Cannabis Paraphernalia
Discuss the tools and accessories essential for optimal cannabis consumption. From quality assurance to ease of use, make informed choices for your needs.
- 4 replies
My favourite method of cleaning my pipe is a little messy but simple as. First I get an old plastic container - I use a butter container. put your pipe, conepiece, cleaning stick & any bits you have to clean into the container & cover it with brown vinegar. Let it stand for an hour or so, depending on how dirty the pipe etc is, pull it all out & rinse under tap. You will need something to slide into pipe stem, I use a straightened hairclip and a pipe cleaner - the hairclip scrapes it out & pipecleaner pushes it all out. A small brush would be great! Dip it back into the vinegar & run a clean pipecleaner thru it. Repeat til clean. When clean…
Last reply by merl1n, -
- 4 replies
Bought this off ebay for about $6, thought it looked pretty cool . seems decent too, cheap, but decent. will have a few tokes tonight and let u guys know how she goes. Peace
Last reply by Zac93, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
since these stupid new laws came in, none of the big shops sell cone pieces anymore. anyone from perth that knows where to get them, maybe some markets or someplace like that? or is it possible to order them online and get them mailed with out too much suspicion / seizures?
Last reply by The Stoned Jester, -
Hey all, A long time ago i came up with a couple of DIY bong mods. After many friends commenting on how useful they are and then going home themselves and copying them i thought i would post them to share with everyone. 1. Small round rare earth magnet (available in 4 pack from Jaycar) held on with Scotch Exterior Mounting Tape (available at Officeworks and Bunnings) most stronger double sided tapes should do the trick but i use this particular brand for its water resistance and shear strength, also it appears to be resistant to mentholated spirits which is handy during cleaning and its easy to remove without sticky residue. This is used to hold the lighter (Any met…
Last reply by RidgeyBlaze, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
I have predominantly used either dry pipes or plastic homemade bongs for smoking. Cleaning the pipe is easy enough with a stoker and I just throw the plastic bottle away when it gets to filthy.. Now I am pretty set on buying a nice new Agung glass billy. But, what is the best way to keep it in pristine condition, What are the best chemicals for getting all that filthy bong snot out of my new billy....?? THanks in advance Puka
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Was just wondering if it's possible to vape fresh herb instead of dried?
Last reply by Ally, -
Im just curious as to how many people from NSW have ordered from EDIT, and if they have ever had any issues with orders. I've spoken to another member he's said all is good, but I want to make sure since customs are being dirty little sluts giving me the backdoor and not telling me a straight answer. Just would like to hear some good or bad experiences, was your order seized? was your order destroyed sent back? were you sent a fine ect.
Last reply by Nooby, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
I have never used a vape but like how they sound. However, they can be quite expensive. Has anyone tried these cheap portable vaporisers?
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 8 replies
Hey all so just thought i would show you all my new bong and slide i recently bought The bong is a SYN beaker bottomed with 4 arm perculatioin a splashguard and a defused downstem and standard 14 mm clear cone piece or Slide The bong sounds like crackling bubbling noises very cool and its a beast to hold onto i used my herbiron to smoke and was very nice extremily smooth and although i have other nice glass pieces i dont have one with a splashguard yet this makes a huge difference to the smoke IMO blocks any water that comes in the smoke up into your lungs to make you cough and i think thats one of the bad health reasons with bongs is water getting into your lungs well no…
Last reply by Frank Reynolds, -
- 8 replies
home brew all the way, pulls cones like a charm - so smooth
Last reply by 420saleonnow, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
Well I have been wanting to make some BHO so I needed a oil rig to smoke it with and this is what I put together for now Enter a labworx vapour bell and my little RooR pocket pipe and it makes a good little combo, but I do have another little bubbler on the way that should suit the job a touch better than the pocketpipe and will put up pics when it gets here and fuck me oil vaping is just something totally different and gets you hell stoned. It was only my second run of oil ever and just used a 30mm copper tube with a coffee filter on the other end and this batch was miles better than batch one so hopefully I keep on improving to finally get some nice honey defian…
Last reply by Frank Reynolds, -
Weed Star 1 2
by JaykeSucks- 19 replies
I was looking on EDIT the other day, and I noticed Weed Star bongs. They look pretty nice, some of them have 7mm glass, and they're cheap too. I googled them and it seems a lot of people don't like them, saying they're crap. I was wondering if anyone on here has had any experience with them? I was looking at the Messias Illusions Ice Bong, 7mm (when it comes back in stock) People said the glass at the spot where it beakers out is really thin, but I can't imagine it being too bad. Anyone with this bong/another Weed Star care to help me out?
Last reply by jmNQ, -
- Admin
- 3 replies
Anyone out there using glass bonza bongs and accessories? I'm trying to design my own bong out of a glass bottle and need to know the size of the drill hole needs to be to fit bonza stems and grommets. So does anyone know off the top of your head what size hole it needs to be to snuggley fit the rubber grommet??.... or would someone mind getting out there bong and measuring it up for me... cheers
Last reply by Samurai, -
- 2 replies
sup all well i finnaly went out and brought a vaporstar vaporizer thingmabob ive been using just a good old water bong all these years, but the smoke is starting to get a bit on the lungs. quite intresting realy ... took me about 10 times as long to finish the one cone i put in there - got heaps of hits out of it . as for the stone its kinda good affects the body more then just getting a heady buzz. anyone else got one and swear by it? also want to know if you do or don't/can or cant put water in there like a normal bong?
Last reply by ConvexConepiece, -
- 2 replies
Hey ozstoners, I use vaporbrothers box vaporizer. Lately since I saw this guy on youtube doing it I have been leaving it on most of the day when I am home with the whip loaded and plugged in. This way I just go take a hit whenever I feel like it, like it could be on for a few hours before vaping more weed. Does anyone vaporize like this and did you notice a difference on electricity bill? I wouldn't have thought it would use much but it has got me thinking.
Last reply by hobbyist,