Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
Hey dudes, not sure if one of my plants has a nutrient deficiency or maybe I’m not watering correctly. Have two indicas (granddaddy purp) growing outdoors in soil which are 53 days old now. Since topping the plants a bit over 2 weeks ago, one of them hasn’t recovered as well as the other plant. Maybe because I stuffed this one up while topping and cut off a branch of new growth and a leaf off it by accident. Just growing in organic potting mix with some perlite & just use seasol along with FlairForm GreenDream Grow (yes it’s a hydro nutrient but I am using outdoors) maybe this is the problem? Obviously it has also been really hot lately too. Ph levels are between 6.…
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 12 replies
Blah Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Carbcon, -
So went to water my two girls this evening. I have a Blue Dream CBD in one location and a Moby Dick in another... about 2km away from each other. Have been caring for them for near on 5 months. Both plants had well over 1lb on each. So i walk up to the Blue Dream and..... ripped! Totally gutted but thinking to myself ok I still have another one. So I head over to water the MD and would you believe but yes.... ripped too! Only been two days since I visited them and they were doing beautifully. So gutted now! These plants were in locations where nobody would go. A 200 metre walk from the nearest carpark through sand dunes in the middle of big Coast Wattle trees. Being in sa…
Last reply by Devilly, -
Looks like my photo has been flowering for a few weeks. What do you reckon? I purchased both photo and auto seeds in their breeders packs. Only the photos have been played with so far. Oct 23 photos sprout. Start of December I notice pistils. Xmas day looks like this. Had the plant in a large pot thinking it was going to be a star performer. Farking dud more like it. Swapped out into this smaller pot a few days ago. Hoping recovery goes well........or not. Hahaha. So what gives? Is it a photo that needs more hours of sunlight than Queensland can give? A dodgy pheno? Or an auto?
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 8 replies
I've got outdoor plants at various ages and still have a heap of feminised seeds left. Wondering how much veg time outdoor plants would have if i germinated some seeds in january? I'm in qld just west of toowoomba if that helps
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 1 reply
These are my 2 frisian dews. They've started showing pistils so i've started tying the tops over hoping for more crowns
Last reply by ZEN2U, -
- 8 replies
Hi guys, a mate of mine gave me a couple weed plants to try and grow. they're about a month old and pretty small but i'm going to grow them anyway. I have never grown outdoors before, my plan is to get some big 75L pots and fill them with manure, potting soil and some perlite. I have access to composted cow, chicken and sheep manure. I was wondering, what kind of ratio's should I use? I was thinking 50/50 with the soil and cow manure and then add some chicken and sheep manure and perlite. I don't know how much chicken and sheep manure to add? Any suggestions or things I could do better? (I can't get any composted horse manure) Thanks!!!
Last reply by jacobsmith11, -
Ok. After a failed attempt and wind damage to my baby plants, I decided to make a space bucket with 2 x LED lights mounted in the lid. I germinated another seed and planted it and put the pot in my new space bucket. I didn't have the chance to fit a cooling fan on the night I put the pot in my newly made space bucket but I put the pot in there to start growing. I left the 2 lights on and they are only 30cm away from the top of the pot. I think I burnt the newly germinated seed[emoji22] Since then I have fitted a ventilatiin fan which I might have to buy a bigger one, ordered a full spectrum 300w light so I will fit it to my space bucket but I will increase the hei…
Last reply by stickymickey, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Not sure if should be using hydro nutes for my outdoor grow. 2 Indicas 7 wks old, In potting mix with perlite. Using Flairform GreenDream: Grow which is a 1 part hydro nutrient for veg. It was recommended to me twice on this forum for outdoor use. The directions for use label are for hydroponic grows and recirculation systems as far as I can see If I can even use this outdoors, how often should I be using it? Sorry for the second post about this, my first one didn’t make much sense & I can’t delete it , cheers
Last reply by Nutter3, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
Hey dudes Gave my first dose of Flairform GreenDream Grow 1 part nutrient to my plants 3 days ago. Got 2 indica & They are 7 weeks old, I topped both about 10 days ago and they are looking good. Just wondering how often I should apply the nutrient (every 7 days?) or am I just reading the label wrong . I was using a liquid fertiliser from Bunnings while I was waiting for this to arrive in the post. I’ll post a pic of the nutrients and the directions for use label so you can read it yourself Any help appreciated, peace ✌️ & Directions for use label: Edit: F.y.i I am using this outdoors
Last reply by RickJames, -
- 2 replies
hello looking for recommendations on best auto strain for outdoor grow
Last reply by AquaDolly, -
Topping Accident 1 2 3
by RickJames- 21 replies
Had a bit of a f*ck up today while topping plants (3 indica growing outdoor) they are 37 days old I think... Sprouted on11th November. 2 of them are perfectly fine, but the last plant got knocked over when my bloody dog jumped on the table hahahah [emoji23][emoji24] Just wanted to know if it should recover, haven't had this problem before thankfully . Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by RickJames, -
A friend of mine was given a couple of feminized seeds, is it too late to start germinating now? Will be growing outdoors, Not worried if the yield/plants are smaller because of the late start, just wants quality smoke.
Last reply by AquaDolly, -
Hey dudes sorry if this is a frequently asked question, I’m just after some suggestions for nutrients. My last grow was pretty damn good but could’ve been better. All I used was powerfeed once a week ( N.P.K : 12 / 1.4 / 7) for veg. For flowering I used Manutec Bloom Booster ( N.P.K : 6.2/ 14.6/ 16.8) And used Seasol seaweed every two weeks. Some people have said that it was too much and others have told me the NPK ratios aren’t the best for what I’m after. So just wondering what are some good nutrients for Veg and Bloom that I can purchase around Sydney Any help much appreciated open to any suggestions ✌
Last reply by RickJames, -
- 71 replies
My plants a very healty they are about 3ft high 2 ft wide...all plants look like they are praying to the sun my worry is all plants are showing heaps of white hairs hope their not starting to flower early i will put up pic bit later
Last reply by Danny kush,