Nutrient Problems
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
280 topics in this forum
- 15 replies
Hey fellas. I'm growing 2 plants inside a computer case (yeah i know..not the best idea, but its just for fun) and the oldest one has been growing well, but ive noticed yellowing tips of leaves. I've taken pictures but you cant really see it the same as in real life of course. its not serious..but i guess it could get serious if the problem isnt addressed.
- 2 replies
Recently i left a mate to deal with my gorw as i had to work and i think eh might have put a tad too mcuh dynamic lifter on ! The leaves have brown tinge to them!!!!!!!! would i be correct ! Believe me i'm not a happy chappy ! :angry:
Last reply by Lofty, -
- 0 replies
G`day , Thought I`d post a pic of some sick lookin` leaves that I believe was caused by a nutrient deficiency (please correct me, if you disagree).I was being very cautious with the nutrients after burning a couple of my other plants. When these leaves started turning yellow and developing these ugly brown patches, I read many posts on this website and a couple of others to try and find the cause (I wanted to be sure I wasn`t going to mis-diagnose the problem).Anyway, after a bit of research I decided to give them a dose of full strength nutrients and I haven`t had any related problems since, so I assume I did the right thing. As ugly as the leaves were, I…
Last reply by Ken Oath, -
nutrient strength
by Guest weekprik- 1 reply
I was told by different people different things in regard to strength, i have been told 1200ppm is good, also Dutch Master is a good nutrient. Opinion is Powergro is a better yielder. Potash is stored in the plant to increase weight overall. Max may have vitamins and all the fancy metabolites that Dutch master pioneered. Yes similar to Superthrive and Nutriboost. I prefer Nutriboost for the 1-NAA that swells plant tissues. Snake tank is fine for plants. Metal adds zinc, iron, copper etc, so keep it out of the nutrients. Temp of 25 degrees is ideal A flowering plant will take 8 weeks to finish avg. If you take cuttings at 2 weeks into flowering, they take 2 weeks to ro…
Last reply by Mick666, -
- 6 replies
I had one plant going in a bubbler with a half strength mix of canna veg nutes. After a week I added some nutes to increase the mS reading from about 1.6 to 2.4. The canna bottle says to aim between 1.8 and 2.6 from memory. Anyway the plant started to show early signs of nute burn with cupping leaves after 2 weeks. I thought this may be a sign that the system needed a water change. So I drained the bubbler and added a fresh batch of full strength nutes. Well over the next couple of days the nute burn got worse so I emptied the system and now have them in plain PH adjusted water to flush. Pic below. My question is when you flush your plants in this situation how …
- 9 replies
anyones comments on this much appreciated,my little plants are slowly losing their greeness,they are kinda starting to go yellow,they are pale green now,also they dont seem to be growing, would this have something to do with the tempreture in the cupboard?, they are about 2 weeks old and arent really growing, most have one or two "small" leaf sets?? i havent started nutes yet,could it be a bodgy light,when i bought me setup i only got a 2nd hand light,i pick my new globe up tomorrow,and from tomorrow they have been under a 400watter for a week,should there be more action than one leaf set in a week?,over to u guys
Last reply by denske, -
yellowing leaves/purple stems
by Guest bacchus- 6 replies
hey guys..... i have a dodgy looking little plant that i rescued from a friend (you can check i out in my post in growing techniques "exercise in tying down") that has been growing pretty well outdoors... recently she has started showing purple stems and yellowing (patchy) on her leaves, largely on the shade leaves although the new flowering growth seems to be ok for now....i heard these things can be a sign of phosphorous defficiency....can anyone recommend an orgainc fert high in phosphorous safe to use during the early stages of flowering...up until now she hasn't been fed anything but seasol....any help would be appreciated .... cheers bacchus
- 5 replies
The plant has been going yellow for a few days now. only the bottom sets of leaves though (looks like it's slowly working it's way up) the top is still nice and green. It's raining in syd atm so i've got the plant inside under a 400 watt HPS. I always water this plant once a day. He's never really had any nute either. i take it nute would prolly help yea?
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 3 replies
I have been told that the first leaves that form (the circle ones) are meant to fall off. True? anyway, now the next set of leaves up from it are going yellow is this normal? if not what can i do to save him? it's an outdoor plant. hasn;t been much sun around lately so i'm been bringing him inside and putting him under a grolux fluruo light thingy. i don't really give him any nutes. only a bit of charlie carp everynow and then (every 2-3 weeks)...... he has had alot of water lately, due to rain. could that be why?
Last reply by Buddy, -
- 2 replies
In a patch of approx 10 plants of diiferent strains, one strain has yellow leaves which are not dry or anything like that and only on the bottom half of the plant. They look perfectly healthy except they have no green in them. Each day i pick them off only to find more there within 2 days. I stopped fert on this one but it still is happening. To look at the plants top half it looks great but just bald so to speak in the bottom half. It is happening to smaller leaves as well as the shade leaves. I want to keep her going as it is showing signs it is female. Any ideas what could be causing this? Cheers
Last reply by boulder,