Cannabis Paraphernalia
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I have to go to melbourne next week. Staying in essendon. I am trying to find a tobacconist that sells bongs, inparticular the springer. I have one but would like a new one as mine is a bit long in the tooth. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Can't get them in sydney, was gunna order one but since I will be down south, thought I would ask.
Last reply by sirsmokealot420, -
- 4 replies
sup all i took apart my bong to give it a really good clean for packing away cause im moving. but now i cant get it back together! its just the rubber stopper underneath it, but ill be fucked if i can get the bastard back in. its a really tight fit around the base and the stopper is quite chunky. anyone got any ideas to get it back in?
Last reply by drgreenthumb, -
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- 5 replies
Magic Flight Launch Box. I have heard SO many good things about this odd looking little unit. Has anyone (preferably someone used to, and accepting of vaping) here actually used one of these, and are they all they're cracked up to be? Brief review would be cool. Thanks.
Last reply by friedricey, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
heya all just watched this hella old stoner movie from the 60's "Getting Wasted" and in one of the scene's they had this glass looking device with a spiral on one end where you inhale and the joint upright on the other end with a shottie/air release ..................... ---888.......[J]..... ---888.......[O]..... ...888............ ...888.......[N]..... ...888.......[T]..... ...888------|--|-O-|. ...----------------|. ..................... (sorry for the crappy ascii - but you get creative when stoned ) (and it looks better in the editor part ) obviously these things are hella old but ive never seen em b4 - anyone one know what they called and if possible wher…
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
long time reader, first time poster. not sure which way to upload fotos is better, lurking forums without being signed in and not getting to see the attachments suck so if the picture comes up twice for the registered user sorry. first one is eggplant bong, all glass, the cone and stem from BNT (thanking you) and the rest are some parts i had lying around from various places. i use a circular drill saw thats diamond crusted, get em from ebay, only a few bucks and u get three, they do blunt easy if drilling through thick glass like these hollow fruits, but i got about 10 bongs worth out of the first 20mm drill bit i had, but the newer/sharper the bit the better the cu…
Last reply by StonedHenge, -
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- 9 replies
Hey i was just wondering if it were possible to smoke hash oil through a crack pipe
Last reply by IAMTHEMANOHYEAH, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys thought I would do a review of one of the new types of concentrate slides by Health Stone Glass, I have used this before but only with crap oils so now that i have made some good stuff keen to give it a review. Basically what theyve done is made and 18mm cone piece without the cone pit in it and made it to hold a porous round stone that you use as a screen. What you do then is just simply get a torch lighter prefurably with decent butane so you cant taste it and smoke like you would when torching a cone and the oil melts into the stone and vaporizes through it into your bong I have found you get an very thick tasty hit and definitely my favourite way to smoke oi…
Last reply by cone head, -
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- 7 replies
Even though reading all the negative reports re Springers being bad for you over the years, with cheap imitations being inferior pvc etc, they still remain one of my favourite toking implements. My missus was sick of looking at my old faithful, and took it upon herself to buy me a new one for my 43rd birthday recently. Now, I am sure most will agree the AGUNG range of pipes are mostly quality plus, and was surprised that my new Springer was stamped in gold lettering "AGUNG Trading Australia pty ltd". Now, it may be my ignorance, but I was unaware a fine co. such as Agung made Springers. Can anyone shed any light? Cheers BMC
Last reply by El Gato, -
- 5 replies
So my mflb arrived today. I know that I've seen other reviews on the unit here but I thought rather than jump in on pre-existing conversations I'd post something of my own. FIRST let me just say. Australian Vaporizers. They send shit FAST. I payed a little bit extra for their "overnight" postage. I ordered the unit 4:30am tuesday morning and it was delivered to Sydney early wednesday morning. So for those that are a bit apprehensive about throwing the extra bucks towards this, I have faith in their ability to do it and I'm happy to report that the unit arrived safely and with discreet *enough* packaging. So thanks and props again for Australian Vaporizers, I highly r…
Last reply by Mighty_J, -
- 7 replies
hello i am new too this forum so please bare with me im not sure that this is the best idea but it is the only option i could think of. i have recently purchased an arizer extreme q vape (my first vape)and after using it approx 10 times it just dont cut it (not that belovedd feeling i get from my bong) im annoyed with myself for spending money on something i no longer use so here it is would anyone in perth be interested in buying it from me? make an offer if ur intrested (realistic) im not sure of its value now but im sure you can work it out email me at cheers
Last reply by Philfy8, -
- 10 replies
I have been thinking about going vap, but since I like my boutique style smoke and enjoy the different flavors as a wine drinker appreciates their wines or a cigar smoker appreciates their smoke, I was wondering if I decide to go vap am I losing flavors that come from different strains. In my research I do realize the health benefits of the cap versus other smoking methods, but key concern here is am I losing the different flavors that are associated with the plethera of different strains available to us.
Last reply by drunkuncleharold, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi, newbie here and to Oz Just wondering if there are any pipe shops in Brissy? Cheers
Last reply by wietlover, -
- 10 replies
So after years of owning all sorts of glass bongs each meeting an untimely demise I thought it would be interesting to find out how many everyone has gone through I've been through about 8 number 8 is still alive though FOR NOW Dun dun daa...... My last 3 have been really expensive though. all from everyonedoesit I currently have the weedstar 5mm messias spikey ice
Last reply by JaykeSucks, -
- 2 replies
I'm doing some Backpacking around Australia and I'm currently in Cairns. I'm looking for a shop that I could buy a piece from for a buddy of mine. I've been to Off ya tree but their selection isn't the best. Is there another shop in the CBD of Cairns that has a wicked selection? If anyone wants to meet up or somethin, shoot me a message. I'm only here for a few more days though.
Last reply by Juanto, -
- 8 replies
Despite what laws have been passed regarding bongs and such I have managed to find a few things at a Lottery place/tobac store. I found some paper things called cones. They also had a couple of big glass bubblers and a jar of little pipes from India. They called them piece pipes. (Im American and I get the spelling mistake). Anyhoo, if anyones having issues with pipes I hope this helps.
Last reply by Ex.,