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What causes this?

Guest weekprik

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Guest weekprik

Hi this has me beat, I have never seen a MJ plant do this before??

I mean instead of say 5 fingers or whatever its only producing 1 large finger per leaf and they are big wide and ugle (like me)


It has been a bit stressed due to being moved in to a non-ventilated wardrobe for a few weeks,


but take a look and let me have your thoughts plz,


Oh its Nirvana, NLPI.


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hi weekprick,


Is this from a clone taken when the plant was just in fruit?

I have had similar leafs when I had to take a clone from a plant already starting to fruit. It grew ok after a little while, just took some time to get into veg grow mode & the first few sets of leaves were mutated.

Hope it comes good.


: )

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Guest weekprik

I dont think so,

But it was ok when I got them, were 5 finger etc, good root system and about 15cm tall,


It just started growing this way when I moved them in to an unventilated wardrobe???????????

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