Cannabis Law and Politics
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
The federal government is attempting to move the goal posts to make access to medical cannabis more difficult. please read the petiton at the link for more info..... The Medical Cannabis Advisory Group have been the most successful advocacy group regarding changing cannabis laws and we would not be where we are now if not for their learned approach to making the government change laws... Please share the petition and support the advocacy group…
Last reply by ooodog, -
- 420 Crew
- Admin
- 24 replies
Daily cannabis users are significantly more likely to be dependent on nicotine than non-users, according to a joint study by the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC) and the NSW North Coast Area Health Service. Unlike cannabis users in other countries, Australian cannabis smokers regularly mix their cannabis with tobacco, often called ‘mull’, leading to exposure, and potentially dependency, on nicotine as well as cannabis. The researchers decided to investigate the possible role cannabis use may play in higher tobacco smoking rates in men aged 25-34 in Northern NSW than in other parts of the state. Analysing data from the National Drug Strategy Hous…
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
- 1.1k views Whoever decided the main weapon in the NSW war on ice is to be a trebling of roadside saliva testing may actually be encouraging its use. I’ve always been a big believer in forgiveness, as ‘they know not what they do’, but that’s hardly good enough in these never been seen before times when knowledge is at everyone’s fingertips. Anyone involved in this war on (some) drugs must have heard by now that Cannabis stays in your blood for weeks or even months after inhaling because it is fat soluble, unlike all other illegals. For the police hunting scalps on the north coast, and especially the roads in…
Last reply by cardrona, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
From Medical Cannabis Advisory Group QLD
Last reply by oldfark, -
- 420 Crew
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- 1.3k views Options for the development of Interim MeasuresWe are seeking genuine government assistance, with the help of appropriate policy makers and advisory input to develop a detailed policy option for presentation to the International Narcotic Control Board (INCB) on behalf of the Australian people. The current confusion, pace and uncertainty surrounding the use of Cannabis for medical purposes has perplexed the most intelligent researchers, proponents, politicians, patients, carers and families too. In the early 2000’s, the New South Wales Carr Government sought to deliver a meaningful me…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 11 replies
When the rest of the world is investigating medical canna, the South Australian govt is making it harder. Please support this partition
Last reply by Sugar, -
- 420 Crew
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The new coalition of Cannawarriors had a successful trip to Canberra for the first day of Parliament, with four Senators addressing the rally, advocating for full legalisation of Cannabis. Senator David Leyonhjelm reminded the crowd of around 200 supporters, that he had been the only political supporter of full legalisation until recently and advised the rally goers that they should continue to “push”. A theme that ran thru the advice of all the Senators came down and talked to the crowd. One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson and Qld One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts also spoke. Pauline was adament once she decides to support an injustice she will stick with us to the end. Th…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
- 1k views “It’s hard to not think the massive police raids in Nimbin today aren’t at least a bit political. I remember raids here before in the week before an election. Big Pharma has been under attack from quite a few candidates in this election and not just the HEMP Party which is based here in Nimbin. The Health Party, Sex Party, Drug Law Reform Party, just to name a few,” said Michael Balderstone, President of the HEMP Party and the WA Senate candidate. The HEMP Party is running candidates across Australia and in many states has a joint ticket with the Sex Party. “I think the public is waking up …
Last reply by fishwyfe, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
Medical Cannabis is currently being discussed all over the country in high places and behind very closed doors. Not only by stoners but by people in suits who are popping out some weird ideas. Like Queensland doctors have been warned not to prescribe “the strongest forms” (THC) of Cannabis to anyone under 25 years old. They also warned doctors will bear full responsibility for medical Cannabis they prescribe and emphasised that medican products are untested and their safety and efficacy are unknown. Trying hard to scare doctors away or what? There’s no training in Cannabis organised …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 23 replies
gday everyone, i am new here. I was on another website and i was talking to a person who redirected me here saying it was an interesting site to visit, well it sure is. I have read a few posts and i think i have some information you guys may have been after for a long time. I have ways to beat the saliva tests. I know some very brainy people, but i have not tried these myself. Apparently gargling peroxide can give a masked result, also eating oranges, vinegar anything acidy will help cover it. also bonjela teething gel has something in it. Ok they only have a 4 hr time slot in which to detect illegal substances after that they need blood and urine tests, they are only tes…
Last reply by Mctavish, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
- 906 views In the wake of another medical Cannabis supplier raid, HEMP Party president Michael Balderstone said, “The government has overstepped the mark this time on medical Cannabis and poked a hornets nest in South Australia. People are furious about the Jenny Hallam raid.” Not only has the medicine been taken but the police report is deceptive saying they confiscated Cannabis and chemicals. There were no chemicals taken. The HEMP Party has long asserted the situation is now ridiculous for medical Cannabis users with calls on the Governments to agree, discuss and establish interim measures to …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 2 replies
I'm trying to write a letter to my local state and federal mp about the current laws regarding cannabis! This is one of the strategies ive read about and if i understand it right the more people who do this the better the chance of beating the un just laws! I have my own case to present as i suffer cronic pain as a result of multiple fractures ive received a well as suffering from ptsd and i have a family member suffering with crones disease! If anybody wants to give me more ammunition for these letters i would appreciate it! Stay loose and stay green Cheers Evo
Last reply by unclerkle, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
- 889 views There’s been a lot of talk lately about the use of medical Cannabis in Australia, and “progress” in relation to its availability. The Narcotics Act has been amended, and various cannabinoids have been re-scheduled. State governments appear to be on board, with the medical profession wanting products to be developed and clinically trialed before they can be prescribed. I’ve attended several meetings with Australia’s new Office of Drug Control (ODC) and our brand new drug tsar Bill Turner. Over the past few months the ODC has invited hundred of Australian companies, stakeholders a…
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 17 replies
Hey Stoners, Today I have had a completely mad idea - to organize a 420 rally in my local regional centre, a town of approx 10,000 people. As happens so often with me once I get an idea in my head I cannot let it go! As a bit of background and insight to why this means so much to me and why I feel motivated to do something... I had my first toke at 16, some 30 years ago. I've not smoked ever since, but only because it's been illegal and often unavailable to me (until you fine folks taught me how to grow my own).I moved to this backwater 15 years ago and have pretty much had no stoner friends ever since.I've recently come out to my family as a long time smoker and it di…
Last reply by Evo13, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Im only new to this group but im noticing that the good fight is slowing down when we should be fighting harder why is this and wtf is going on??? Evo13
Last reply by slicker1, -