Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 4 replies
Hey stoners, just been to see me mate as he has had a wierd problem hes never seen before and its got me stumped too. In his res/brain(same) tank he has these little white worm like bugs(very very small) that skim across the surface of the water the same way that mosquito larvae does.I guess the only difference is that these are ON the surface and not below like mozzies. Anybody know?
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 14 replies
Help!!!! Picked today and right in the centre of the top bud is mold - white (looks like cobwebs) and in some places it has started to go brown - what can I do??? Do I have to throw the crop? Is it salvgable?? If i smoke it what will happen? does anyone know anything about mold and the difference between FUNGI and MOLD??? The crown bud was larger than a beer can, but when cutting the individual buds off, white, brown and even purple web like matter was noticed. I have salvaged what I could, but am still concerned about smoking it. BLOODY HELL. This is my first ever crop, and I have definetly learnt many things already. Dissapointed, as I managed to get rid of the spider …
Last reply by mace, -
- 5 replies
OK, I am using an EBB and Flow system, the nutrients are changed and the plants are washed every two weeks, the nutrients being used are GH (Grow, Bloom, Micro), the plants look great in Veg but once they are 2 – 3 weeks in Flower they begin to turn yellow (the tops first) with the veins staying green. The tips are pointed down with a little burn at the tip and once the leaf begins to die the tips turn up. The nutrient strength is as the manufacturer recommends (1200 – 1400 PPM / American System) the temp in the room is 70 or so and the water temp is the same. They feed for 15 min. every 4 hours only in the light period. I think it is an Iron or Magnesium deficiency…
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hi Guys..need help asap. Can't show a pic but... both plants have developed very thin pale green leaves that curl up at the ends. Using hydro shop around 6.1 400w sonti self watering pot type system. I had a feeling it may be over-pruning but now mum is sharing the grow space and is showing similar problem. 3wks ago clones and mum were magnificent dark green specimens very sad looking. Hope you've got an answer for me.( pulled me out of the shit last time) Bazza7
Last reply by bazza7, -
- 2 replies
Hi there......... i got 5 plants growing outdoors, that are halfway through flowering....... up unto 2 weeks ago all the leaves were a nice lush green colour as they should be, but the last week ive noticed the leaves near the bottom of the plant and a little in the middle of the plant are starting to turn a plale green / yellow colour ? what is the cause of this......i gave them some organic fertilzer about 3 weeks ago, maybe its time for some more Fertilizer ? ? ? What do you think ? P.S only about 10% of the leaves are starting to turn this pale colur. the rest are still lush green.......... Ive attached a pic of a leaf that i took from my webcam.........…
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Just checked my plants and it looks like there's really fine webbing over the tops of some of the big buds, and in between some of the leaves. I checked under the leaves and it looks like ther's a few tiny brown crawly things under there. Last couple of weeks the leaves have been getting white spots on them but I can't see any bugs flying around inside the cupboard. I've got 4 plants in a cupboard, run to waste, 6 weeks into flower. I've just sprayed with white oil. Anyone know what it is or what else I can do? I took some pics but you can't see the webbing. Any help appreciated, they're almost ready to pull!
Last reply by off my head, -
Arrgh, I think I have scarid-fly!!! 1 2
by Guest Eikel- 19 replies
Ok, So I don't have Spidermite, I'm pretty sure they're scarid-fly, but I have these tiny little white things crawling over the top of my plants in potting-mix. The plants themselves look perfectly healthy and are growing strong, but I'm concerned as to what these little things are. They are "jumping" across the surface of the medium - I assumed from this behaviour plus the fact I dug in the mix and found a tiny little flying insect that they are scarid fly. Fortunately, the plants are watered with Dutchmaster Guardian - I believe this will help? I just gave them a good spray-down with a pythreum/garlic spray I bought at the nursery, will this do anything? I do …
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Does anyone know what might be causing the leaves from one of my plant to look like this? At first i thought it could be over-nitrification, but now im thinking it could be a deficiency of some sort...possibly a magnesium deficiency? It's slowy working it's way up my plant, and affecting the older leaves first. I also thought it could just be from a lack of sunshine, but now its happening to leaves in direct sunlight. I know it's not from over watering because i've been letting them dry out in between watering. Can anyone think of what might be causing this? Any help will be much appreciated.
Last reply by F420, -
- 4 replies
Hi there....... can some one suggest a natural home made remedy for getting rid of bugs and pests........ Ive noticed some of my leaves have a had quite large bites taken out of them but when i search under the leaves theres no bugs to be seen........ i heard a while ago that you can make some natural spray that will get rid of pests......... i think it had chillie and garlic in it or something....... does anyone know the exact ratio to make such a spray thanks jason i want to make my own..........i dont want to buy anything from the shop
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
What's the active ingredient of Mite-Rid these days ???? It used to be Abamectin, but that changed recently. Anyone got a new bottle handy ??
Last reply by tassie devil, -
- 3 replies
A problem has started that I haven't seen before. It looks like rust. It begins in the main veins of relatively new growth, killing the leaf from the inside out. Older leaves are not affected as much as the newer ones. It is especially apparent in the tender newest leaves trying to grow from the tops. It halts the growth of the plant, as it struggles to survive against this problem. What could it be? It's affecting nearly all my indicas, but not my sativas, even though they are planted together.
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 1 reply
2 days ago I watered these the soil wasnt quite dry yet, I allso increased the ppm from 1000 to 1500, useing bc nutes, ph 6.8. soaking from bottom till top gets wet. allso added the 400hps-hort. to the 400 mh, useing hand method to tell heat,RH-53-55, on 14-10 light
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 0 replies
Sorry they are so big I forgot to do something.
Last reply by UBENHADD, -
- 2 replies
i have just had one of my white rhino seeds sprout but the frist to sets of leafs are tiny and the round leafs have all curled up i am growing them in a mix of coco and perlite what should i do any ideas :scratchin
Last reply by sLiM sHiFty, -
I recently purchased a Eutech ph scan...can't seem to get it to calibrate. How do I know if its a dud or not.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker,