Cannabis Law and Politics
- 13 replies
Hey all, I was reading this and thought that some of you growers might be interested in seeing how you might be of risk to a search warrant... Some points to consider: Most of you know this. The difficult part is determining which basis for a warrant is reasonable... there's a great deal of room for grey area there. Of course, it not only extends to narcotics offences, but just about any indictable offence. You always have a right to ask for the warrant, and to see it. Again we see the term reasonable, without giving any clear examples. A pity that police don't share the same view of reason …
Last reply by sols, -
- 1 reply
hey i hail from brisbane in queensland and i was wondering why is it so hard to get on, have they passed new laws or made big busts?? i have never found it this hard to get on before so i dont think it is my contacts, it is sooooo anoying! :angry: :angry: :angry:
Last reply by BlackBeauty, -
Appeal addressing all Governments and the UN
by Guest Urbanhog- 9 replies
check this appeal.... dunno if its useful or what. Urbanhog
Last reply by Tom, -
- 9 replies
In other posts people have mentioned that hydro can get you harsher penalties than soil growing, and stonedas said that a staged grow system with clones has resulted in more severe penalties than a similar sized single grow room using seeds. I was considering a staged hydro setup with clones designed to harvest every two months, but with this information I think I'll go with soil & seed in a single larger grow room if this makes the consequences a lot less severe if I get busted. It doesn't really matter, as I should be able to produce enough to satisfy my needs either way, so I may as well go with a system that will only give me a fine and not jail time.
- 2 replies
hi, are there any mailinglists about the political situation concerning cannabis in australia??? thanks christian
Last reply by charbono, -
- 0 replies
INVITATION TO ATTEND A PUBLIC HEARING ON EUROPE’s ROLE IN DRUG POLICY REFORM 4 MARCH 2003 ROOM PHS 4B 01 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT - BRUSSELS From 8 to 17 April 2003, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) will convene in Vienna. The CND meeting will include a two day summit of ministers from all UN Member States. The aim of the meeting is to evaluate the impact of current drug policy based on prohibition of production, distribution and consumption of all substances included in the three UN Treaties on Drugs (of 1961, 1971 and 1988). The meeting is also supposed to agree on future guidelines. The International Coalition of NGO’s for Just and Effective…
Last reply by cannabinol, -
NORML is the national organization for the reform of marijuana laws. it is a organization for the USA, which has been around since the 60's or 70's. i forget. but if there is anyone who is interested in reforming the law against pot visit or you can just post you interest on this forum. if you are in the QLD i am starting up a chapter of thhe organization, so let me know if you are intersted
Last reply by Ferre, -
Triple J discussion with Paul Dillon 1 2
by Guest bacchus- 14 replies
Just listened to a story on triple j's morning show discussing new legislation in s.a re hydro growing.....paul dillon from the national drug and alchohol research centre made an interesting point that due to the many mediums that hydro is grown in, there may difficulty in defining what is actually considered hydro when it comes to prosecution...i'm sure the bastards will find a way of prosecuting anyone growing in a "controlled environment"....also some interesting input from callers about the effect hydro has on them as smokers ie: stronger, harsher, left with a hangover when too many chemicals are used in the grow....anyhow just thought i would share that info with you…
Last reply by dj_fader, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I'm new to this forum & first off would like to say Hi to fellow smokers/growers. Can anyone give me an email address other than the one @ Aussie - you get sent to 420. I have tried to email him through Outlook, I have sent an email through the button on the members list, and all I keep getting is an auto reply. Is there a delay? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks Bob
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
ABC - "DRUG WARS" 1 2 3 4
by Guest Urbanhog- 31 replies
High fellow stoners again.... I was watching the "Bill" last night on ABC channel, during the breaks/ads, I saw a ad/preview called "DRUG WARS" for ABC documentry on this coming Monday the 13th Januray on ABC at 8.30pm. I dunno if it's cannabis related, but it was about the America's "War on Drugs", and saw piles and piles of coke and heroin during the previews last night. I have no idea if this posting is any worth letting you know, or even worth watching, but only one way to find out, watch it on Monday night. :: I have marked this on my calender so I don't forget Cheers, Urbanhog
Last reply by 4:20, -
- 5 replies
check out this link I found- there seems to be some hope here!--
- 0 replies
g'day;... c.3400 B.C. The opium poppy is cultivated in lower Mesopotamia. The Sumerians refer to it as Hul Gil, the 'joy plant.' The Sumerians would soon pass along the plant and its euphoric effects to the Assyrians. The art of poppy-culling would continue from the Assyrians to the Babylonians who in turn would pass their knowledge onto the Egyptians. c.1300 B.C. In the capital city of Thebes, Egyptians begin cultivation of opium thebaicum,grown in their famous poppy fields.The opium trade flourishes during the reign of Thutmose IV, Akhenaton and King Tutankhamen. The trade route included the Phoenicians and Minoans who move the profitable item across th…
Last reply by sols, -
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
So those on pot drives to Nimbin from QLD, better watch out for these sniffers, when they drive back from NSW border. Urbanhog
- 5 replies
Source: Victoria Times-Colonist While doing some research in the Netherlands recently, I was told a curious story by an Amsterdam city councillor. This councillor is also the owner of a "coffee shop" - a pub that sells marijuana - and so he often plays host to the foreign officials who constantly tour Holland and marvel at how the country's liberal justice policies have somehow managed to fail to spawn depravity, misery and chaos of biblical proportions. One day, he told me, he showed a foreign politician around his pleasant little shop. He pointed to the second floor and told the visitor he had another room upstairs. "That's where they inject hashish," he said wi…
Last reply by Green Finned Demon, -
Police drug buys
by Guest Urbanhog- 4 replies
$320,000 of taxpayer's gone to drugs.... fucking crazy! They must be having a big Pre-Xmas Party! :: Urbanhog
Last reply by boe~pimp,