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Lets have an Australia wide march in each capitol city

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I just wonder why it is so important to some people to continually argue that Nimbin does no good? :smoke:

Simply because yourself and others paint the the Mardi Grass as a 'Law Reform' get together. When that's not the sole/main intention.


I'm going because its a great atmosphere and the only cannabis law reform rally in Australia, and it does get news coverage.


No doubt it has a great atmosphere, witnessed it myself many moons ago. But seriously, what is achieved by a bunch of people gettin' ripped off their tits. Hangin' around, chanting law reform in the scrub.


I hope in the future there will be other protest events that I will be able to attend as well, but atm, there aren't. Thats what this thread should be about. :peace:


Indeed, just spare us the Nimbin spiel. Because chaining yourself to helicopters and burning down cop shops. Is doing jack shit for the cause, other than fkn it up for everyone. A couple of times mentioned in this thread that Nimbin has been at it for 30 years. Anyone care to show what positive change they have bought about in that time, or post details of what was achieved at last years mardi grass, other than a group smoke up?


Time for a sensible business like approach, similar to the way others countries are bringing about a positive change to cannabis law reform.


EDIT: To be honest. The only sensible approach that i believe has surfaced in the last couple of weeks is what Luke suggested in this thread An Australian NORML organisation?.

Edited by Indycar
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i will support that

i have been hoping to see that dream come to frutition for years now

i cant dowit

oz normal

yes love dat

but i can support you wid what ever u need

make we know it


just ask

want a web site?????

need a ph??????

i will help in what ever way i can


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Anyone care to show what positive change they have bought about in that time,


well "they" I dunno if I can speak for everyone in Nimbin, really only speak from Iself..


I am Radics partner Nyah

It's really a personal journey of looking inside for the courage to be yourself and live your truth

Nimbin has a darkside there is no denying it, but I say whoever is in denial of their own is part of the problem

alot of folk come here to Nimbin with positive intentions, altruistic intentions, misguided perhaps and yet there is a magic simply for the fact that Nimbin is seen as a relative "Freedom Zone"

we care about our natural environs, that is clear and obvious is it not?

we support the natural approach whereva possible

we support peaceful solutions to all problems

we face the fear of being bold and different to try help achieve the Freedoms of Rights that everyone is entitled to

we cherish richness of cultural expression

we are upfront and like to keep a sense of transparentcy in our works

sure that may invite critism and yet the controversy keeps people talking about the issues that are so crucial to everyones lives

I and I as a Realized RastaFarI embrace our uniqueness and invite everyone to be bold and shine your light fearlessly!

what can be so wrong about showing love and passion for what you believe in?

anyways we will no doubt face the consequences as they come and continue to learn from our experiences

so, eventually, due to sheer will to prevail righteously

we will win our designated freedoms

and true, brudda, the I (that is you!) is so welcome to set an example for us wayward Nimbinites to follow and show us how its done, we are doing our best with the circumstances we find ourselves in and love love love to see movement on any and everyfront, no going back now!

if yah nah like our reprasentation of yah, step out my friend and lead the way!!!!!!!

we not too proud to be taught and guided

we can arrange a soap box for yah if yah wanna speak out against we approaches, SHOW US THE LIGHT MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!

I and I are willing to support and do all in I power whatever will best achieve Iyah goals

so consider I onboard this righteous train

I may be different but I'm not stupid or intentionally screwing anything up for anybody

sure I've had I struggles with mental illness, poverty, ailenation, paranoia,

if you traveled I road of life you would struggle it too

not that different from everyone and yet not willing to be lead, like lambs to the slaughter

Jesus already did that for us all, to save us the misery of soul bondage

so I feel no way about giving Iyah life for the benefit of the whole

dem can tek i body but dem caarn tek I and I soul!!!!!!

if I live up Righteous

read yah Book of Life

you will see

Blessings Love and Iternal Guidance

Sistah Empress Nyah I JahLove Conscious

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datz my Empress Nyah

and dats why i love her soooooo




stand up

or shut up


now hear diss


i will set up a website for oz normal for 1yr free rent


who will keep it updated and maintain it????????



i will set up a web site for each oz citty for 3mths free


who wants to organize their own march in solidarity with the international action???????


who will maintain and update sydney, brisbane melbourne ect????????



what about a Official Cannabis Research site

a data base of scientific studdies


any1 interested???????


