General Problems
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
1,384 topics in this forum
What causes this?
by Guest weekprik- 4 replies
Hi this has me beat, I have never seen a MJ plant do this before?? I mean instead of say 5 fingers or whatever its only producing 1 large finger per leaf and they are big wide and ugle (like me) It has been a bit stressed due to being moved in to a non-ventilated wardrobe for a few weeks, but take a look and let me have your thoughts plz, Oh its Nirvana, NLPI.
Last reply by indooraussie, -
- 5 replies
G'day all, hope you can help. I have 4 w/widow plants 3 weeks into flowering. The grow room size is 1m x 1m, 400 hps, 2 x 250 fans. 4 x 20" pots all with there own watering rose, and clay beads. Poly in a cirlre with 4 holes ea. When in vegi I was feeding the girls with miracle grow @ 18cf. When I turned them to flower I raised the cf slowly over the first week tot the 24. End of second week I raised the cf to 28. Now the problem. At the end of the second week I noticed some of the fan leaves were tuning yellow from the bottom up. Now these buggers were as big as your hand. Larger in some cases. I thought this was just natural as satavias normally drop the big le…
Last reply by daybobd, -
Purple leaf ? 1 2
by Lofty-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey all ! Recently i sowed my seeds and they shot and one of them came up with the two embronic leaves out and the first set of serated leaves are purple ? whats the go ? do i need more nutrients or is there to much in the soil ?
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 7 replies
hi ozstoners, finished a nice gro a while ago of g13 & white rhino. In the crop I have a few immature seeds, nothing major just a few. I don't mind a couple of seeds - even in some of the best Jamaican sensi you come across the occasional seed. I wonder how this happened as I did not find any male heads on any of the plants. Someone advised that I should completely scrub my gro room with bleach to kill any pollen that may be in the room. Bit late for that as I already have another gro on the go & I am not gonna scrub the pots with bleach while the plants are growing obviously. Someone said that I may have got pollen from some mj I was smoking & contaminate…
Last reply by budsta, -
- 3 replies
my 4799 mother has started flowering. bloody bitch she is. I had it on about 20/4. None of the other mums have this problem. Does it have an autoflower tendency or did I stress it into flowering? (mite sprays & forgetting to water sometimes) got it on 24 hour light now, hopefully it'll come good.
Last reply by Kash, -
- 7 replies
My babies have been flowering for a few weeks and have a few weeks to go. Thing i am unsure about is: the very tips of the top buds' hairs have started turning red and looking ready but the rest of the buds 'hairs are still white and the buds are still definately growing. Is there any reason for this? the plants are healthy so there are no problems. This is only my second crop indoors so i am not sure if this is a common thing or not. Any good advice from you good people out there? Could my lights be a little too close to the buds?
- 6 replies
A good few days after taking a few clones from my favourite mother, the main stems of all of them turned a purpelish colour. Other than that they are getting new growth, could this be stress? thanks
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
winter in canberra has already kicked on, and i'm about to start a sog grow under 1000hps in the garage. only problem is temps have already dropped below zero. i'm not even running fans in veg at the moment and lights are on 24/7 anyone know of a safe way to heat while lights are off in flower??
hey just recently switched to a recirculating setup, supposed to be a bit faster and better yields that pots. well i've had alot of problems since the switch and i'm thinking about canning one of my new setups to go back to pots. one of my systems is an ebb/flow or flood drain table, the other is a three pot top fed type. i'm not having much luck with either as the plants are growing slowly and poorly. i'm going thru nute changes and clean water flushes once per wek. ph is stable now at 6.3-6.6. i'm even using co2 in the flood drain table. there is one exception though, i went and used two varietys for the flood table, afi#1 and g13 and g13xhp. probalbly a bad idea i…
Last reply by white_cluster, -
For Newbies.
by Guest weekprik- 3 replies
Beating the Summer Heat By Erik Biksa During the heat of the summer many gardeners growing under lights shut down and wait for cooler days. Typically H.I.D (high intensity discharge) lights produce nearly as much heat as they do light, with the exception of some of the newer electronic HID lighting systems. Because they are usually operating in a closed environment, the heat radiated quickly builds up the growing area. If temperatures exceed 85° F in the plant canopy, results are usually diminished. Most grow rooms have an exhaust system to evacuate hot air from the growing environment. The system usually uses a larger CFM fan to pull air out of the growing …
Last reply by SoDrysBro, -
- 5 replies
My Ak99 and Big Bud growing in cocopeat/perlite with hydro nutes under CF's in a cab are looking close to dead The leaves are all curling over and looking brown or yellowing and some of the tips have litlte red bugs I think are spider mites... What should I do? Should I take a clone or 2 and kill the plants?
Last reply by tokealot, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I have 3 seedlings under flouro's about 4-6 inches away, They are 16 days old in perlite/vermiculite. They look like they are dying, The leaves are going off colour, They are getting lighter and then heading towards yellow/brown. This is starting from the tips of the leaves heading in, Fast. 2 were transplanted recently and have had their first drink of 1/4 strength nutes, This prob started before the transplant and nutes but the nutes seemed to speed things up. The 2 first round leaves are the healthiest looking, They aint effected. Could this be overwatering, I water from the bottom so the cups sit in a couple mills of water most of the time. Any help or advice …
Last reply by Paranoid, -
HELP! no light for 4 days straight!
by Guest weekprik- 1 reply
My oldest plant (4 weeks in to flowering) which is at my freinds house, well the dumb prick got paranoid cause freinds were staying there for a few days, so he turned the ligh off on monday and didnt put it back on till friday, so the whole time its not been getting ANY light, THis is about 2 weeks away from harvest, What can i expect the plant to do now??? will it hurt it??
Last reply by budgirl, -
A friend of mine is growing two plants under a 400hps and is about 5 weeks through flowering..when he opened up his room today the leaves of both of his plants were covered in small red insect looking things (only way i know to describe it) they are moving so i guess they are a form of insect. Does anyone know what may have caused this and how to get rid of them.......thanx guys you all rock
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone have any advice for acclimatising plants growing in less than ideal outdoor conditions to much happier, much higher light conditions indoors? They're under a 400whps, one in a bubbler and the other in a mixed media of perlite/expanded clay/growool floc. The light has been raised to 45cm from the tops because of current spraying with white oil, but I'm worried the lighting could cause some probs. Or will any light scorch or any other problems be restricted to the outdoor growth, with the new shoots being produced being already used to the environment? Any advice appreciated.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker,