Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
i have an 8 year old juniper bonsai and there are little insects in the soil acompanyed by browning on patches of leaves. the insects are light brown and are wingless as far as i can tell. any advice on what to do(organic advice prefered but not a rule)
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi there My outdoor plants are attracting an insect pest that is starting to damage the leaves. I don't have a photo but they live underneath the fan leaves, are 2-3mm long, diamond shaped, white/beige in colour and some have a feathery tail. They leave a white, powdery residue on some of the leaf stems. There are also what I guess are eggs - 0.5 mm in length, beige, underneath the leaves as well. They are really doing some damage to the leaves and as much as I try and squash them, they are hanging around. Any clues on what these might be? And how to treat them?
Last reply by Stoney, -
ph control 1 2
by wayno1- 12 replies
im using a recirc system with expanded clay balls and nulife nutes and the ph is raising on me every day i run my ph at 6.3 but it increases to at least 7.0-7.2 whthin a 24hr period. I flush my system weekly with straight water for a couple of hrs then add fresh nutes i run my ec around 2.0-2.2. is nulife a reputable brand or should i bin it............. i'm 3 weeks into flower and have only had this problem since turning to 12/12 cheers wayno..............
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Ok, so this is my first one growing, don't even know what strain it is or anything. It's now about 10-12 weeks old and is growing outside in a pot. Watering, feeding and any other activities aren't that regular as they could be. I have given it some hydro nutes early in the veg, it's also gotten some fish emulsion, and some organic garden booster. Leaves are now started to turn yellow as you can see from the photo. I repotted it about 2 weeks ago. also tipped it a week ago. New branches are still growing no worries. So please help me you oh so cool ganja masters
Last reply by eternity, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hi all Im looking for some help in regards to WATER I have been watering my Babes with Rain Water but have run out I have looked into RV-Osmosis but its way to impractical and waists a lot of water Can I use say a pura tap filter or can I use just plain tap water? Would love some help
Last reply by eternity, -
- 6 replies
Will these plants come back. I havn't been able to water them for 2 weeks. They're in Coco. I hope they come back because they're the only mother plants I have. I don't want to have to stuff around growing from seed. Also, can someone point me to a post or URL that will show me how to to these plants into Bonzai's. I know nothing about keeping mother plants. Or instead of triming these plants back to bonzai's, would it be beter to start new Mums from scatch, take clones from these plants and trim them as they grow?
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 6 replies
Hi stoners I posted about ozone damage to my plant about 7 weeks ago. I only ever use a carbon filter, but tradesman were working here for weeks on end right near GR so I bought some xtra insurance in the form of an ozone generator. I must have been off my face at the time because looking back I put the ozone gen in the room, 2 foot from plants and had a fan blowing the gen straight onto the plants. I only used it for 3 days and by the third day had very visible damage in the way of burning etc. I cut the damaged section away ( 20% of one plant and nil off the other) and contined to grow. Harvest time revealed very very little crystals, hardly any smell throughout the gr…
Last reply by Roadblock, -
- 7 replies
Hello stoners once again, I have just noticed that the leaves on the canopy are all slightly curled up length ways. the underneith are all looking normal appart from a couple of rogue manky leaves (nothing unusual). have tried the search engine but no answers. Im growing in coco and its a SCROG bout 10weeks old from seed. cheers
Last reply by Earthbound, -
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
Could anyone please help with trying to figure out what is wrong with this plant. It happens every time, at around 4 to 5 weeks into bloom. Around the time I add PK 13-14, but this could be a coincidence. Any help appreciated aussie1
Last reply by aussie1, -
FK! 1 2
by racingsnake-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hello guys again... Thought things would be all good at this stage but I think I'm learning some very valuable lessons from this first grow... Have a look at these and tell me what yous think? Bare in mind they were taken off mum's way into flowering and only had about a week and a half in veg before I had to turn them to 12/12 (holiday deadlines) A mate said I needed at least 8 weeks budding... Red Devil. They've been on 12/12 for 9 days now. I have been keeping my ph between 5.5 and 6.5, with an EC of around 1.8 and letting it fall to about 1.3/4. I have been spraying with a little ph balanced water or soda water nearly every 2nd day too. I have been changing my nute …
Last reply by racingsnake, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hey guys im havin a bit of an issue with the white fly the nasty lill pricks seem to love me outdoor plants but only me mullies dont really see em on others so i was thinkin and was wonderin is there any natural defence against these fukers??? like another plant that deters em?? cause im in flower and a foliar spray would break my heart i can contain em threw vege with some pyrethium spray but i dare not apply after 3 weeks of flower all ya help is appreciated guys bil
Last reply by silent-toker, -
- 8 replies
Hi All you oz stoner doctors. Can I please have a diagnosis on my baby. I thought I lost her a little while ago. A snail decided to have a munch. Anyway I thought about putting her out of her misery but thought no, I couldnt do that. Shes growing, but shes looking awfully droopy. What could be wrong with her. Heres a pic, Any comments welcome
Last reply by Roadblock, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
hi guys... just checked me plants and there are what looks like small flying ants sittin on top of the soil. leaves havent been touched, but there are a fair few sittin on the soil..also, for about 3 centimeters up the stem from the soil, looks like the stem has been eaten away. Plants look really healthy, but that part of the stem looks like somethins havin a good go at it. Any problem solvers for these 2 would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Stoney, -
deficiency? 1 2
by highgrade-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
What nute def is this its only been happening since sunday the leaves are of a cheese plant about two weeks in veg, they're in 3 inch rockwool then in 5 inch baskets with pebles in a home made spray system fed on vita link grow ive got ten and the problem is affecting about 8 of them leaf.bmp
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
I have had one youngish clone that seems to have all new growth being all wrinkled but the strange thing is these wrinkles are beyond anything i have ever seen.. It seems like they have gone like your fingers after a long bath. Now firstly i figured a growth abmonally and minor nutes problem as it looked like outside of new growth wasnt growing so i flushed and refilled a week batch of nutes but the trouble continues (but the others are fine feed from same nutrients) so i waited thinking that the new growth was affected at forming and some new growth will come good but it hasnt the older affected growth is flattening out with still weird dimpled texture to them without …
Last reply by Shithappens, -