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- 0 replies
Hey all, Just wondering if anyone wants to share some education marijuana books. Ill cover postage if anyones willing Id offer something to swap, but I dont have much. Let me know what you like email me Cheers
Last reply by Slotty2, -
- 1 reply
BACK IN SMOKE Tommy Chong stages Love-fest in Toronto. 2005-09-19 >> entertainment category >> exclusive The minute Tommy Chong was introduced to the packed house at the Toronto International Film Festival, the crowd rose to their feet in thunderous applause. Filmmaker Josh Gilbert’s 78-minute documentary, a/k/a Tommy Chong, details the absurd prosecution of the actor and comedian for peddling pot pipes online. Chong spent nine months in federal prison, the result of a $12 million US government investigation known as “Operation Pipe Dream,” in which undercover federal agents posed as “fans” and placed out-of-state orders for Chong’s waterpipes. Seeing the re…
Last reply by jussyjus, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Anyone seen it? it was on comedy channel last year. its a mocumentry aboot two stoners Ricky and Julian that live in a canadian trailer park. they get up to some fukin funny shit with some classic charicters Julian is the brains that everyone respects Ricky is a bit slow and will shoot before he thinks Bubbles is there best mate that looks after the parks stray cats and wears glasses that are aboot 2cm thick Mr Lahey a ex cop turn trailer park supervisor Randy Laheys off sider that dousent wear shirts J ROC white wanna be rapper that can get you wat u want Lucy an Sara the trailer park skanks Its the funnyest shit ive ever seen and worth the download if u have kazza
Last reply by theprojector, -
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The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, the Amazon, Virtual Reality, UFO's, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess, and the End of History. Excerpt(s): I believe that the psychedelic experience was the light at the beginning of history. That this is actually the thing; that we have now reached a sufficient level of analytical sophistication to discern the force that pushed the animal mind onto the human stage. It is a process that, once it is set into motion, will not end. It is as though these botanical hallucinogens were exohormones, message-bearing chemicals shed by Gaia to control the development of the historical process in the catalyt…
Last reply by theprojector, -
- 7 replies
Hi guys, Warped post on Charles T Tart got me thinking, as I studied a bachelor of psych for a couple of years, I have access to the psych library, so I looked up thei Tart fellow, well I came accross this book "Altered States of Consciousness" which is basically a collection of research papers and essays related to experiments carried out in the 60's & 70's by psychologists. The book deals with Marijuana, Nitrous, inhalation(glue, solvents), LSD, some natural psychedelics, as well as dreaming, hypnosis and meditation. So what I thought I would do for anyone that is interested, is to post any interesting passages or sections that I really enjoyed reading or that ga…
Last reply by Infinitee, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Hi everyone!! How's everyone doing?? I watched a movie called "homegrown" starring Billy-Bob Thornton a few days ag.. Has anyone seen it before?? Anyway, I was just wondering if the MJ you see in the movie is real or not. What about the MJ in "the Beach". Real MJ or not??
Last reply by Warped, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
I recently saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Didnt care for it actually, which is surprising since I have liked all of Burton's other films. I think this would be a good film to watch though while totally baked and willl have to rent it. There is a new film coming out called Mirror Mask that a freind of mine worked on and it looks totally trippy. I look forward to seeing it. Seen a preview for a new sci-fi film called Serinity that looks good, anyone here more about it ? Chronicals of Narnia is definetly on my list. I have the orignal BBC version on VHS which is really deep and trippy to watch, this should be just as good.
Looking For: 1 2
by hOllOw-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey all, Does anybody know of anybooks to do with alternative culture eg hippies, nimbin, environment know stuff like that!! Peace
Last reply by skinhead, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hey all I went to my sisters place yesterday with my son and ended up staying the night my sister said do you want to watch a movie I said yer ok. I then asked her what the dvd was called and she said it is called Saveing Grace and I through to my self another soppy chick flick how wrong was i. Some of you wont like it and some of you will, it is a pommy flick and starts off with a guy digging a grave tokeing on a joint and then he is at a funeral tokeing another joint with a doctor, the funeral was for a guy that lived in this little town with all these other people, any way Grace the the dead guys wife finds out that he has left her in over 300,000 quid worth of sh…
Last reply by Mr_Green, -
- 5 replies
can you guys give me some reputable sites that i can use as a sorce for my inf im writing a report on the history of mj in north america from early settlers days and indian usage ato modern day pot farms in houses basically i need good sorces for my paper gov and edu sites if possable but it doesnt have to be it just has to be backed up on my reference page
Last reply by Infinitee, -
pot report 1 2
by fsagertyaef- 10 replies
The legalization of marijuana has been a longstanding issue in the media ever since it was made illegal with the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. Cultivation of marijuana or, more properly speaking, the hemp plant, was outlawed because of the threat that it showed to the cotton industry and the lumber industry, both of which had a very large influence over the federal government at the time. Before 1937, marijuana was available over the counter, and was known as American cannabis. It was sold for a variety of purposes, including some of the same ones that doctors in a few states can prescribe medical marijuana for today, such as pain and nausea. Today, it is known to be effec…
Last reply by Pickle, -
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Has anyone here got/read this book? its packed full of amazing pictures, growing tips, how to make your own cannabis beverages, and loads of need-to-know useless information. Has anyone got the original (spliffs) and is it worth going out and buying? im only asking because im a cheapskate and dont want to waste valuble funding on a crap book, hehe... i only bought spliffs2 cos it was 1/2 price :smoke
Last reply by jethroqwalrustitty, -
- 1 reply
Withnail and I Its where I got my name from The Camberwell Carrot. Anyone seen it ? I got a few more cult classics up me sleeve., Well ones that me and me mates watchedover and over any way . One of my most favs being RUDE AWAKENING. Brilliant fun. Enjoy dudes. By the way Any clones out there I need some.. just post me a pm..peace.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Went and saw this movie with a mate last night. 8:45 session. The only saving grace of the entire movie was the promise of seeing Angelina Jolie topless. 4 hour later and it just didn't happen. Got out at 11:55 wanting to kill Oliver Stone. Fcuk that.
Last reply by wrabbit, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
IMDB listing i watched this movie last night or the night before, cant remember but it was fucking awesome :thumbsup it started really slow and boring but once it was about 10 mins into the movie, it got very funny and was great untill the end when it got weird and aliens stripped hire it out, it would be a great movie to watch while really stoned, hell i had the giggles pretty bad when i was watching it and i was straight as
Last reply by Pickle, -