Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
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A NORTH Albury woman who rode a motor bike into the Albury police station foyer was yesterday put on a two-year bond with a condition she attend alcohol rehabilitation. Magistrate Mr Tony Murray said when imposing the bond on Debra Louise Embury that her actions were a classic case of how to get arrested for drink-driving. Mr Murray said he had previously had a person appear before him who was intoxicated and stopped at a random breath testing location because he thought they had takeaway food. But it was the first time he has had someone appear in court for riding a motor bike into a police station. Mr Murray said it was obvious Embury had an alcohol problem. E…
Last reply by StonermanDan, -
- 3 replies
South Australian police from Operation Avatar (anti-bike squad) have arrested and charged a 44 year old man from Tea Tree Gully with numerous offences and seized about 5,000 ‘Red Mitsubishi tablets following a police raid yesterday. Members from Operation Avatar and Dog Operations Unit attended a Tea Tree Gully house yesterday morning where the police drug dog allegedly locating approximately 5,000 ‘Red Mitsubishi’ tablets and a large quantity of amphetamine, hidden in various areas of the house. Police also seized other items including firearms, $11,000.00 cash, and a large quantity of allegedly stolen property. Detective Inspector Graham Goodwin Officer in Charge of Ope…
Last reply by StonermanDan, -
Les Hoddy's
by F420- 2 replies
Though still a proud and strong man, and above all loyal to the Gypsy Jokers Motorcycle Club he co-founded in the early 1970s, media and friends agree Mr Hoddy was feeling the effects of constant attention from the authorities hellbent on breaking him. He was not the same man who thumped a cop during a brawl when WA police unnecessarily harassed mourners during a club associate's funeral in 2001. He was not the same man renowned for fighting out of his weight class and he certainly wasn't the same man who vowed to fight tooth-and-nail to win back the assets that had been taken from him. Reduced to driving a car left unused when close friend Gary Ernest White was convi…
Last reply by F420, -
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Simultaneous raids on the homes of four alleged WA-based Outlaws Motorcycle Club associates uncovered drugs, guns and paraphernalia linking the men to the international bike club. Gang response officers seized two rifles, a silencer, ammunition and small quantities of ecstasy and cannabis from homes in Balga, Maida Vale, Eden Hill and Gidgegannup during yesterday morning’s raids. They also found banners and T-shirts bearing Outlaws slogans and the black and white club patch — a small skull and crossed pistons dubbed Charlie. The raids led police to charge two men with firearms and minor drug offences. Gang response unit Det-Sen. Const. Sean Gartlan said police did not hav…
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
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- 1.1k views well IMO he looks happy as anyway ::
Last reply by loves420, -
- 420 Crew
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New non-lethal weapon lets troops microwave hostile crowds World | Feb 04 2005 The United States has developed a non-lethal microwave weapon for use in Iraq. Officials said the vehicle, termed Sheriff, would contain the Active Denial System. The system uses millimeter-wave electromagnetic energy that can be directed at targets at a range of 1 kilometer, Middle East Newsline reported. The ADS system would be downgraded for Iraqi deployment in urban areas, officials said. The modified weapon causes a burning sensation on the skin, causing the people to run away. The Pentagon eventually plans to install the non-lethal, high-powered microwave weapon on a m…
Last reply by Spurious, -
- 420 Crew
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TWO teenagers have faced Sydney courts over the alleged multi-mullion dollar importation of a chemical used to make the drug speed. More than 23kg of ephedrine was found in Sydney on January 23, concealed in an air cargo consignment sent from South Africa, an Australian Customs statement said today. The contents were declared as spice samples. Ephedrine is a precursor chemical used in the manufacture of methylamphetamines, commonly known as speed, Customs said. Advertisement: It could have been used to make drugs estimated to be worth more than $30 million on the street. Investigators arrested two people on Monday when the consignment was collected from an air fre…
Last reply by Amnesiac, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
ok im down right sick of howard...if i had a sniper rifle i would shoot him myself he has gone to the world economic forum and defended the usa's actions in the illegal war in iraq stating that when the UN cant do its job, George W. Bush is going to be there to save us...GODDAMN ASS LICKER....ok i'll continue...then he goes on to say to the european nations that their critisism of the way bush is running the country is uncalled for and unfriendly.... lets stop this ass licker dead in his track, JFK all over aussie style atleast beasily had the guts to stand up on national TV and say that howard has taken his ass kissing of the usa too far
