Southern Hemisphere
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- 19 replies
Well, I posted this on many times but didn't get a whole lot of responses. My grandma is growing, originally 7 plants but now it's dropped down to ONE and I get to keep it (the other 6 went to ppl in need of weed) So...How do you ppls think they're doing? How long (estimate) do you think before budding...Anything in paticular I should feed em to give me nice juicy buds?? Sorry if this seems incredibly simple to some but I'm clueless, I used to grow by planting and letting em always worked well but now with only ONE plant and a drought I've become a tightass
Last reply by pipeman, -
a few pics 1 2
by bushgrower-
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
greetings friends thought i'd show ya a few pics of my ladies , they are growing in bags with a compost /superdirt mix with a dash of rose fertiliser and urea for good luck . they should be ready in about 6 wks . all going according to plan lost 6 to some lite fingered deer stalker but still got 20 to see me through. hope you enjoy . cheers bushy
Last reply by everest, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
This was our outdoor set up in 1992, the best summer we ever had while growing. It took us 3 weeks to get all plants harvested,,, Harvesting 300 outdoor plants in Holland.
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 5 replies
I'm just about to get ready to plant. Can someone tell me how much compost I should put into the ground. I was thinking about 1/4-1/3 compost and the rest of the soil an equal mixture between potting mix and the soil at the site. Is this too much?
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 1 reply
Hey, I have a plant on a window inside a house. It's 1 month old and it's about 5-6 " high, is that normal? it has about 15 leaves. I know of friends that have out door plants that are the same age but twice the size, What i am wondering is.... At night time when I sleep, I put my aircon in the room on and the unit is about 2 ft away from the plant. Would this stop the plant from growing? Thx.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
i live in the northen suburbs of perth and im lookin to start a crop in the back yard. i was wounderin how to get hold of some good quality seeds as the last bunch just died almost straight away. any help would be greatly appreaciated cheers
Last reply by Tom, -
- 4 replies
not sure what they are called but i'm sure we've all seen the nets that alot of horticulturists use outdoors for keeeping birds etc from attacking they're crops, usually seen alot in wineries. available in black or white also is good for if you have dark/light leaf strains. obvously you won't be able to grow 15 foot monsters in your front yard, (perhaps you could if you were keen enough ) but for the backyard it would just aid in making the ladies inconpicuous as it is very hard to distinguish whats beneath them. ~Boe~
- 6 replies
so.. what the fark are they and are they going to cause my grow any damage? i had them last season too... and they just seemed to nest in the leaves - i couldnt see any damage from eating etc... just tiny little white flying thingos! anyone able to actually understand my weird description and enlighten me?
Last reply by Cryptic, -
- 17 replies
I have about 8 plants outdoors and never thought my 70+ neighbourhood (it's not really a retirement village just seems that way ) would really be an issue, apart from their visitors. However at a good half a meter high now one of my neighbours (from the side i have the plants on and quite visible from his windows) pointed out the marijuana plants in the garden Just wondering if any of you have had anything similar happen. Around this area i have been heaps dosile about smoking and growing the fine erb as it's just part of my natural life and it's just there... like food or tv. The strong odour of burning ganja is almost always seeping out of my house along with…
Last reply by Cryptic, -
- 1 reply
I planted 9 seedlings in those tiny little vegetable punnet things aroung 10 days ago. Since then 5 have sprung up 3 have already got the first set of jaged leaves and the others are just forming the first rounded ones. Can anyone tell me at what height they should be be4 I transfer them into somthing else either the ground or reasonable sized pots to later remove and plant in the ground? Cheers, Tristan.
Last reply by aussieinvader, -
- 3 replies
Can anyone help me with what was/is a good time to plant Outdoors in the NSW Central Coast region... about 2 hors Nth of Sydney. Cheers. --------------------------------------- * CC bud rox0rz * unlikely, ha
Last reply by lounge4ct, -
faarkn ants/curlin upward leafs
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 1 reply
Sup ppls.. i just put sum clones outdoors thats didnt seem to b growing much in my floodNdrain.. and ive noticed that the leaves r curling upwards and ive got a crazy ant problem.. there all over my ganja... will they effect the plants..? and how do i get rid of em...? i get shivvers with i see them bombarding my bubbas.. much respect Ele
Last reply by boe~pimp, -
- 3 replies
I want to make a big compost heap, but I'm not sure what nitrogen source I can find in suitable quantities. I can get plenty of sawdust from a sawmill for carbon, but my household scraps and grass cuttings just aren't enough. Can anyone give me some pointers as to what to use and where I can find it (I live in southern Tasmania)
- 2 replies
OK.Here's my problem.I would like to start growing in the spring,and I need to know what strain would be the best for my area. I live in a woodland area with lots of hills and very rocky soil(I'm talking soil that you need a pick axe to dig in).During the spring there is typically a lot of rain.Yeild isn't really a big concern,because I just need enough to get myself and two other people through the year.I need something that is pretty sturdy,can deal with temperatures from just slightly above freezing to hot summer temperatures,and handle a lot of water.Also something that can grow in slightly shady conditions would be ideal,as concealment is an issue. Thanx in advance…
Last reply by !#gr33nh0rn3t420#!, -
Just Moved plants 2 outdoors
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 1 reply
Hey guys ive just recently notcied that i have 2 males amung my crop and ive just recently placed them outside.. do u have any extra advice on helping these bubbas survive.. and will it still effect me indoor plants there like placed outside and fair distance from my indoor females.. and is it possably to turn a female clone into a male..? much recpect Ele:
Last reply by boe~pimp,