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i should have noticed the typo in you quote "We ARE NOT saying to the government or police that we think they should arrest indoor growers, we say change the law on outdoor for fibre, fuel, food and medicine. we don't say indica or sativa, we say cannabis."


and change it to...


We ARE NOT saying to the government or police that we think they should arrest indoor growers, we say change the law on cannabis for fibre, fuel, food and medicine. we don't say indica or sativa, we say cannabis.


till next





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Its a pity all well thought out and articulate responses to you anti-hydro stance has been completely disregarded.

At all times you have both come from the position of "PROVE WHY WE ARE WRONG" rather than you having make any effort whatsoever to "PROVE THAT YOU ARE RIGHT". Dont you think thats being a bit arogant? Are you are not READING what we have been saying.

I've had suspicions beginning and question your motives for taking the stance you have. You even left it up to us to contribute to your mission statement. Not only that, give us a timeline, disregard our contributions. Say times up, too bad.


What are we pieces of shit?


i couldn't agree more wildflower....


bigbong and dave.. you appear to be completely ignoring the well written and civilised questions that have been put forward here in this thread. specifically, do you understand that your current position is detrimental to the relegalisation of cannabis? also, when you ask us to do research to provide background to YOUR spurious claims about....


That was when we realized that the deadly combination of too much thc, dodgy growing practices (bug spray etc) and the artificiality mechanism together, when added to the flouride and other bacteria killing chemicals in city water was most likely the cause of pot pschyosis.


i feel you have got the wrong end of the stick. it is YOU that are making these claims to the detriment of us all in the community and therefore it should be YOU that provide us doubters with corroberative evidence to substantiate YOUR claims.


it is hard to believe that for activists of such long standing, you have allowed the government to hoodwink you into their propoganda machine, and your belief that....


imagine if hydroponic indica was only a northern hemisphere phenomenon, imagine black market grows didn't exist and the Government couldn't use pot pychosis as their excuse. A cycnic would say the government will find another reason, I say that they would relegalize due to overwhelming evidence of the benefits of Cannabis


is surprisingly naive.


i am not going to say this debate should be closed down, but i personally am feeling very frustrated with your lack of response to the questions asked of you and the lack of evidence to back up your claims about deadly thc... so, if this debate does go around the same loop again without some questions being answered then i think i will have reached my personal tolerance limit and will have to start adding names to my ignore list (for the first time ever in my life) and finding out if it is possible to 'ignore' a specific thread so that i dont end up rereading the same thing over again.



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webgreetings wildflower.


looks like you posted before you read my last post..


It is the governemnt who says prove THEM wrong about keeping cannabis illegal.


We have to prove the proof to them.


I would welcome the chance to have every piece of information you possess, perhaps then, with your infomation we will be able to change the way the government thinks of hydro, i can't based on my research.


Goverment doesnt give a damn about truth and proof, you know that. Dont you we might make more grounds with public awareness instead? Oh thats right theyre too busy up to their eyeballs in debt (off topic sorry). Whats left is the fellow cannabis cultivator. Its all you got.


In passing, i would suggest that when you assemble your words to the goverenment don't speak to them the way you been speaking to me.


You haven't changed my mind about indica and hydro in general, let alone specifics.


No ones asking you to change your mind, whatever one prefers - However it doesnt make it just for you be RIGHT and others WRONG. based on pure PREFERENCE. You constantly argue PREFERENCE and justify it with untruths (but you dont have justify your preference to anyone!). However when it comes to cannabis reform, and everyone concerned...facts matter.


Perhaps I have, on occasion, generalized too much in some of my earlier posts, I try to keep my word assemblies as readable as possible without bogging down too much in specifics and if i have failed in anyway, that is my fault rather the the ideas i am trying to express, due perhaps to the time available for me to answer this forum. But I am prepared to grind it out.


till next






Theres a difference between POLICY and perference. For what whatever reasoning we could debate endlessly about, you are making your personal preferences and making it HEMPbar Policy .

Whatever your beliefs about cannabis its relationship with nature and mother earth etc. In the time being deal in the facts for everyones sake. But HEMPbar and your activisim is yours to do what you wish, there was some objections to your policy and your perfectly free to disregard it.

What makes you assume im not a hippy? I thought my name and tie-die fractal avatar made it obvious. :peace:


Edited by wildflower
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G'day all , I hope your well ,


Hi Bigbong , I think you know that I agree with these guyz , I have been completely amazed by some of your responses regarding the way we are trying to discuss this with you guyz. The crew here at Ozstoners are a very intelligent bunch , and some of them do more research than I could ever hope to.

I respect your opinions and your preferences (In fact I agree with your preferance for clean quality marijuana and there is a good probability that you are a few years older than me also , I hope this doesn't make you think that some of us are just inexperienced Stoners who haven't ever read a book or several.

