General cannabis hemp cultivation information and discussions that don't have a particular forum.
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Hi. I'm new to growing and was wondering if anyone has had anything to do with Dr. Greenthumbs TurboDirt? Is this too rich at the start or can I just use this and not worry about anything else except water? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
potplace.com.au Renting space with room to “grow” within the ACT, 100% legally. any1 see this taking off? wot other services r gonna boom (or not?)
Last reply by Raniformis, -
Collected male pollen in moccona jar over last few days. Added pinch of plain flour to keep things dry, and stored in fridge. Plan to make babies as soon as rain and wind clears. I'll pick a calm day, and wash hands, change clothes etc. to avoid accidental pollination. I'll dust a branch each from handful of different strains with a small brush. Plan on dusting a lower branch on each. Do I dust the entire length of branch, or just a few inches, near tip? Im after about 100 seeds from each plant. Mood music, scented candles, poetry and chocolates are ready. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
Airless sprayer 1 2 3
by Try Blu- 20 replies
Lounging on the couch after a few hot ones. Thinking about spraying my plants, and how rubbish my pump sprayers are. I thInk the droplet size is too large for any sort of decent contact/coverage before run off occurs. (not very effective and wasteful) Typical garden pump sprayers, 5ltr, 8ltr. Didn’t skimp on them. Probably should have. Anyways, back to the couch......stoned.......surfing for a better solution. What about something like this? https://www.bunnings.com.au/ozito-700w-airless-paint-sprayer_p0048851 Hahaha......gotta be good yeah? Anyone using paint guns ?
Last reply by Try Blu, -
- 4 replies
What's ya thoughts on this.....boy ,girl,both ? Both pics are the same plant. 2nd week of 12/12. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Devils Lettuce, -
- 4 replies
Hi all. How's about this rain? Wonderful! May it continue to fall and out those fires completely. This is my second grow and I have just put 3 black Domina clons, 2 critical orange punch and 1 white widow on to the flower cycle. I have got these things I have never seen before on the stem of the black Domina, is it normal for a clone, or is something going on I need to sort out? When the BD, flowered before I did not notice these.
Last reply by micmac, -
I think to many people out there are are being unknowingly poisoned with pgrs,so heres a couple of things to look out for so you can avoid it. I am not an expert but i can tell what i have figured out. 1/Generally speaking in my area pgr bud is rounded and rock hard.Most of the time its a shade of light brown but can be any normal colour. 2/when broken or ''mulled up''emits little smell. 3/Lack of visable tricomes.''as pgrs inhibit resin production'' 4/Taste can be variable from crap to putrid 5/Look out for headaches and chest problems. 6/imho it has no medical value and no recreational either as its just poison. 7/People poisoning people? Any thought…
Last reply by GreatSouthernMan, -
Sex anyone? 1 2 3 4
by wearthebongo- 30 replies
Day 7 of flower and I had a look with the loupe and found this. Is this ballsack?
Last reply by Chumba6962, -
- 8 replies
Just trying to be organic with homemade compost mixed with few egg shells and some coffee grinds, have been only giving bit of water everyday using a spray bottle (using rainwater, is about 6.5 pH) they have been getting a solid 14 hours light and 4 ish hours of direct sunlight. Any advice on this? Should I consider using something like bio-diesel. Not after too much yield but just want to have that satisfaction of smoking my own organic weed Also should I be transplanting into a bigger pot soon? Seedlings are approx 4 weeks old.
Last reply by Porky 1982, -
- 4 replies
Hey fellow growers, I have not been around for a while, and also have not been growing for a few years. Able to get back into the swing of things, and am Just wondering if I have missed out on any new super technologies that have been released. Have LED's become the go to lighting yet? When I stopped I remember CFH was starting to look very good how's all that going? Any new fantastical additives released by nutrient companies?
Last reply by Billyg0at, -
- 2 replies
Auto flower here and looks like i stuffed it up. Is this hermie or not ?
Last reply by Porky 1982, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hey OS, Thinking about getting a 1m X 1m X 2m tent but unsure if it will be enough to supply my smoking needs so thought I'd start a thread to see what sort of yields ppl are getting off theirs to determine if it is worth getting a tent that small or not.
Last reply by micmac, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hi all. I am a relatively new grower and also new to this forum. I have done a lot of reading on cannabis flowering time but I would like to know if the flowering time for cannabis starts at the beginning of when you flip to 12/12 or when plants start to show their gender (about 2 weeks). So would a plant that takes 8 weeks to complete flowering actually finish in 8 weeks from flipping to 12/12, or would the length be 8 weeks PLUS an extra 2 weeks before they show sex, making for a total of 10 weeks. Any help appreciated. Hope I am clear enough in my writing. Cheers.
Last reply by Porky 1982, -
- 5 replies
hey all was just wondering if it’s too late to start this season, i wanted to do an outdoor grow but have not ordered any seeds yet. If it’s not took late would you guys be able to recommend any strains that have high yield/ good outdoors in melbourne weather? thanks heaps. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by AquaDolly, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Morning good people. I have a question regards my grow, first timer. They are into the fifth week of flowering and the smell is divine, BUT, they smell totally different, and growing different? Both Black Domina, but one smells like a fresh lemon tree and the other like you stuck your head into a bag of wet pine chips. Is it normal for the same strain to smell so differently from plant to plant? PS. They are growing differently too. When is tall and thin and a bit scraggly, the other is short stumpy and bushy. I'd wonder if the seats were mixed up but they came in the same bag.
Last reply by Ozzy420, -