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Why have we stopped

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i believe its because everyone was expecting more from the bills and votes that were just passed.


everything that just got passed was an epic fail for our fight.. so its back to the drawing board as to how we can convince the "public" that canna is not bad or evil.





Cheers Gumby1 i hope it can all get back up asap to keep the momentum or it will stall for another 20 years!



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i believe its because everyone was expecting more from the bills and votes that were just passed.


everything that just got passed was an epic fail for our fight......


Very epic fail that could have been avoided :(


I posted this in another thread but it is also relevant here...



In America it was the patients who stood up and proved medical necessity in the courts that changed things.


Unfortunately atm in Australia we are screwed with businesses, vested interests, research grant chasers and those naively following and supporting these people shaping the laws instead of the patients. Thus why the patients needs are being put last.  The fed cannabis bill has just stitched everything up for research trials and pharmaceutical companies to spend years developing products while the very limited few who can access medical cannabis will have to rely on imported products to access medicine. It has basically created an American style DEA for cannabis in Australia. The last thing we needed.


We never needed the fed cannabis Bill but when groups like MCUA, Mullaway, Hemp Embassy and so many others who the Australian community look to for information should have been fighting it they didn't. :thumbdown:   Instead they undertook big publicity drives to promote and tell everyone it was a good thing and the few who tried to fight against it such as this sites admin, the Medical Cannabis Advisory Group Qld, Cannabis Compassion Australia and a handful of others got dround out and never got heard over all their BS. The fed bill could have been stopped but it's law now grrrrrrr......and the fight got harder......but it is far from over.


:peace: MongyMan

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the people fighting for change fell for the oldest political tricks in the book.

they allowed the politicians to appear to be doing something to help but tie it all up in beuraucry so nothing actually happens. 

So now those good compassionate politicians have the benefit of being seen to be be caring

but not actually allowing any change and therefore not upsetting the 'Christian Right' that dominate the political agenda in this country.


anyway its way too slow for me and my brother.

at our age we will be long dead before anything changes. as will most of the people currently suffering.

we dont have any options but to break the law. 


and while all this is going on the police and crown prosecutors are picking off the med growers who have let their guard down in the mistaken belief that the law is softening, but it hasn't.

there is no change in the criminal law. not one state, or the commonwealth, has softened or changed the law effecting the growing, possesion or use of cannabis.

Not one Police force has instruced its members to leave Med Growers or users alone or even use discretion in regard to their arrest.

there is no change in anything. its all media talk about change not actual change.






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