Cannabis Law and Politics
- 3 replies
Pretty intresting read if you have some spare time. copius amounts of information reguarding the Australian Government and Cannabis laws. would probably take a week to read it all but still good for a pick through. Cannabis Link
Last reply by Tom, -
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:angry: Recently QLD is starting to X-Ray ALL international mail that enters the state. Is this a so called anti terrorist strategy or is it the start to Big Brothers wider agenda to invade and spy on its citizens ?
Last reply by Buddy, -
by Guest Urbanhog- 8 replies
Pubdate: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 Source: West Australian (Australia) Copyright: 2002 West Australian Newspapers Limited Contact: Website:
Last reply by 420stoner, -
StOnEd DriVinG 1 2
by Guest Urbanhog- 17 replies
Just curious about the Holland's relaxed cannabis laws, I was just curious how does the Dutch police "police" stoned drivers like we and other countries "police" drink drivers??? Do they do "sober test" like walking/hopping on one foot, walking in straight line, etc... like how these damned Yankies test their shitfaced drivers?? Is there's some kind of "little machine" that test stoned driver's THC levels?? or they have to resort to blood/urine tests?? because I was thinking of these heavy cannabis users who may even have "high" THC levels even they are not stoned due their tolerence levels, so if the cops did a blood/urine test on a heavy user and they "reckon" he drov…
Last reply by BlackBeauty, -
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A JUDGE has overturned a magistrate's decision to dismiss drug possession charges against a man who was detected carrying drugs by a police sniffer dog. Local Court Magistrate Mary Jerram dismissed the charges after deciding Rocky the dog had conducted an illegal search when it detected the odour of drugs from 21-year-old Glen Darby's trouser pocket outside a Sydney nightclub in February last year. Mr Darby was arrested and charged with two counts of drug possession after police searched him and found he was carrying methylamphetamine and cannabis leaf. The Director of Public Prosecutions appealed the magistrate's ruling, with NSW Supreme Court Justice Barry O'Keef…
Last reply by boulder, -
Domestic flight baggage to be x-rayed
by Guest Urbanhog- 4 replies
I dunno if this information useful.... but it will make me think again before I pack my herbs, as I often take average 4-6 domestic flights a year for the last couple of years, and never had a problem...... found this in News. Domestic flight baggage to be x-rayed Moves were underway to ensure baggage on Qantas domestic flights were x-rayed, Prime Minister John Howard said. He said an announcement would soon be made on steps to remedy the lack of security checks on baggage stored in the hold of Qantas flights within Australia. "Some steps are underway at the present time to remedy that," Mr Howard told the Seven Network. "I can tell you that we'll…
Last reply by Tom, -
- Admin
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Cannabis The Un-Winnable War Source: 60 Minutes Visit the source site for more on this report and make sure you participate in their poll.
Last reply by Jim, -
- Admin
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Michael Costa on Drugs Interesting interview from The Hemp Embassy regarding Michael Costa's (NSW Police Commissioner) personal views on drug law reform, harm minimisation & cannabis decriminalisation. Whats most intetresting about this interveiw is the fact it was done prior to Michael Costa becoming police commisioner at the 1999 drug summit held in New South Wales. Since Mr Costa has been police commisioner quite the opposite to what he says in this interveiw has happened, even more new drug squads have been formed along with a blatent disregard for human rights with the use of sniffer dogs... oh and cannabis is still illegal. Special Thanks: Nimbin Hemp Embas…
Last reply by Oz, -
- 1 reply
Just a update on reply to possession question by Cheech - when I got busted for the little plant in Qld. 2 of the lovely hippocritical 'd's who laid down the law to me I caught up with later in local papers - One was killed after work driving with 2 female coppers pissed (in a D car) and the other one did 3 years for fraud (having his hand out)He wasn't that bad actually I felt a bit sorry for him. I can't speak ill of the dead so will say nothing about copper who died.
Last reply by BlackBeauty, -
I'm going over to Melbourne on the boat from Tasmania soon and I want to get some weed across. Does anyone know if I'll be able to seal it up well enough to get past sniffer dogs? Has anyone made this journey themselves?
Last reply by boulder, -
- 6 replies
What are the penalties for just having enough weed on you to smoke when it is clear that there isn't enough for supply or dealing? I've heard that they just take it (probably to smoke themselves) and give you an unofficial warning. Can an arsehole cop give you a record for it? Is it safe to smoke in public places, or should I just smoke before going out?
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 1 reply
George dubbya called Sadass Hussain to the whitehouse to try and sort a few things out. After the talks, Sadass said to Dubbya, "George, my son loves to watch Star Trek but only sees Asians, Negros,Russians and Americans onboard the Enterprise, My son is very sad, why are there no Arabs onboard? Dubbya leaned over to Sadass and explained that "Star Trek is in the future and the producers couldnt find any"
Last reply by pipeman, -
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heya guys just surfing around and i saw this old article it got a print in a few papers i know this is old newz but hey its a good xample of how fukin little the government actually knows about what is happening below is the link and 1 of my fave quotes "There is no argument that some do it for profit. Police say one hydroponic plant can produce 500 grams of cannabis worth $4000. Ten of these, three or four times a year, can bring in up to $160,000." smoke safe
Last reply by daselecta, -
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In considering the decriminalisation of marijuana, Canada's outgoing prime minister may make a hash of US relations, writes Anne McIlroy.
Last reply by boe~pimp, -
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Last reply by DrGreen,