Movie Reviews
Found a trippy movie or a chill-out film? Discuss, review, and get recommendations for those perfect stoner movie nights.
153 topics in this forum
Lately I have been chillin listening to some Cannabis agenda pod casts, and tryng to find some lectures and information on cannabis and its legalisation what do you guys listen to if anything related to cannabis and activism? And who would be interested in getting an Australian pod cast going ??? thoughts?
Last reply by crimsons, -
Last reply by Allotropy,
- 1 reply
Hi guys! Browsing on StumbleUpon I found this interesting ranking. What do you think? I've tried them all and I must admit that (apart SuperTroopers) are fun as hell! Get a look!
Last reply by How_High, -
- 10 replies
Really good movie, I don't want to got into too much detail as I dOnt want to ruin it. But yeah, anyone else seen leaves of grass? Had me lAughing one sec, the next goin wtf! WAtch it! Watch it now! Hahaha
Last reply by jadcla, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hey just thought i would put up this link to the godfathers of ganja same pretty crazy shit you have to check it out. Square grouper: Nickname given to bales of marijuana thrown overboard or out of airplanes. Origin is reportedly from members of the US Coast Guard in the area of Southern Florida. Take care.
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 11 replies
Just scored a few movies. ..... wondering if anyone seen em and what they thought Emperor Of Hemp. Grass. History Of Marijuana. Hemplands Conspiracy. E01. Hemplands. Hemplands Conspiracy. E02. The Hempire Strikes Back. Hooked. Illegal Drugs And How They Got That Way. Marijuana. Marijuana Inc. Inside America's Pot Industry. National Geographic Explorer. Marijuana Nation. Penn And Teller's Bullshit!. S02E17. War On Drugs. Should I Smoke Dope. Super High Me. The Hemp Revolution. The Magic Weed. History Of Marijuana. The Union. The Business Behind Getting High. Timeshift. The Cannabis Years. Adventures In Cannabis Hemp. The Dutch Coffeeshop Experience. Cannabis Cup 2003.…
Last reply by the.weed.fisherman, -
Personally, if I were going to have a stoned movie marathon, I'd need at least a quart and 3 movies: DAWN OF THE DEAD DAZED AND CONFUSED FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS I'd also go the whole nine yards foodwise, chips, coke, marshmellows, EVERYTHING What about you?
Last reply by Syb3 rm3nt41_%20, -
- 0 replies
Freddy Cruger is a pussy Just tread the blurb here, hell its these true life evil corporation movies that keep me up at night
Last reply by iTiC, -
So I got a whole heap of movies and have been slowly going through them all. Spotted this one called Idiocracy and checked it on IMDB to see if it was worth watching sooner or should wait till later and figured its worth having a look at. I put it on and at first thought "omg this is going to be pretty bad"...but by the end of it (well ignore the last 5 mins or so) I was in tears. Well worth a lookin.
Last reply by Nooby, -
Hey I just found this movie at the video store The Union. Thought it was a fairly good documentary that pretty well covers everything. A good watch i thought and hope its a new one for you lot. Cheers Kell SYNOPSIS Ever wonder what British Columbia's most profitable industries are? Logging? Fishing? Tourism? Ever think to include marijuana? If you haven't, think again. No longer a hobby for the stereotypical hippie culture of the ’60s, BC's illegal marijuana trade industry has evolved into a seemingly unstoppable business giant, dubbed by those involved as 'The Union'. Commanding upwards of $7 billion Canadian annually, The Union’s…
Last reply by percypack, -
- 23 replies
greetnz this is an update on dr bob crucial vibez must check this the world should know forward ever free cannabis free people free land
Last reply by HairyPothead, -
- Admin
- 2 replies
"In an oppressive future, a fireman whose duty is to destroy all books" An old movie but one I dare say many have never seen. This is a great movie starring Oskar Werner set in the future (keeping in mind year released ) where all literature is banned and it's the work of the firemen to seek out anyone reading or keeping books, arrest them & destroy the books. In a world where television rules to keep the masses dumbed down so they conform and people fight and die for justice, and the freedom to read. The story follows Montag (Oskar Werner) who is a fireman and very good at his job until he meets a girl who makes him think, and he soon picks up one the books in a …
Last reply by Rose Gardener, -
- 5 replies
A movie recommendation for those who enjoy their stereotypical pot comedy stirred with a descent serving of thought provoking psychology, a dollop of drama, 1 1/2 table spoons of philosophy & surgically perfected wit. Edward Norton (has his acting ability ever, even slightly, bordered average?) shines as only Mr Norton can. Simple & Brilliant. Supporting roles compliment & trail Norton's heels impeccably - particularly that of Keri Russel (though my opinion may be somewhat bias - H.O.T.) & Richard - aka Maryellyn Moffit - Dreyfuss. Actor/Director Tim Blake Nelson's dynamic brilliance blooms here - as his screen play stiches all the involved elem…
Last reply by Tsigle, -
Super High Me 1 2
by Gee-
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
this bloke is doing a "Super Size Me" kinda doco but instead of eating Maccas for a month he's going to stay high for month straight to see what affects (if any) it has on him. go hard son!! here's a clip:
Last reply by Augustus Gloomp, -
- 1 reply
Drug War Chronicle Video Review: "Prince of Pot: The US v. Marc Emery," Directed by Nick Wilson (2008, Journeyman Pictures) Drug War Chronicle, Issue #558, 10/31/08 31 October 2008 Let me say right up front that Marc Emery sometimes pays me money to write articles for his magazine, Cannabis Culture, so I am not a completely disinterested observer. That said, "Prince of Pot" director Nick Wilson has done a superb job of explaining who Emery is, where he came from, and what he is all about -- and in tying Emery's trajectory to the larger issues of marijuana prohibition, the drug war in general, and Canadian acq…
Last reply by *Ryno*,