Last reply by SoDrysBro, -
- 420 Crew
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- 1k views found this on cannabis culture under celeb stoners of all things apparently naomi watts and heath ledger let their dog eat their stash and had to rush the dog to the vet full story enjoy the part down the bottom of that story about george w bush's twins smoking up at ashton kutchers house :smoke
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
just before xmas, not sure of the date but on sky news johnny howard stated that he hated the national anthem that is going to be played at darling habour new years eve.... he said it was un-australian (being a techno version people could dance to) and that even at sporting events he gets all shitty because it isnt sung correctly.... whats the right way to sing it u may ask :scratchin according to our PM its by having a military band playing as they march along while everyone around sings along with a hand on their heart now who can remember the historic videos of hitler??? he had his military playing and pretty much forced the hands on the heart and every1 to …
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
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check this out The Mystery of the Coca Plant That Wouldn't Die The war on Colombia's drug lords is losing ground to an herbicide-resistant supershrub. Is it a freak of nature - or a genetically modified secret weapon? By Joshua DavisPage 1 of 5 next » I've got 23 ziplock bags filled with coca leaves laid out on the rickety table in front of me. It's been seven hours since the leaves were picked, and they're already secreting the raw alkaloid that gives cocaine its kick. The smell is pungently woody, but that may just be the mold growing on the walls of this dingy hotel room in the southern Colombian jungle. Somewhere down the hall, a woman is moaning with increasing u…
Last reply by Pure, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
(IMO anyone thats touches anyones bike deserves this)- Ferengi420. Dragged by noose after trying to steal motorbike A 16 year old Aboriginal boy was vomiting with fright in his hospital bed last night after he was reportedly dragged by a noose around his neck. Alan Boland, 16, was one of two Aboriginal youths said to have been tortured after they were found trying to break into a property near Goondiwindi, in southern Queensland. Roslyn Boland said her son was shaking and having trouble remembering things in the Goondiwindi Hospital last night, but he had told her about the rope. "They dragged him up the river bank -- he's got marks there," she said. "He was put…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Credit for this goes to Congress Funds Mandatory Psychological Tests for Kids Newsmax | November 23 2004 One of the nation's leading medical groups, the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS), decried a move by the U.S. Senate to join with the House in funding a federal program AAPS says will lead to mandatory psychological testing of every child in America – without the consent of parents. When the Senate considered an omnibus appropriations bill last week that included funding for grants to implement universal mental …
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 420 Crew
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was watching a special on sbs last night called little buggers, well the last of it b4 south park anyways... well they were going on about mosquitos and the diseases they spread and because back in the early 1900's they didnt know much about diseases and viruses they tried alot of things to try and ease the suffering, etc of the people infected... pretty sure it was queen elizabeth that got ill and was perscribed hashish for malaria or some other nasty thing mossies help spread :smoke anyways, when she got better there was a parade and everything and it was the hash that made her feel all good again :thumbsup if its good enough for her to take, its sure as he…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
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Early humans looked like Hobbits Judy Skatssoon ABC Science Online Thursday, 28 October 2004 This newly discovered early human Homo floresiensis would have only been one metre tall (Image: Peter Schouten) In one of the most stunning anthropological discoveries in the past 50 years Australian and Indonesian scientists have unearthed the remains of a new species of early human that may have looked like a Hobbit. Standing about 106 centimetres tall and weighing as little as 16 kilograms, the creature, named Homo floresiensis, would have grown no bigger than a seven-year-old child and had a skull the size of a small grapefruit. The discovery of the 18,000-ye…
Last reply by Spurious,