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Now I Am Offended , And Very Dissapointed ...


It seems you have totally ignored anything I have to say , others also ofc.


You ask us to respond and explain???


You have not read this thread all the way thru have you.


I like to take my time and read what has been said b4 starting to ramble on about BS (Which I do do sometimes)


Your stance has been totally lax in effort to discuss the topic , if indeed you are not just totally havin' a go at the members of this site.


I am very sorry to hear you have the awful Cancer , and I wish you the best ofc. , I think ... If you were really in pain from all this you would have more of an open mind towards others veiws of pain relief at least ... surely


For you guyz to put forth a suggestion of open minded opinion discussion and then totally 360 on it is disgraceful to say the least.


Now ... I'm not trying to be harsh ,

I just don't understand that a fellow NSW MJ advocate could "Advocate" such ignorance ...



Well , sorry If I was too harsh , I don't think I was , and in no way is this an attack on anyone o.k. :bow:


Budman ... Out. (nearly of being nice and patient ... respond damn you!) :toke:


I've a right mind to come over there next week and give you all a good talking to. (Mainly just a friendly G'day) B)


Hehehe , seeyas , Fun Lovin Hippies. (What the hell makes you think I'm not!? Huh!?) hehehe , Nimbin.


Budman ... oh .. oh yeah , I already typed this. :)

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mmm hydro V's Organic ...


if you grow out doors in soil then the plant still has salts and minerals (chemicals) from the soil with in that plant, unless you pull your plant, roots and all and leave it in a bucket of water for at least 3 days then those salts and minerals(chemicals) are still with in the plant... by rinsing and giving the plant straight water at the end leaches the remaining chemicals from the plant resulting in a smoother tastier smoke...some oldtimers will have sugar blend and swear by that....


hydro nutes arent chemicals... they are minerals and salts.. theres a difference.. the plant takes the same nutes from hydro as it does with soil and convert those minerals and salts to usable starches and sugars... so the end product theoretically should be the same...


my hydro, I have clean rain water running through with a reading of 30ppm at the time of harvest... this tells me that there is no chemicals in the plant...AT ALL


this is just a personal theory.... but my hydro always taste cleaner and smoother than my out door... yes I grow out doors too now that I can, city growers dont have that luxury, fence jumpers and shit...


with all that said, I totally agree with the hemp bars stance.. we are all aloud to have different views, we call this freedom of speech.. enjoy that while ya can cause we wont have it much longer...

a lot of hydro thats grown for commercial reasons is hardly, if ever flushed, its never dried/manicured properly and is so harsh to smoke it hurts to breathe after wards... totally true...a lot samples given to me by other growers goes in to the scraps jar...and I can totally see the anomosity towards hydro...its sort of justified...out of 100 hydro growers 1 or 2 might know what they are doing... doesnt meen they wont get there in the end, it takes time to master...


when hydro started to be really prominant about 1988-1990, theres been the debate on the health issues .... the goverment was saying with in 3 years you will be dead from smoking this new super bud grown hydroponically...

ive grown hydro for nearly 20 years, smoked it for longer...(I used to race mountain bikes up untill 4-5 years ago, I still ride)....ive seen some crap in my time.. and hydroponic pot grown properly is absolutlely no more harmful than outdoor... if any, its cleaner, when grown properly....

ive always grown for personal use first... as with most if not all of the members here at OS...and in any case theres nothing stopping me from using organic nutrients in my hydro system... my system sees quite a bit of my worm juice...which cranks by the way...:toke:


theres more than one way to skin a cat...



ps. its been 5 years since Ive been in the country, every grower dissed my hydro.. they were sworn bushies.. now they grow indoors.... every grower dissed me for scabbing their leaf and scraps... now they all make hash...

pps. if it wasnt for indoor growers around the world there wouldnt be as many choice strains to grow...

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there is a lack of understanding somewhere...

:freak: there is no lack of understanding here guys, and as it seems that u are either unable or unwilling to list any evidence to support your claims about cannabis indica or hydroponics cannabis ( other than the fact that u personaly don't like them ) I thought I'd point out a few facts on your behalf.


:peace: The following books along with web sites to numerous to list here have been used as refference.


