Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 2 replies
Howdy folks ive got a few outdoor girls in pots and are turning into bloom,probly a few weeks into bloom.The problem is the white hairs(pistels) are starting to fry from the heat or something,i've tried taking them out of direct midday sunlight to try and stop this from happening... I've thought of putting them under some shade cloth but its a bit suss looking due to where i'm living(houses and units so close you can hear their cats fart). Anyway if anyone has any good suggestions ,please let me know....cheers..........spaceleaf.......
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 14 replies
hi all just wondering if anyone can help me this is the second time this has happend plants are 4 weeks old just introduced more light stems start turning purple slower groth yellowing of leave not sure what up so any help would be great have been growing for awhile but first time i have incounted this prob can it be heat related thanks
Last reply by SweetJan3, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
I herd on the grape vine that, recently, some important mail depots around australia handling internation mail had their infustructure upgraded. This upgrade increased customs ability to scan mail for organic matter ext.... seeds are obviously organic matter. I herd this upgrade could potentially increase the proportion of internation mail scanned from 10% to 90%. So as the title suggests can anybody shed some light ???? I herd this upgrade would be operational late sept but i have since successfully obtained seeds. Has the loss rate increased since this date?????? perhaps a little survey would be great.
Last reply by re-Peter, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Bud rot help, what to do with infected buds? Bubble? I unfortunately found myself with 2oz of wet top cola’s with internal bud rot right in the middle, coating the outsides of each small bud on the cola from the inside outward. The mold itself is brown in color and is kind of powdery starting from the stem in the middle. Is there any way to use this bud for bubble hash or something? As it seems such a waste of bud. Would this be good for bubble hash or would the mold make it through the screens into the final product?
Last reply by Radic, -
- 4 replies
Yesterday I caved into my paranoia and moved my 3 and 4 week old babies from the back yard into my nursery. Yes, yes. I know the golden rule about not going from outdoors to indoors, but there's only those two plants, the nursery was offline till now. Yesterday afternoon I went and looked in on them and saw that they weren't looking too good. The leaves have dead patches on them. I moved my lights up so they weren't as close thinking that they might have been burnt a little. Granted, they are only CFL's, but those things can still get pretty warm! Here's a pic of the worst of it. It seems to have affected all the leaves from top to bottom and on both plants, bu…
Last reply by Radic, -
Hello everyone... I have just started to grow from seed. Germinated and planted fine and for first 3-4 days all looked good. Now the leaves are starting to yellow. Not sure how to describe it, but they seem less green than before and they are starting to yellow. One of them (in blue pot) shows noticeable burn marks. They have been growing for about a week. Ph is 6.0 and I am growing in COCO with bit of perlite thrown in. I am using Canna COCO A&B mixed at rate of 1.25ml/L for the moment. I water once a day until I get about 30% run off (which doesn't take much) The lighting is HPS 400w which is about 50cm away from the plants. Grow tent is 1.2x1.2x2m and tem…
Last reply by hardeyes, -
hi all, have just come home to find my girls have heavy mold on the top colas...there are really big elephantitus like growths in those spots. the fan had stopped while i was away, so i am lucky the house didnt burn down i guess. anyway, was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on maximizing harvest which is about 2 - 3 weeks away, after i hack out all the sad sad sad wasted head. i also have noticed a little yellow spore looking thing under some of the shade leaves on one of the girls. depressing. thanks phin.
Last reply by phineas, -
- 7 replies
Howdy I have a few very small patches of spider mite on my plants. I have a 2m square scrog scree. I'll be harvesting in 2wks so i dunno if there's any sprays i can use so close that won't turn me into a dead bug too. At the same time, i know how quickly it can go from a few small patches to a room of web. What to do?
Last reply by smokinjoe, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hey all I'm having problems with small catterpillars. There are hundreds of them and they are getting in the buds and destroying them. At the moment I'm just pulling them off but there are just too many and cause they are in the buds pulling them off only bruises the buds more. Whats a good product to use? Cheers RR
Last reply by konflikt, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, This is some of my nirvana wonder woman, she is about 16 days into flower, 1100PPM and 5.6PH, also had some LST done as you can see. Hydro, drip fed. Under a 400W hps also. Feeding only Plantastic BLOOM A+B. I started to notice some yellowing of the leaves while the veins remain a dark green about a week ago. Reading up I thought it looked like an iron defeciency, but was just after some other opinions and some feedback as to what may have caused this? Any help is appreciated. Cheers. http://http// htt…
Last reply by Closet Grower, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
I have 3 fair ladies out the back. Recently, I noticed a couple of the leaves were afflicted with this condition. It started after wet weather, and although I don't have much experience in cannabis cultivation, I am an avid gardener. The condition seems to have spread. Only some leaves are affected, and the condition doesn't seem to be extremely aggressive. This is an 800x600 photo of a typically affected leaf: I would appreciate any advice. This will be my first decent harvest if I can get back on track.
Last reply by budweeder, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
normally i would say to anyone presenting this issue that they musnt have looked hard enough for the bugs eating the plants as they must be there somewhere, but over the past week i have noticed my jack the ripper lemon pheno mother plant being eaten alive by something. i sprayed the room down heavily only a couple of months ago which nearly wiped out my mother plants because the bug killer was made too strong and i have searched each and every single leaf in the vege room looking for anything that looks like a bug. so far all i have found has been fungus gnats and since i have lived with them off and on for years and never seen anything like this it has me worried i…
Last reply by smokinjoe, -
- 6 replies
It's been a while since I posted my little grow on here, but now that I've got the 400w (enclosed in a cooltube with ducting) Son-T lamp.. things are looking really really good.. It's actually growing at around an inch a day! I take it the leaves are a really good colour.. the rich dark green? I was actually kinda wondering, how tall should I let it grow before moving to the flowering stage? I've got around 6ft of grow height, and the plant's roughly about 9inches tall at the moment.. the smell's kinda starting to become a bit of a problem, it really is quite strong.. can only be a great sign I guess.. I've also got both dutchmaster's liquid light (to go with the penetrat…
Last reply by Home_Grown, -
- 2 replies
This is my first attempt at growing and it was going well but my plant doesn't seem to be doing much now. The stem is long and thin with not much stability, there are leaves at the top half but they are not bushy and look quite flimsy I have tried bio-grow but this just made it grow taller not bushier. Please help, I would hate to have to throw it out!
Last reply by konflikt, -
thrips one week into flower have applied pyrthum once 4 days ago to under sides, and manual removal of lower leaves they r startting to spread to all areas of garden. safe to drdoom fogger?..... any body know n e thing about mosquito dunks, or soil treatment for larvae (the soil is sunshine mix #4) strain is PK
Last reply by mull,