Pests and Diseases
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
537 topics in this forum
Spider Mite
by kat- 2 replies
My plants have spider mite...AGAIN... * sigh *. I lost some plants to mite a while back so I've been keeping an eye on it and luckily I think I've caught it early. I've been reading an earlier thread in here about it, and made a note of apparent cures, and I have a couple of questions. Firstly, with the white oil and neem oil, where do I buy them and do they need to be diluted, and if so to what ratio. I read that lemon juice will kill the mite, and growing garlic in with the plants will act as a deterrent, I prefer to use the least chemicals the better, so are these two suggestions likely to be good? I've also been told ( not here) to use either a flea/pest bom…
Last reply by kat, -
- 2 replies
hi, I have white stuff on the leaves, like a powder I can rub off. I live in canberra and it is getting cold, I planted her late and I want to maximuse budding (yeah there are buds) should I just pull her now ?
Last reply by Tom, -
Leave Curl 1 2
by Kimba- 15 replies
These babies have been in the blue-light vegetation room for about 2-4 months and recently was attacked by (I had thought) a large insect. This insect made it's home on the up until then healty plants. I thought it might have been a good guy so I left it there as I do with lady bugs and spiders. After about a week I noticed some of the leaves of the plant it was on curling, forming inverse half tubes out of the sickly leaves. A quick spray of pyrithum and the bug was dead. Anti-joy and the poblem's continue having spread to half the room in two weeks. I have used Bio-Bugs for over a year and have had no insect problems at all so I'm at loss to what this is caused by. Here…
Last reply by ThruBeingCool, -
- 10 replies
i have a problem with my new mother plant the leaf tips seem to be turning dark brown and curling up its kinda like a patchy/full brown on the tips nutrients are being feed at 1/4th i was watering daily with fresh water and once/twice a week with 1/4th nutrient strength all i have is a small pot filled with expanded clay and a spil tray (hand watered) what is going on?
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 2 replies
I'm running a hydro setup indoors in soil. I got home from uni today and found some bubbly yellow growths coming out of the soil. Sort of looks like parmessan cheese. Anyone know what these are? are they bad? how to kill? etc
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
have you ever walked up to your pach and found one of your best femaile plants just lieing there on its side, this has just happend to me . thefucking little cannabis killing basterd white ants ate up through one of my plants roots and then chewed through the base of my plant just under the soil line until it just fell over :angry: . dose any body know if they will spred to my other plants. I have sparyed the spot with pyrethrum
Last reply by splotto, -
- 6 replies
Hiyas! ok i got a couple plants going outside but they are being eaten up a bit by what look like big grasshoppers and god knows what other weird queensland bugs (i just move to brissy from canberra...fuck the bugs are huge up here ). Can anyone help me with whats best to put on my plants to keep the bugs away, i want something safe and organic that wont fuck up the taste or anything. I had planned on smokin these buds so i dont want nasty chemicals in em. thanks, fnord
Last reply by tripy spiral, -
hi everyone , i've had a huge mouse problem , i treated em for the past week with ratsak which has been eaten by the cartload . my problem is would a mouse chew through the stem of a plant that has been veggin for 6 weeks ? the stem was very fat . could a mouse do this ? also i bought one of those cloning boxes to try and keep em off my clones , thought it was safe enough to sow some seeds , alas they have all been eaten again ! now the vent holes in the box are only about half inch , so wot the fuck is eating my seeds ? could it be gekkos ? lizards , fucked if i know anymore . the seeds were tashenk from mjoz , so im pissed now . any help would be great .
Last reply by everest, -
- 6 replies
I bought an insect spray from woolies in the hope that it would rid my plants of the little green caterpillers i had been getting. I sprayed em last night, and today when I just checked em, the leaves are turning brown and drying out. It is a fucking hot day here today, but I would think that has fuck all to do with it. I have moved the pots into the laundry, out of the sun, and washed the plant down with fresh water. some of the leaves were so dry the just crackled in my hands. man i shoulda just gone to the garden centre and got some neem or biocide. I am a fucking retard! anyone had any experience with shit like this. the active ingredients in the spray were Pyrethr…
Last reply by dirty, -
- 5 replies
Greetings. I have just noticed these little tiny caterpillars (about 3mm long) on the underside of my leaves. They appear to be making bits of the leaves go transparent/clear... See attached pic of what these little suckers look like. Any, preferably chemical free, ideas to get rid of them will be appreciated.
- 7 replies
I have a few plants growing in pots outside. they are all about two weeks old and growing pretty strong. Yesterday when I check them, some of the leaves had a clear part on them ( sorry , best description I can think of) after checking under the leaves ( thanks WC) I found some little green caterpillers. I squashed all the ones I could find, but want a more permanent solution to this problem. I read in a previous post that someone had used a spray product called "NEEM". Can any one offer some advice on this situation many thanks
Last reply by white_cluster, -
mouldy buds
by crud- 8 replies
was in my growroom this morning doing the usual checks,when i noticed a nearly mature bud,full of mould,this is two crops in a row where the bigger buds have gone mouldy,does anyone know any cures other than heaps of airflow.hydroshop says one dose of budlink will stop mould throughout the plants life,wouldn't you have to add it with each nutrient change?
Last reply by Spurious, -
- 8 replies
I presume that most people will disagree with me here but stiff. I soaked my seeds overnight in distilled water and when they started to crack, I put them into 1" growool cubes as thousands of growers do. When they got to around 2" tall I transferred them to the grow room. I planted them in expanded clay and had the watering system on for 15 mins and off for 2 hours. Result, half dead seedlings. After posting some pics on here, I was told it looked like they could have root rot. I thought "rot", couldnt be. I was using Phytoff and Oxy Plus. Well, lets cut it short. They were right. Those stinking, useless, seed killing rockwell cubes were at fault. I was told th…
Last reply by rudsy, -
- 1 reply
i have some dried buds that were mouldy. there's enough that i don't want to throw it away. does anyone have any ideas? should i just bin them?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
i got this seedling about 2 weeks old out in the bush. its got 3 sets of leaves, neway one of the rounded leaves (the first ones) has a big chunk taken out of it. im just wondering what kinda animals/insects are in the bush (north brisbane) and is there much chance of them damaging/killing ur plants. anyone here lost crops to animals or insects outdoors? someone told me that insects are nutralised outdoors by other insects and small animals, thats why ppl have big problems indoors. (probably very wrong though)
Last reply by wade ounce,