I have never had access to the Internet up until about 2 months ago. Yet I know all this information anyway. Bcuz I have read a good portion of all the classic books on the subject when I was younger and I still do , I'm not going to list all these books bcuz you would know of them all.


Sheesh , sorry if this post is a bit disjointed man , I'm a little stoned :peace:


Um ... O.k. ... Well I was just going to post something like Wildflower did at the start of the page , but then I noticed his and jags thread , so I didn't need to Bcuz theirs are better :blink: Hehehe


But I did want to tell you guyz that I am slightly offended that when I made some decent comments and suggestions Iwas totally ignored , and then your replies were mostly along the lines of , That We are attacking you , We have made no positive statements and did not contribute any decent suggestions.

I do refer you back to the point I made about the use of Medical Marijuana , Hey man , I grow organically outside aswell o.k. But the stronger levels of THC really help relieve , at least , my conditions.

I don't want to have to buy commercial weed full stop. But the sad fact is that I sometimes have to. Surely you don't think badly of me for doing that , I am not a criminal , but the laws we all despise class me as one. Its silly and I'm sure you will agree. :)


So , I hope I made sense and didn't offend you :) hehehe jj :yahoo:


Seeya round tha joint man ,

Stay Cool

From Budman. :peace:

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Big Bong good onya for 'griding it out' as we are finally getting down to the real reasons for your apparent support of government policy regarding 'Cannabis related psychosis'


I dont think there will ever be room for indoor growers under you Mission Statement as your statement is a reflection of a collective of select hippys who have built thier lives around a small rural town where cannabis use is tolerated as a way of life.... and you will go to any length to ensure that nothing changes. which is understandable


But to go with the present political rhetoric and demonise your brethren (who sometimes have no other way of being able to partake in the herb) because of thier horticultural practices ..... all with the hope that the authorities will continue to turn a blind eye toward Nimbin? .... its like selling your soul to the devil.



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At the end of the day, I hope everyone who reads this thread *genuinely* questions their choice of growing medium/method and choice of cannabis seeds.


The ignorant will write off everything we say as bullshit and keep their head in the sand, the open minded will say, maybe there is a grain of truth in what they say and do some research.


till next





As soon as you quite kindly subdivide me 1/2 an acre for less than $300k I would gladly move to outdoor growing of sativas, however, as long as I need to be in the city and have neigbours and criminals who like to jump fences, I will be growing under artificial light, I still grow in the dirt (mother nature in a pot) however I also see nothing wrong with hydroponics (You do know that a plant will break down even fully organic soil into raw chemical elements before absorbing them, just like a human does), and as I just got my electricity bill, I will continue to grow sativa/indica crosses so I can use as little electricity as possible, if I could use the sun I would quite happily flower some 13 plus week sativas :peace: guess we all can't live in quiet country towns, cause then they wouldn't be quiet country towns anymore would they....any grains of truths in there?

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Have you guys at the hemp bar actually read any of our responses properly?


There have been many responses on here that spell it out in black and white why you should REMOVE (not change, but REMOVE) the lies from your website.


There is no need for me to repeat them but I know pipeman, EntyMan wrote some good stuff and if you read it, it makes sense.


If you read their posts, you would also see that they don't bring down outdoor grown cannabis.



As others have said, you should make a distinction between commericial grown cannabis (which is indoor AND outdoor).


You should remove the false writings about "hydro" from your site.


You should then simply endorse outdoor grown weed and be done with it, as others have said. Just make a distinction between personal and commericial, NOT indoor/outdoor/indica/sativa -- WE ARE IN THE SAME BOAT TOGETHER, WHY SEPERATE EVERYONE INTO SUB-GROUPS??


Please can't you see the sense in what we are all saying?

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well its seems not one of you are capable of putting togetther a 1 or 2 line rave of why hydro is good


pity but my offer has expired



Dave Cannabis



:peace: When u have finnished looking down your nose at everyone Dave , read this thread over from beginning to end , u must have missed what everyone is trying to say to u.

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Bigbong scare tactics about "cannabis psychosis" is nothing new mate. Ever heard of the film Reefer Madness? Long before the days of hydro. Drug lawmakers have ALWAYS claimed pot makes ya go crazy, or evil, or both. The indoor superskunk/hydro thing is only the latest excuse. And guess what, you're helping them make that excuse, helping cannabis get a bad name, helping people fear drugs. You think that helps law reform?


also what are you talking about fibre & fuel for? surely you don't mean hemp? mate this is what I think of the hemp industry.


firstly hemp is legal and secondly the hemp industry does NOT support cannabis law reform so why should we have anything to do with them? :peace:

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