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I think people are finding it frustrating because these 2 particular paragraphs in particular do not only lack specifics but are misinformed and fallacious. What Im getting out of this, is that whatever ever reasonings you might have - what is it exactly about indoor cultivation that you are so strongly apposed? Or are you just anti indoor cultivated cannabis in general?

  • [1]artificial lighting
    [2]hydroponics - as you know can be done outdoors aswell
    [3]indica dominant strains
    [5]all of the above

We are NOT referring to commercial Indoor hydroponic cannabis indica strains, genetically modified variants of Cannabis that produces disproportionate amounts of THC in a very short time under very bright electric lights with its roots in chemicals.


This whole genetically modified myth came about a particular marketing ploy for a strain (G-13) by some seed company, the prior reference to the DEA (however it was CIA/FBI) etc, its myth and everyone knows that. For your reference. Please feel free to do more research on your own.


Urban myth. It might also be pointed out that a higher THC content is actually desired by medicial use. But its obviously something you object too. You can do some research on THC and overdose yourself.

This myth also perpetuates the same fear mongering that you would expect from the media.


You obviously dont like indica grown under lights in hydroponics, everyone has a preference.

perhaps something more appropiate for your own *preference*?


We are NOT referring to indoor hydoponic cannabis, we here at H*E*M*P*Bar prefer and encourage people to consider only organically grown outdoor sativa based cannabis.


..and leave it something like that. Please?


Since opening day in the H*E*M*P*Bar telling the truth as we see it about "hydro" has been a major focus, tho we think of it as alerting our patrons to all of the very real dangers associated with "hydro" (particularly commercial) and especially in the understanding of the conspiracy (oil companies and chemical companies) that is behind the entire hydroponic industry.


Im sorry if I Ive offended in the past but it is not my intention to do so here. But this whole whole paragraph is just unsubstanciated misinformation and myth. Its your mission statement, but is this paragraph at all necessary? So many have previously responded extremely well as to why it isnt, so I wont repeat it here.


The picture Im getting is your worried about losing your niche in nimbin, you dont like the negative attention youve recieved from the media and we can all sympathise with that.


But these paragraphs in particular, seem to be serving you own interests. I and others have a problem with that, just remember the rest of people in the cannabis community you will be throwing to the lions.


These divisive statements you have made will not exempt you from any government lead prohibition, it will not save you.

It will harm us all.



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read this pls wildflower






also i have made a small change bout 2 words that changes the whole emphasis if the paragraph


i have never said pot was GE how ever it has been so over bred with as many "strains" as there are growers and the genetics scrambled so as to be almost unrecognisable compared to its parents

not that all of that is all bad but much of the breeding is for cannabis that grows quickly and looks good

this is often at the exspence of qualities like flavour, THC content, and other traits that the "home grower" would value


more words added to clarificatoin page


i have also run over the mission statment with a knowledgable Hydro grower collegue Dr Budd and he can find little wrong with it when seen in its full context




Dave Cannabis

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Your clarification page is a crock of shit, I'm sorry.




You contradict yourselves in that new page so many times.





"Many commercial growers of hyroponic cannabis are unscrupulous and will use what ever they think will help their pot sell or grow quicker."


-The word "hydroponic" should not be there. You should be making a broad reference to ALL commericial cannabis, not JUST hydro. For FUCK sake.





"Genetic modification through breeding is still genetically modified NOT to be confused with genetic engineering, which has dangers yet unknown,"


-So GM has dangers that are known you are saying and GE has dangers which are unknown? More rubbish. Get rid of it. Stop harping on about genetics, you are wrong still.





"And because the cannabis is grown in an artificial environment, pests can quickly multiply and devastate a crop as there are no predators or other agents to control thier numbers. The unwary or unscrupulous might use chemicals that are harmfull, chemicals that could be very dangerous when ingested in smoke"


-And you're saying this doesnt equally apply to outdoor plants too? Give me a break...

-Also, indoor pot is less likely to get bugs in the first place but you failed to mention that. You are BIASED.





