Cannabis Hemp News
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A MAN appeared in court yesterday charged over a multimillion-dollar cannabis crop. Van Son Tran, 36, of Lansvale, faced Parramatta Local Court on a string of drugs charges, including cultivating cannabis. The charges follow a police operation that spanned three years and which involved raids on several houses in Sydney's south-west. Cannabis plants worth $3.24million were allegedly seized during the operation. Tran was described in court by police as a "key figure in an organised criminal syndication". The latest raid occurred on March 6 on two houses. In a property at Fairfield, police allegedly found two rooms and a garage filled with 143 cannabis plants, w…
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
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Sue Blackmore is right to complain about our politicians' new standard soundbite on youthful drug use: it was wrong; I have learnt my lesson; drugs are wrong; and I did not particularly enjoy smoking cannabis. Based on a focus group of government ministers, the drug must be so tedious that it's difficult to see how dope dealers stay in business - except that some people must quite enjoy cannabis, otherwise it wouldn't be a £5bn industry and we wouldn't have to worry about banning it. The feeling seems to be that if you smoke cannabis, but don't like it, then you're somehow morally untainted by the experience. Please - if you eat bacon, but don't like it, it doesn't make y…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
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Date: 18/07/07 Source: Sky News Copyright: 2007 BSkyB
Last reply by sunnycoaststoner, -
- 420 Crew
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Author: AAP Date: July 20, 2007 - 6:07AM Source: The Sydney Morning Herald Copyright: 2007, AAP "Cop price" analysis: 11.5kg = 25.35lbs. 25.35lbs for $100,000 = $3944/lb or $246/oz. For once an almost realistic "cop price" estimate- but ppl moving poundage like that are not likely to see that sort of money. Bulk rate of about ~$2K/lb sounds more likely.
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
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FYI on a great article... Love and a squish, Alison xx CN SN: Column: The Law Has Little Influence On Marijuana Use URL: Newshawk: CMAP Rate this article Votes: 0 Webpage: Pubdate: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 Source: Regina Leader-Post (CN SN) Copyright: 2007 The Leader-Post Ltd. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Dan Gardner Bookmark: (Canna…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
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PARIS — Teenagers see wine and spirits as "old France" and are increasingly turning to cannabis to let their hair down, according to a national study on its consumption. Jean-Michel Costes, head of the French drugs and addiction watchdog, OFDT*, said yesterday that French cannabis use has soared in the past 15 years and is now almost on a par with Britain. While the French drink half the amount they did in the 1960s, cannabis consumption among the 18–35 year olds has more than tripled since the early 1990s, the report found. France is now just behind Britain, Spain, Switzerland, and Europe's heaviest cannabis users, the Czech Republic. "There is a big cultural dif…
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
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Source: i bet he wont smoke up with daniel johns again
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
Breaking News - Canadian Marijuana laws declared unconstitutonal 1 2
by Guest niall-
- 420 Crew
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Breaking News - Canadian Marijuana laws declared unconstitutional Lightening struck twice for Lawyer Brian McAllister of Ontario, Canada. This is the second time that McAllister has succeeding in convincing a judge to declare Canadian pot laws unconstitutional. The last time he succeeded all pot charges were quietly dismissed over an entire summer by the Canadian government, until a collateral attack by another case was used by the courts as an excuse to resurrect a dead law. Michele Kubby argued before the BC Supreme Court that you cannot resurrect a dead law and that you cannot use a collateral attack to gut…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
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There's an article over at the SMH site about pot: There's also an opportunity to add to the comments, so here's a chance to have a bit of a speak up on a national level, you can do it anonymously if you like. But while it's in the public spotlight at the moment we should strike while the iron is hot. C'mon M8'S less talk more action. ;-) N
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
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Another story from,00.html Not really much of a story. Two people photographed smoking a jay. However you can comment. THERE IS ALSO A POLL ON LEGALISING CANNABIS AT THE TELEGRAPH. WE WILL LOSE IT BUT PLEASE VOTE ANYWAY. There is also a blog at the about politicians, pot and hypocrisy if you'd like to comment. The intro is a bit long to post. It seems a little can of worms has been opened by Daniel Johns, if nothing else.
Last reply by freddie, -
- 420 Crew
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- 1.1k views sounds like canada's medical marijuana program took 1 step forward and wants to take 2 back more if they start forcing patients to buy government grown shwag that isnt tailored to the individuals needs
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 420 Crew
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Police seize 1,900 cannabis plants in raid Friday, 15 June 2007. 11:18 (AEST) A man has been charged with a number of drug offences after police searched two Wide Bay properties. Police executed search warrants on two properties on Wednesday. They allegedly found 1,900 cannabis plants at a property at Bauple south of Tiaro. A second property at Walligan, west of Hervey Bay, was also searched and police allegedly found a hydroponics system, 53 cannabis plants and two kilograms of dried cannabis. A 54-year-old man has been charged with producing dangerous drugs, possession of property used in the commission of a crime and major possession of dangerous drugs. ABC…
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
from Anyone hoping for a change from Labour may be in for disappointment. I still think his government would be less hard line though. Labour may be more likely to treat it as a health problem. Personally I am voting Greens next election.
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
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Come out of the Cannabis Closet Canada - The Series Here is a peek at some of the most recent things I have been up to... Check them out and please post them EVERYWHERE! Enjoy! Produced and Directed by Lee Hillman, Lorretta Clark and Edited by Cam Lynch. Starring Loretta Clark and Drug Reform Activist Alison Myrden. Come out of the Cannabis Closet Canada The Series Enjoy! Love and a squish, Alison xx Release: IMMEDIATE COME OUT OF THE CANNABIS CLOSET CANADA! If you had or do have MS and the difference in your health with cannabis therapy or not, was like Alison Myrden's health, what w…
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Found: Fri Jul 13 20:32:35 2007 PDT Source: Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Australia Web) Copyright: 2007 Australian Broadcasting Corporation Website: Marijuana's isotopic fingerprint can tell scientists where it came from and how it grew, scientists say (Image: iStockphoto) Scientists say they can tell the origin of marijuana seized in a drugs bust, and whether it was grown inside or out, by looking at its chemical makeup. They say the information could eventually lead to a drug database and 'marijuana map' that could help drug enforcement officials monitor trafficking patterns and trace the contraband to its source. "If you foun…
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -