your panties in a bunch, but not because its bad, but because medicine hasnt had anything nearly as safe, not even in these so called moden times :huh:

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0.1% of society is at risk from going crazy from cannabis...when it comes to drugs, a figure like that is definately worth getting your panties in a bunch, but not because its bad, but because medicine hasnt had anything nearly as safe, not even in these so called moden times


Very good point WantDa :peace:


I've seen a marriage destroyed by a Nurofen addiction and you don't need to risk prosecution to buy that shit :huh:


If the pot-bashers were as critical of all medicine as they are of this herb(that's been used for millenia!), maybe their arguments would carry more weight.


Like most on this site, I'm fully aware of the health risks associated with smoking anything, but considering some of the chemicals, fumes and carcinogens that I've been exposed to in various jobs, cannabis pales in comparison.


Don't get angry/aggressive danoz, get educated :D

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