"One of the dangers not often expressed and which applies equally to outdoor cannabis"


So you are saying all the stuff above does not apply EQUALLY to indoor and outdoor, but only the bit at the end? BULLSHIT!.




You have read what we are trying to say to you and that is to just remove the whole thing about hydro all together.


Simply make a reference to commericial growers if you feel you guys need to justify yourselves and be done with it.



You also havn't removed the rest of your lies from the original page.


Why can't you just remove the whole thing? You don't have to fill up space on your website you know?


Did you know it is better to have original and TRUE content on your site rather than have a page full of lies and dribble?


Please listen to us and remove your lies and false propaganda from your site as it is detremental to us ALL.

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a few things that need pointing out are that the big commercial growers and i dont mean like 250 plants, im talking like 100,000+ plants ALL grow outdoors, ALL use those chemicals and every single one of them dont give a shit what they are selling as long as it brings them a profit ^_- indoor commercial growers just cant get anything near what an outdoor grower can get and as such these large commercial growers have taken over national forests instead of using a bedroom in their own house...which is the lesser evil is obvious in my eyes, regardless of the final product.


genetically modified indica strains? sure i can accept that on the basis selective breeding amounts to genetic modification which in the grand scheme of things it does, but i highly doubt you can give me a single example of a plant that is commercially available to humans that hasnt been altered by selective breeding :peace: besides that, what about the sativa strains like haze or even landrace strains like thai? you cant honestly believe that even being a landrace strain like the thai means that it hasnt been selectively bred by humans to increase the strains overall quality can you?


the hydroponics industry doesnt conspire against us either, infact getting marijuana even more illegal than what it is now would be bad for their business :peace: if anything they are taking advantage of our situation knowing full well that if we grow outdoors we run the risk of getting ripped or busted ;)


i respect that the hemp bar has its own rules and regulations, but when the aim of the hemp bar is to get marijuana legalised, education instead of fear mongering should be used. eg. when you consider alot of people can only grow indoors due to being ripped, busted, etc. you should try and educate them so they only grow healthy buds that have been flushed of the nutrients, etc. instead of declaring hydro has real dangers especially when grown commercially :peace:


oh and one last thing before i go, would you prefer a strain with 4% thc or 14%? while 4% will be a good smoke that gets you high, the 14% stuff would have the same effect as getting 3 cones in a row of the 4% stuff...now correct me if im wrong, but wouldnt a chop that is over 3x as potent mean less cones need smoking in order to get the same final effects? spose you could just say a person would finish the bowl anyway and just get 3x as stoned, but if you had petrol that made your car go 3x as far would you get it or the normal stuff?


ok, made my point so its now time for my pre-midday session :)

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Thanks Budman 2012. I might have something more to say about the important medical aspects later on, I am currently reading through the medical scientific literature. But I can tell you for now that a lot of people with a range of conditions are finding considerable symptomatic relief from sensibly used products containing various cannabinoids, not just THC. Vapourisers, cooking, and tinctures seem to be popular ways for the medical users to take it.


Thanks also stonedstump and pipeman. And there have been plenty of good comments on this thread from others too.




Exactly. The whole indoor/inorganic/indica nonsense.


Just remove the unnecessary and inaccurate material from your mission statement. You can still strongly and clearly state your preference and philosophy, without also unjustifiably rubbishing the indoor/inorganic/indica personal growers. In particular, do not associate them with commercial production at any level. You will win no friends that way.


If you want to criticise the indoor/inorganic/indica ways of growing then do so on the basis of science.


Is that so unreasonable?


I do acknowledge and appreciate the good work you guys at HEMP Bar and in the Nimbin area have done, and the risks you have taken, for the pro-reform movement. But don't blow it now. If the filth are breathing down your neck heavily and unpleasantly, why don't you just drop the high profile activism and lay low for a while? There are no prizes for always being a front line martyr.


And that is all I have to say on the subject.




[Fires up a nice full bowl from his latest, carefully nurtured, and much appreciated indoor/inorganic/indica crop. Settles back into couch at end of long day. Ahhh. Now, where is that unnatural TV remote control? lol]

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