Marijuana Myths Marijuana facts , a review of the scientific evidence (Lynne Zimmer,Ph.D. / John P Morgan,M.D)

The Great Book of Hemp ( Rowan Robinson )

The Emperor Wears No Clothes ( Jack Herer )

Offbeat Marijuana ( Saul Rubin )

Marihuana Reconsidered (Lester Grinspoon , M.D. )

Cannabis Alchemy ( D.Gold )

Marijuana Medical Handbook ( Ed Rosenthal / Dale Gieringer / Tod Mikuriya,M.D. )

Cannabis and Cancer ( Pauline Reilly )

Marijuana Botany ( Robert Connell Clarke )

Marijuana Chemistry ( Michael Starks )

Hemp diseases and pests ( J.M.McPartland / R.C.Clarke / D.P.Watson )

Marijuana Australia ( Jay Jay & Friends )

Marijuana outdoors Guerilla growing ( Jorge Cervantes )

Why Marijuana should be legal ( Ed Rosenthal / Steve Kubby )

Marijuana A Growers Lot ( Kog )

Hashish ( Robert Connell Clarke )


:peace: Lets start with cannabis classification........


As the LAW sees it , the cannabis plants are all classed as one species ( cannabis sativa ) either grown for fibre, medicine or recreational use.


From a botanical point of view, there is still alot of debate . Most sources list three species of cannabis ( sativa, which is separated into domesticated and escaped, and indica and ruderaliss )

As a general rule most sources refer to sativa as a fiber variety and indica as a drug variety although the point is made that this is a generalization as both varietys CAN show traits either way.

The only true wild cannabis is ruderaliss which has very little use as either a fiber or a drug plant.

Some texts refer to a fourth species, cannabis afghanica, the species first described as a "drug variety" of cannabis, as this was its only cultivated use in Afghanistan and the surrounding areas it was discovered. It has no use as fiber.

Indica plants (which originate from Asia ) are regularly refered to as this drug variety. Something that many texts say is most dissapointing and can be attributed to mis-information spread by the seed breeders of the 70's.

Some texts list over 30 different species (not strains) of cannibis plants from around the world , which include ornamental, fiber and drug varieties . Although they go on to say that many of these are probably sub-species of sativa, indica, ruderaliss or afghanica.

It must be also noted that in countries where cannabis is not a native plant the gene pool has come from many and varied sources from around the world. Pollen from one cannabis stand, can and does, carry on the wind to pollinate plants in other stands. This is something that can only be avoided by the most isolated of outdoor growers ( ever had seeds even though you pulled all the males ) or by growing indoors.

:toke: cannabis breeding ( genetic manipulation & genetic engineering )...........


All text I read on the subject says that the only variety of cannabis that can be classed as a true wild variety is cannabis ruderalis . All other varieties have been cultivated ( geneticaly manipulated ) by man over a recorded history of more than 10,000 yrs and probably much longer , and no longer resemble the ancestors that they were bred from , the same as every fruit and vegetable available to us today , including all "heirloom and cottage garden varieties". Wild strains of cannabis sativa are not true " wild plants " because their gene pool can be traced back to cultivated ancestors.

All cannabis varieties will cross with each other to produce viable seed. As a plant that has been cultivated by man over so many years it is very common to find mixed gene pools. This is especially true for countries were it is not native.

I could find no information to prove that genetic engeneering has been applied to cannabis but there is alot of info to say it is possible to splice genes from plants, animals, fungus and bacteria etc. into cannabis to acheive desired traits. Most of this info was in relation to the legal breeding of new hemp varieties but it must also apply to all cannabis.


:toke: Differing cannabinoid levels........



Cannabis plants contain many different known (not all understood) chemicals, and alot that we don't yet know. The cannabinoids are probably the ones that apply to us the most.They are the known phsyco active chemicals.



:) sorry guys, just woke up in front of the comp, got alot more to write will list again soon.

:doh: If anyone has any more facts on this subject please list them on this thread, I would love to read them.

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With the invasive helicopters and associated stress of having four or five pounds in the back yard to last the year out until nest season, well, I gave up and moved indoors.


I used to carry on like a cut snake about organically grown outdoor strains, then I got a light, found a bottle of hydro nutrients labelled organic, threw some cuttings into some coco-peat on a timer driven recycling reticulation system.


I have not looked back, I have stopped deluding myself about the evils of hydro and consider myself a converted grower.


The thing is though, I find myself becoming a bit of a pot-snob.


Other people's pot just isn't good enough, even the hydro grown by my friends lacks the personalised yumminess of my own.

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