Cannabis Paraphernalia
Discuss the tools and accessories essential for optimal cannabis consumption. From quality assurance to ease of use, make informed choices for your needs.
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Well last Friday i mailed off my money order for this beauty i got today, she cost me 43 bucks including postage. Glass cone and a diffuser stem. She hits pretty damn smooth and i just want to recommend Freewheelin' for all your smokin needs, they actually care about their customers and are always very courteous and speedy. So anyway here are the pics. Kinda happy as been agung shes all Aussie haha.
Last reply by billyluke, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
I've done a bit of trolling through these forums in my time and couldn't find an answer to my latest stone-inspired quest. I'm after a new bowl (or two) and started wondering if the material would make much difference (other than how easily I break it smashed). I remember a Canadian telling me they only keep weed in paper bags to keep "more crystals" so would, say wood be more of a bitch after a while? I've found a few square-bottom bowls that I'm taking a liking to.. Suggestions? Experiences? ps ( I've used newspaper but I'm moving up in the world, kk?)
Last reply by Blind Melon Chitlin, -
spots 1 2
by red dragon-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Was looking through the forums and realised ive never come across anything about spots in here.........Wondering how many of u's have them (came across quite a few people lately who have no idea how to have them) and if u got any ideas on how to figer out how to make the smoke from them a bit smoother (other then useing the giant contraption my mate made)
Last reply by Kaos 714, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
anyone able to recommend somewhere in western sydney to buy a bong? iv got a pretty heavy sentimental attachment to ceramic baby bubble styled bongs but i'l take what I can find had a look around mt druitt / st marys (kind of places I thought would be easy to find bongs!) but all I found were a few hookahs in the indian type places
Last reply by Jim666, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
a coupla pics of the grinder we talked about stoney. didn;t know where else to put em. peace c
Last reply by ShaftReturns, -
Magic Water Pipe 1 2
by Jim666-
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
I just bought a new bong..A nice pyrex one.. an it has a big MWP sticker on it with the address on it..i tried it but it didnt work so i was wondering if anyone knew of a place to see other MWP bongs.. thanks Jim
Last reply by choobax, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
I was on the Jaycar site looking at there gadgets and came across this Wind Turbine Generator. By the specifications it lists this could provide enough power to run a 250w HID light? I don't have the room where I live for this but if I had the room or lived in the country or on a large property I wouldn't hesitate to get 4 of these things to power 4x 250w HID's. wouldn't that be COOL- literally, (I know bad joke ). The price at first may seem a bit steep but if you live in a especially windy area then these things would pay themselves off quite quickly I think... :scratchin ? What do you guys think of this product? Wind Turbine Generator At long last we have so…
Last reply by choobax, -
Hi Team, I am about to blow my cash on a Vapir One. I think I have read everything there is to read, and I do plan to tape it up, but.... I guess there is some nagging doubt in my gut! I have no vaped before so do not want to pat $1000 for a volcano. And words of wisdom before I do my dough? Cheers
Last reply by runmedown, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hey guys, sitting here bored taking pics and thought i'd post one of my new bong. Its actually not that new, ive had it since just before christmas, but compared to others ive had, its still new to me . Cost me around $60 from a tobacconist. He wanted $75 for it, but cos it was christmas he let me have it on the cheap :thumbsup He even threw in a big packet of nag champa (BEAUT incense if anyones into that stuff ) for free Probably still paid a bit too much, but I like it, and we all pay too much for the things we like dont we :whistling The only thing I'm not real sure I like is the weird resin-stained colour around the top and where the shotty is :thumbdow…
Last reply by nugget, -
Super Vapezilla 1 2 3
by superninja- 21 replies
Hi all, v dub got me keen to get right into vaping with his VRIP VCB REVIEW. Thanks mate, very interesting thread to follow. In fact I was drooling with anticipation as I decided to fork out $200 odd for the VCB and the Makita when I spotted resinreapers bit on his Volcano. Also very interesting. Thankyou. Then while deciding whether or not to just go straight for the luxury item, I found this Has anyone got any real info on this thing? Here's an excerpt from one of the following links; "The Volcano has a larger herb holder than other vaporizers such as the Vapor Brothers or the Vapezilla. Whip vapor…
- 26 replies
Ok, just wanted to post some video I took last night of the quantity vapor I'm getting from a modified Vapir ONE v3.0, for anyone who feels this unit is inferior or would like to get a better handle on what it's capable of. The simple modifications cost next to nothing, but I attribute the current level of performance to them. Check this out: I'd appreciate any comments of comparison from Volcano or Vapezilla users especially, but all comments are welcome.
Last reply by HighRising, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
This is the situation, I let a mate borrow my cermaic cos I thought I wouldnt need it for a while but he cracked it n bought me this pyrex (i think, it says pyrex so I assume it is one) any way it has this rubber base that really smells and tastes like shit. Anyone know how to get rid of the smell and taste without changing the base (got I aint much of a tools man) and do all pyrex have this rubber base or is mine a fake . It reminds me of this gas that I got used on me YEARS ago to put me asleep b4 I got my tonsils out (I think its called sleeping gas), it basically smelt like burning tyres n hated any rubber smell since then so any help would make me real happy. Pil…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
Volcano Vapourizer 1 2 3
by improv-
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
hey everyone...first time posting. i am interested in your Volcano temperature settings. In particular -- what setting gives the most intense high minus any nasty side-effects.
Last reply by Specialk2k, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
just curious about you favorite bongs, but it has to bongs you actually own, not your ultimate perfect bong...
Last reply by tomA, -
- 25 replies
I haven't done much researhc yet on this, but I want to know if anyone knows whether or not using a Zippo to arc up your gear is not recommended. Someone once mentioned to me that I shouldn't use any lighter that uses naptha as its fuel (such as Zippos, of which I have one), as they said that using it constantly to keep your smoke burning isn't terribly good for you...I gotta say, the aromatic vapours from those are a little bit suss, perhaps carcinogenic? (BTW, since then, I've used butane lighters, both the standard and the jet-flame types.) Any responses to this would be much appreciated BO'T
Last reply by Problemchild,