any group of ppl interested????


letz get this joint rollin

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Nice of you to come forward Nyah. :bow:


I do believe that Radic 'n yourself mean well, that is quite obvious 'n fortunate you both share a certain level of peace. Believe it or not, i found it myself once, but not quite in a rasta way. But that was some time ago 'n i've since been thrusted back into society (to cut a long story short) and can see both sides of it. The thing is general society doesn't quite share your same views, which is a damn shame. Everything now is cut 'n thrust 'n sign on the dotted line, all is official nowadays 'n very few deals are settled with a handshake agreement, alone. Much has changed, except for cannabis reform. So because of the way things are, i tend to believe we need to meet them on their level and in a manner that is acceptable within today's standards.


You state that 'we support peaceful solutions to all problems'. This is correct, 'n that's why we need individuals to settle down on the anarchy 'n rebellious ways that both Robbie 'n Radic have mentioned how things have gone down in the past. Believe it or not, most would frown upon others that burn down government buildings that are funded by taxpayers money.


As for the soapbox, I'll admit whole heartedly, that i am far from being the public speaking type. But i do have the skills to make a good gofer, that can run around and organize things. That's why i haven't nor ever will be a public speaker on any subject, weather it be cannabis related or not. Thanks for the offer all the same, but i do know my personal limits.


Peace to both Radic 'n yourself, but do believe we need to confront 'The System" on their level and to their standard, if we want to be taken seriously with this matter. So i tend to believe that the Australian approach would benefit with association of a global organization like NORML or L.E.A.P. I can't help but think irrational or poorly organized group or individual actions will do more harm than good, long term. To cannabis reform within Australia.



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The help (or just the name) of a global organisation would be great but they might not be willing to start a chapter based on a few emails. They have a reputation they've built carefully for decades and I doubt they'll throw their moniker around willy-nilly.


Maybe we should start our own? It should start small, online based, with small aims. Maybe even within this forum (with the permission of admin)? or close ties to it


even if it was just a case of every week setting an assignment , i.e. everyone has to post an LTE, letter to the local council, whatever... just something that gets everyone's ball rolling, and gets at least A word out there, cos right now there is barely one at all. you don't have to be a public speaker to have a public voice!


radic & nyah huge props to you guys... burning cones rather than cop stations is more my style but I love your enthusiasm and attitude, inspiring :bow: I think we need to just let the truth out and show everyone they have nothing to fear and everything to gain fro cannabis, all action needs to be positive!


would love to make or even help out with a website

Edited by HighRising
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The help (or just the name) of a global organisation would be great but they might not be willing to start a chapter based on a few emails. They have a reputation they've built carefully for decades and I doubt they'll throw their moniker around willy-nilly.

Exactly HighRising :bow:

Here's just an example to what happens if someone steps out of line with LEAP Press Releases › LEAP does not endorse "Never Get Busted Again"

It sounds heavy handed, but they do have a reputation to maintain 'n it only takes one loose cannon to bring things undone.



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irey thanx



why not givit a go bro

you write well mate

you know you could do it

if you hav the time and energy

i know you have the conviction

i feel confident in your ability to nouse it out. its not that hard

i dont care how you dress or who you address

attack from all fronts is required

when i setup your site you can choose the colours ,gffx and set the grearal theme to sute your target

and ofcourse you control the content

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Umm, i think your missing my angle Radic. I'm not starting or taking on anything. Not unless my finances and/or services are required within global or national pro-cannabis organization that may kick off in Australia one day, and only prepared to pay/work with an organization that is prepared to "play by the rules".


No way in hell do i ever want to be associated with an organization that carries out indiscriminate random acts of vandalism or uncouth behavior. Simply because i don't want to tarnish cannabis reputation any futher, than what it has been already. :bow:



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indy help me please

lets get dis straight


you dont want to accept a free procannabis law reform web site to administer how you see fit

from me cause i live in Nimbin and you dont want to be assiciated with Nimbin.

is dat what i man hear?????

cause you would hav non

let me assure you every ting is irey

i would just be donating $ to your group by paying ya rent for 1yr

cant i even donate to your cause?????

i support it

we both want the same ting

free cannabis



well my offer still stands

hope u reconsider



all you brave oz stoners who do reach Nimbin

anytime and everytime


please do come and say hi

my address and contactx is at we site

check it


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