Organic Lifestyle Gardening
72 topics in this forum
- 44 replies
Hi i have a root problem . Seems like i have a fungas in my root system. I'v flushed them and tried to keep ph around 5.8 and ec levels about 1.0 / 1.3 . Iv still got yellowing of the leaves and a few spots . Im using a power active product to help but yer . Can anyone help pls Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
Last reply by Ganja Droid 420, -
- 12 replies
I haven't been active here in a little while, but I did spend the last few months growing some medicine in a tent with a Vegepod and LOS. I used some no-till kits & supplements from OGS to make a typical Cootes type soil. All went well and the flowers went in jars for curing last night. I already have a plan for the next grow, because I enjoy the experience more than I actually need more flower! I'm confident the soil initially had good components & ratios as I used tried & true stuff. And the results look like they'll back that up. But I admit reamending the soil is still a bit hazy for me. Everyone gardens differently and some plants will use more/le…
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 1 reply
hi all posted this on the other site, but forgot to mention it here, as well. these guys do 5 heavy metal soil samples for a $20 donation. they also do potting mixes - would suggest taking out the big pieces of scoria, pumice or perlite though and getting a little creative with labelling. the address is not a mandatory requirement either.
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 0 replies
itchy mentioned this vid on the serrated edge a while ago. thanks mate ... it is absolute gold.
Last reply by pug1010, -
- 2 replies
was thinking the other day, that there are things i'd replace immediately if they shit themselves (or were used up) and others i wouldn't bother about. was wondering what gadgets, equipment, supplements or anything else, other soil growers found to be important to their grow. for me ... 1. sensorplus thermometer/hygrometer ($92) to help setup a comfortable grow environment 2. hypoaspis to control fungus gnats ($34) - have started to use these guys every time i start a new grow. makes growing indoors far nicer. 3. blumat digital …
Last reply by pug1010, -
- 8 replies
A couple grows ago, I did an indoor tent grow with fabric pots and organic soil. Great quality bud, but not a great yield. I think that was entirely my fault: soil too wet, then too dry, humidity & temp issues, and pots were too small for no-till. That's learning for you! I've got environmental control sorted now and want to try organic soil again. I was going to use 20gal (75L) fabric pots + Blumat irrigation with no-till amendment kits from Organic Gardening Solutions. BUT, I just found these AUS-made Vegepod sub-irrigation planters. I don't need the covering or misting components inside a tent, so will just skip them. But a 100*100*26cm SIP planter sounds a…
Last reply by BaysideHaze, -
- 1 reply
Hi. I know how to use colloidal silver to make seeds from a fem plant, BUT can I make it seed without using any chemical? I have planted two Gelato OG. and they are a good 2 weeks into flower (flipped on the 7th Jan) and went to germinate a couple more and I dropped them on my carpet - yep a dark coloured one. The chance of finding them is zero and I am fairly sure it is too late to use colloidal on them now. How can I turn one of them to produce seeds? If I just leave them will they eventually turn? This is the girl I want seeds from. Is she too far in flower?
Last reply by doctor_nelson, -
Hi all! This organic no till malarkey interests me so I said I'd give it a go! Mixed up a 60ish L batch earlier. My mix is an experiment and was kind of a mix of what I could get at the time and some dr greenthumbs stuff. It comprises of; 12l Brunnings Coco from Bunnings, flushed 4 times. 5l Brunnings Peat Moss 3l Scott's organic compost. Picked some wood chip out. 20l Scoria stone 20l Worm castings I then added the following; I'm taking a cup as 250ml. 2 cups (before grinding) of Malted 2 row Barley from brew shop. 1 cup Neem pellets ground from nobugs. 1 cup Kelp meal. 1 cup Alfalfa meal. 1 cup Crustacean meal. 1 cup Coconut meal. 2 cups Volcanic Ro…
Last reply by BaysideHaze, -
- 0 replies
Using knowledge shared by Master Cho in the field of KNF and passed onto me by Mr Heavy Dayze I cultivated some IMO’s using some old forest soil that I sourced locally. Basically you’re using a medium, in this case rice, to draw microbes out of the dirt which will then be used to enhance the microbe life in your dirt through a number of ways. I basically stop at the IMO1 stage which is what I’ve got pictured and then add that to my compost pile but there are a number of ways to skin this kitty. You can even skip this step entirely and just add your indigenous dirt to a compost tea to accelerate your microbe population but I was pleased with my results from the IMO1 …
Last reply by BaysideHaze, -
Blumat Classics 1 2
by pug1010- 17 replies
g'day all seems like a few of us are trying out the blumat classic carrots - the ones that don't use a gravity or pressure system like the blumat trophs ... i think a few ozstoners might already be using them successfully. was thinking a thread about our experiences, suggestions or advice might be handy ... especially for blumat newbies like myself. ____________ in my situation... putting in two blumat classics XL into two 56 litre fabric pots - 4 in total. Pots are filled with about two-thirds to three-quarters of soil (LOS) and are about 45cm in diameter. each pot has about a 3cm mulch layer (mainly made up of sugar cane mulch and cannabis stems), as well as,…
Last reply by PhilParsons4, -
- 5 replies
Last reply by cardrona, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I hope I can get some advice. I am still pretty new at growing and on my third grow. Currently have Harlequin, Critical Orange. and Alaskan Purple. organic grow 1/3 compost 1/3 perlite 1/3 coco coir. pH 6-6.3 I recently purchased the full range of Ozi Magic nutrients and all plants looking well and growing great. What I did notice is that their recommendations are to use a pH of 5.6 - 5.8. when in flower/bloom. Is this recommended by other growers? I have not read anything about lowering the pH for flower stage so thought I would check here to see what others suggest. Thank you for advice.
Last reply by GreatSouthernMan, -
Where's Bluey? 1 2
by pug1010- 19 replies
at last the weather is getting cooler and growing season is under way ... yeehaw! thought other cover crop nerds might like these shots ... have a blueberry shoot just coming up in a 75L pot of a newly mixed soil. the second photo is a bit easier to see her. only one pot this round, so have an extra blumat digital moisture reader handy. decided to measure the moisture level deep in the pot with one reader and for the second one ... around 4-5cm deep from from the mulch and soil touch. see how it goes. once the cover crop gets going ... will cut and drop and put a fair bit more mulch in the pot to cover the stem of the second blumat reader ... so the water inside do…
Last reply by pug1010, -
- 4 replies
- 1.6k views Doing a keynote at this organic conference in NSW. Decent beans to be had for the ticket price
Last reply by Defsnotacop, -
G’day organic/biodynamic No-Tillers Been noticing lately that there are a few stores selling soil amendments in Australia - one at least seems legit, but some of the others are very questionable … one even uses the word ‘Organic’ in their business, but doesn’t sell any organic components. Thought it might be time to start a thread where we can list our organic suppliers. In this situation … I’m thinking those that are certified by Australian organic/biodynamic/demeter organisations would be great. If that is not possible, either organically grown/sourced in Australia and are known to be free of the ‘cides’ or lastly … have organic certification from other countries. O…
Last reply by pug1010,