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- 2 replies
Find it on youtube Very informative not only on the prohibition side of history but also the uses it had and can still have today should it be legal.
Last reply by roy, -
- 7 replies
Watch his prohibition series it is amazin
Last reply by gtrip, -
- 6 replies
Just seen an advert for a show on channel 9 tomorrow night (Perth) called "the truth about marijuana". I think I know which stance this show is going to take, seems they start pumping out even more biased information when more people start calling for change of laws. IMO to cement the taboo on the rest of the population, these current affair programs have so much sway on the "unknowing" or "conservative" public its a shame. Anyways I will be smoking and watching - and most probably laughing. Take it easy.
Last reply by cap'n yNg, -
- 0 replies
some interesting folk to be seen in this little doco. it shows a nice cross section of varying approaches and attitudes toward this new industry.
Last reply by asterisk, -
- 0 replies
In the movies area. Though I can in this one. What's that about? Here, I'll talk about a BBC tv show I saw last night. It was the first episode of a show called "In the Flesh. Set in the UK, in a universe where a drug/cure has been invented to re-animate and rehabilitate "partially deceased syndrome" sufferers (aka zombies). Deals with the struggles of the main character suffering from flashbacks and crippling guilt for the things that he'd done while in his "untreated condition"/ Re-entering his somewhat different "old life", finding out his sister being part of the "HVF" (human volunteer force) which was the folks that got together to defend against the zombies …
Last reply by SydVaper81, -
- 2 replies
Hey All, Any1 That Loves Their Sports Or Loves A Punt Like Me BUT Doesn't Have Austar/Foxtel ( pay tv ) To watch It/Them this site lets you stream SHITLOADS of sports for free from around the world! if typing that in the browser doesn't work ( it should ) otherwise go to google & search first row sports. Saved me from getting Austar this yr $100 & something a month just for the sports i think, when you can watch all them and so much more LIVE on that site. Anyways just a tip for the sport lovers & Punters out there! Cheers Ace
Last reply by acedaces 23, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Word on the street is that mullaways is going to be on today tonight, tomorrow evening. Ch 7 @ 630 hopefully they refrain from being useless for once(TT that is)
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
Hi Has anyone seen above ? Is it worth a watch ?? Cheers
Last reply by iTiC, -
- 3 replies
Hey folks I have caught on to a new show. Its on Discovery Channel on Foxtel. You can all so get it through downloading. The show is about California pot farmers and Dispensary Dealers and the Law that tries to shut them down. One farmer even has a Cop Brother so check it out. Cheers
Last reply by VOSTOK, -
- 7 replies
Great book when it is read while stoned. It took me only a few weeks to finish it(I am not a native English speaker) . I wished I understood some French so I could understand some French dialogues. Much better and thrilled than the movie.
Last reply by -RiverRat-, -
- 1 reply
Has any one of you read it? I finished the first book and so far so good. One of the best things i have ever read. But personally I prefer the other authors who dont twist the story plotline. I havent seen the English movie yet either. Saw the swedish one related to it. Very good movie... but lacked content...
Last reply by rainbowsinabottle, -
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
I was wondering what sugestiions people have for mj books , weather it''s a good review or a don't waste your money review I would appreciate it So what are the best and worste book you have read on the subject if Mj ? thanx in advance
Last reply by burner, -
- 4 replies
Anyone else here into crazy sci-fi stuff ? Lately I'm a bit through Cloud Atlas (I dug the preview, so I figure the book should be far superior !) Other than that just reading Neuromancer too, which seems right into it
Last reply by Frank Reynolds, -
- 5 replies
Its called the Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks its like a fantasy book. Bout assains and stuff, you all should read this. My favourite. Anyone read it?
Last reply by Ferrethead, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
A few weeks ago Kog sent me his new movie to review and after watching it a few times here's what I’ve got to say about it… If you’ve never grown outdoors, you will after watching Kog! Never read the book? Always wanted to, just been too lazy? Well don’t worry now you can do what you did for all those compulsory English books back in high school & watch the movie instead! Kog starts off by giving us a brief but informative history of his life & for those of you that have never heard of Kog before now, you will feel you almost know him personally after watching this movie. Kog takes us through every stage of growing organic cannabis in the great ou…
Last reply by [ - ? - ], -