Cannabis Paraphernalia
Discuss the tools and accessories essential for optimal cannabis consumption. From quality assurance to ease of use, make informed choices for your needs.
Hey fellow stoners....long time no post Anyhow...when I pack myself a cone, I generally try to ( and usually succeed) take the whole cone in one breath. Now I do this and then hold the smoke in for a little while, and exhale. Now to me this seems the right way, you get lots of smoke, you dont waste any and the holding in of the smoke allows it to absorb into your blood. Right? Well lately, a couple of my mates laugh hysterically at me taking cones..and rather take tiny little breaths, breathe out straight away...and in the proccess let the chamber empty.... Now I may be petty, I may be dumb, hell I may even have it all wrong..but FUCK , WATCHING THEM TAKE CONES MAKES …
Last reply by Badboybris, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
- 5.8k views However i'm not too sure i did it properly. I read the instructions from an app on my android, but i was under the impression it was supposed to taste a little... well apple-y. However it was just harsh. I really want to get this one right so does anybody know how to make it properly? Any help will be very appreciated
Last reply by Badboybris, -
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
Hey I'm looking to buy a bong in sydney for under 50 bucks, could anyone let me know where I could find some, I would rather it if it was in the Northern Suburbs but any suggestion is fine. PMs welcome. Thanks
Last reply by newtothenet, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
G'day everyone, I've been interested in investing in a vape and I was keen to get the Magic box but cam across the Stealthvape which can be found here It looks even more compact than the Magic box. I was just wondering if anyone here has used the Stealthvape before and if it was worth getting over the magic box or not? What do you guys think? Stealthvape or Magic box? Cheers, pb
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 5 replies
Hey all, I'm pretty handy on the lathe and have made a few cone peices for.friends and friends of friends. was just wondering if it would be worth producing these on a semi mass scale and offering them to members on here? And what price would people be willing to pay. Thanks
Last reply by kilindi, -
- 2 replies
does anybody know where i can buy slow burning king size zig zag papers
Last reply by Cerberus, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Like the title says. Currently I have a homemade lightbulb vape and a small wood pipe. I'll be taking photo"s and adding them . What do you have if any?
Last reply by Teeroy32, -
- 1 reply
I've tried a few legal blends in the past, but All I got was useless rubbish and I never thought that I would try one again. After discovering the new blends that contain synthetic cannabinoids I thought I'd give it another shot, even though a fair number of these synthetics have been made illegal (e.g. JWH018). The blend that I've got is Thai High Bubbleberry, and I think the synthetic it has in it is AM2233, but really I have no idea what synthetic it contains. After one cone of this stuff you are feeling pretty ripped, after another I was completely blazed. It is very much like pot but different. Think of Marijuana as Bart Simpson and Tai High as Hugo (Bart's …
Last reply by zappalover, -
- 10 replies
I am new here guys so please take it easy on me, and please move this if it is in the wrong section. I have recently obtained a legal "high" labeled Puff from the Happy High Herb shop. I tried it and was disappointed, especially when I take into account the high price of $20 for half of a gram. To the Review: PUFF Image I just wanted to give you a review of my experience from "PUFF", the preferred legal high from "The Happy Herb Shop". I had a total of 0.5 grams, which is the whole pack ($20). That amounted to about 6 cones worth. The test went on for about four to six hours and all it seemed to do was…
Last reply by Dyls, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hello all, I'm getting very close to taking the plunge & finally buying myself a piece of glassware that I can be extremely proud of. Of course I'm quite familiar with the hype about ROOR bongs, and the only other brand that has piqued my interest is G-Spot. Like many others, I've seen the YouTube post where the dude hammers in a couple of nails with the G-Spot bong (See below if you haven't), as well as having diligently researched both websites... but I would really like to hear from some fellow Oz Stoners, no doubt there will be a few ROOR owners out there, but if anyone has any experience with G-Spot glassware as well I would love to hear some opinions & c…
Last reply by Frank Reynolds, -
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
Hi, I've got a hookah and I'm wanting to smoke it with a few mates. The only problem is that I don't mix tobacco with my weed ever.... I would rather not use the hookah at all than mix in tobbacco. No problem with those that do mix, I just choose not to Anyways, I've been reading around and most people do mix, so Im finding it hard to find accurate info about this. I read somewhere that you can mix in a teaspoon of water with your mull to make it last longer in the hookah... Can anyone confirm/comment on this? We also have some oil and ice hash we can mix in if we need to... Anyone know If this would work or not? Otherwise, are there any other tips people can offer a…
Last reply by fly45, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
I did not find this on the internet anywhere except for being on wikihow cuz i submitted it there. This method I've been using for years, its the best way to keep your bong clean. What you need: Milk A steady hand #1 Okay first you want to get all the resin off the inside of your bong, For that you need Bottle brush hot water from the tap washing powder You will need to fill your bong with hot water & about a tablespoon of washing power. Now push you bottle brush down the mouthpiece/tube thing( you can take the bace of your bong off to get to the hard to reach places) just make sure you scrub of all the resin from the inside of the bong and the outside/insi…
Last reply by MongyMan, -
Kronic is a legal high, which as I assume does use some type of synthetics in it, so it is not all natural as far as I know, but I it could be. I don't know the ingredients but I highly doubt it is all natural from some of the effects it can produce. Either way, synthetic or not, this has not been yet deemed to be illegal. It comes in a neat packet that you fold is stapled together flat. You can get 1g or 3g, and can get it from expensive to cheap depending on where you shop. Image: This is the most potent legal smokeable high that I have come accross. A few cones can get you wasted in a short period o…
Last reply by saltbox, -
- 4 replies
Hi there Am looking for a good kif box with a screen and glass collection plate. I can source them from overseas but the shipping to get them here is as much as the box itself. Ideally the box would have a 150 micron screen and a glass collection plate, be made of Australian timber with a natural finish on it. Any clues appreciated.
Last reply by blindnovice, -
- 27 replies
Hey all. This is an early report on the Arizer Extreme Q vape. I've only had this for a few days now, but thought I'd give some quick feedback. This vape is getting a lot of hype recently. The extreme Q is the new 2010 model, and there's quite a bit of chatter about how it goes head-to-head with a volcano. I reckon the volcano is better, but the extreme Q has a lot going for it also. Firstly, although not a low-end vape, the extreme Q won't break the bank like the volcano does. It set me back about $350 AUD, delivered to Aust (I purchased it from Canada). Still exxy, but it's an awful lot of bang for the buck. On that note, the standard model works just fine on 24…
Last reply by cappinem,