In The Garden
85 topics in this forum
First year this girl laid us some eggs. I have some nice box turtles,they are funny little things. The girl that laid the eggs was glued back together after a run in on the road with a car. But she looks good and we are very proud of her.
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 1 reply
Over spring time I grew this weird squash in my veggie garden. It grows like a mini pumpkin and it turns out tastes like one also. here it is This got me thinking about if anyone else has grown any strange or different veggies from the normal ones we get in the supermarket. so if you have some odd stuff in your garden I would love to see a pic of it here, cheers.
Last reply by forgetiwashere, -
vegie patch 1 2
by grasshair-
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
I was looking around my garden today and found I have an excess of certain veggies through the year. I am not sure if anyone in the Toowoomba area might be interested in maybe trading some veg when it comes into season. Currently I have an excess of Kael and lemon grass as well as a few herbs. If anyone is interested I am happy to trade for other veg you may have. Let me know
Last reply by FullCircle, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hey Stoners For those who have followed my grows for the last two seasons, you will know I put a fair bit of time and work in my garden. Spring before last (2014) I had to justify my time in the garden which I did by creating my pool jungle garden. It has flourished and has now developed to the point where I've been able to get an understory of some of my favourite fragrant plants... Gardenia, ginger, daphne, lilius, cestrum nocturnum, lonicera fragrantissima, trachelospermum (chinese star jasmine), heliotrope cherry pie to name a few. There is only one plant from my old garden that survived the pool installation and that was the lonicera. Everything else ha…
Last reply by lookinggoodguys, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
C&P From Antidepressant Microbes In Soil: How Dirt Makes You Happy by amoceptumBy Bonnie L. Grant Prozac may not be the only way to get rid of your serious blues. Soil microbes have been found to have similar effects on the brain and are without side effects and chemical dependency potential. Learn how to harness the natural antidepressant in soil and make yourself happier and healthier. Read on to see how dirt makes you happy. Natural remedies have been around for untold centuries. The…
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 9 replies
Thought I'd share these and get pics of the green house tomorrow. Got some strawberries from Bunnings, soil was crap and they were not producing so I repotted them in to my own soil mix and got rid of gnats they seem to have. Put them in a tent with a 130w veg CFL and a 24w 5600k CFL. Had about 8 so far - very juicy and sweet. just water and a guano feed every now and then. They seem happy Also kicked off veggies in the small seahawk tent - took 3-4 days for these to pop - meant to take a week. they are in a 50/50 soil \coco mix, sitting on a heat tray with 4 x 24w T5 purple fluoros CabbageBaby CumberCherry tomatoes BroccoliCauliflowerCapsicumBasil which is …
Last reply by Razz0r, -
Got lots of bit and bobs going on in the garden thought it was time I shared I find this a good way to keep a track of days and shit so this is as much for my own benefit Got my illegal garden and also my legal one. I'll be sharing from both. Enjoy Nancy
Last reply by Matanuska Thunder, -
- 17 replies
I am starting to photograph the birds in my back yard and thought you might like to see a couple. Yellow Bellied Sunbird Rainbow Lorikeet leaving feeder Whistling Kite Little Kingfisher
Last reply by MediKat, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Does anyone know what these beetles are? Never seen them before, but this year they have been swarming by the hundreds, probably thousands to mate. Especially noticeable flying around in the rays of the morning sun, during the day they seem to hide on the shadowy sides of trees and crawl indoors to hide from the sun. They're literally EVERYWHERE, clumped together. Found a few on my plant but they seem to have no interest in eating it, thankfully! Edit: Nevermind, I found them. I should have googled first They're called 'Plague Soldier Beetles' aka Chauliognathus lugubris.
Last reply by Bobito_Pepperoni, -
by PanterA666-
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hey guys, how have you all been? I really need to chat to some of you guys but my live chat won't work just sits there trying to load, cheers guys
Last reply by Naycha, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
newresearch suggests plants may communicate through sound. http://www.theepocht...und-262406.html Plants May Communicate by Sound By Louis Makiello Scientists studying maize plants have found that the plants make clicking noises with their roots, and bend their roots toward similar sounds. (Selahattin BAYRAM/ Some plants may communicate by making clicking noises with their roots, according to new international research. Using a microscanning laser Doppler vibrometer (a device to measure vibrations), the scientists recorded young maize plants making clicking noises with part of their …
Last reply by Lenore, -
- 2 replies
I just started growing my own plants no planning just put some seeds ina pot and thay sprouted up .. Its been about a month or two and the leafs are drying out i water them atleast once a day but im not sure wat more i can do any advice ill upload a photo but i dunno how to do that either
Last reply by hashcraze956, -
Looking into an indoor vege patch. Have started up a variety of herbs, once they establish, I'll pot them up and start on the vege's. Capsicum, cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, leeks, onions and strawberries. There's a couple of others, as well as some flowers, that I'm also gonna have a crack at. Does any body else use their hydro set up for plants other than cannabis? I just did some research into Co2, and produce. They have found that increased levels of Co2 can reduce the nutritional value of food crops, and also increase the level of cyanide compounds, a natural defense against herbivores, in some plants. Wondering what the increase in levels is doing to Cannabis?
Last reply by nebula420, -
- Admin
- 9 replies
Hey Stoners, I grabbed a picture of another diamond python so figured may as well kick off specific diamond python thread as these pythons are probably one of the most common ones found along the New South Wales coast and bush lands, this little guy is only roughly 50cm (20in) long being just a baby (they can grow up to 3 metres (10ft) in length) he got himself stuck trying to get through some wire after a feed. They are more of a nocturnal snake however it's too dark to be releasing snakes so he'll have to wait till the morning. Diamond pythons are non-venomous and harmless if you don't go hassling them (pretty much as with any snake non-venomous or not) and if you have …
Last reply by Dank420Swagger, -
Hi all just planted some Passion fruit shrubs in the garden and something over two night has eaten most of the leaves from the plant . it has left the older leaves alone and gone for the new growth, i have no idea what it is and i went out last night with a torch to look and nothing!, but come the morning more leaves were gone. help!!! Munchy
Last reply by Dank420Swagger,