General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 0 replies
So ive had a bit of a suss at this reckon it looks the goods for what i need, remote access to temps sounds amazing. I think it was someone on this board i saw mention it but shit gets muddled up in my head with all the forums haha. Anyone got any experience with it? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by papasmurf99, -
special pool 1 2 3 4 5
by afgahn bob-
- 420 Crew
- 40 replies
i would like 2 share some+hing wi+h u fine ppl i'm sure u're aware of even+s happening a+ bob's place over las+ few weeks i had one sm seedling in a po+ was nursing back 2 heal+h af+er popo did +he s+omp on aniweigh was goin ok un+il las+ week i saw leaves falling off and plan+ looked sick i was wa+ering and flushing i+, when mi 3ear old grandaugh+er came up and said 'don+ have 2 do i+ poppie' i said 'whi no+' she said 'cause i been wa+ering i+ from mi special pool' i said 'wha+ u +alking bou+ darling' mi special pool she said poin+ing a+ her po++ie which she does her business in beside big pool well fuk me how could i become mad when she +hough+ she was helping i d…
Last reply by Porcha1980, -
- 3 replies
So then i'm having trouble with some of my plants and im digging deep into the plethora of information on ph.... I use a funny mix which has always worked well for me and ive been keeping it at a ph of 6.0. I use ozi magic nutes along with this mix The mix consists of about 50% coco, 10% compost/worm castings etc, 25% perlite, 10% 5mm gravel & 5% river sand. With dolomite lime at 2tbsp/gallon. I tried just coco and perlite and it retained waaay too much moisture. So my question is what is the correct ph for a mix like this? Should i treat it like a hydro/coir medium or does the addition of a small amount of organic matter and some lime make it a "soil" mix? Al…
Last reply by melacao, -
Was thinking of giving some autos a go once my photos are finished which will be around June. Just wondering how much they're affected by the time of year. I know that they will obviously be effected by the amount of sunlight they receive but will I still be able to achieve a decent grow if I were to start them around July? I'm in central QLD so winter is mild and daytime temperature still gets in the mid 20s. I grow outdoors and would grow them in a hydroponics setup in coco/perlite while I cover crop where I plant in the ground in prep for next season. I have never grown autos so any advice on growing or good strains for my region will be appreciated. Posted from the…
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 41 replies
Jiffy pellet placed in organic soil mix around 2 and a half weeks ago. Received plenty of light and wind movement. Appeared some problem on the first leafs, as in the photo. Appreciate if someone can help identify the problem. thnx
Last reply by bakedcake, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone. Im just looking the white dwarf auto from buddha seeds.. just wondering if anyone has grown it before. Any notes? Reviews? Experiences with the strain would ve greatly apreciated?? KrippLedKritteR Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by KrippLedKritteR, -
- 4 replies
if your making compost teas with air stones it's possible to have living organisms in the stones which are hard to clean & you leave a cleaning product residue that takes lots of time & water to remove a air lift brewer or as Tim Wilson aka Microbe man calls them , the microbulator , is a better option in more ways than one they are much easier to clean , you can pull all the bits apart to do so , but by Tim Wilson's testing it seems a better air / environment for multiplying life than using air stones , the PVC pipe bits , bungee cord & hose , cost round $45 for 50mm , i used a PVC end cap & drilled a hole for the hose in that prob need to drop…
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 0 replies
In short here is a summary of my first attempt at growing . Nute Burn , in to a PH lockout . Lost a plant managed to save one which is slowly getting better now ive moved it out doors . Below is a scanned picture of my leaves the ones i have trimmed for more information about my setup check my grow log this is a seperate post for advice on futre problems . I will upload a photo of my plant on this post to get some opinions of wether or not I can slavage it . Theres a long list of fuck ups I made to long to list . I ticked every fuck up in the book , Cheers JYK IMG_20180610_0001.pdf
Last reply by jyk, -
- 6 replies
So ive made a bodgy 20L bucket aeroponic cloner with a pop up sprinker cost me about $50 seems to be doing what its supposed to. Just a query with guys in here that use this method for cloning, do you guys run 24/7 or is it better to go like 15mins on / 45 mins off or some other timing schedule. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by papasmurf99, -
- 4 replies
Hi all! Got a question for the more experienced growers. Couple of weeks ago I re-built my grow-space, which took 48 hours. I have 2 plants which are roughly a month old, so only about halfway though my desired veg time. During the 48 hour rebuild period, I made sure the plants didn't get more than 12 hours of darkness, as I was planning a few more weeks of veg time. But apparently I failed, as both plants have now shown sex (1 male, 1 female). Obviously the male is getting cut today. My question is about the female. At this stage, it has the 2 white hairs showing in multiple areas. So its very early in flowering. Should I try and re-veg the plant, or am I better off …
Last reply by bakedcake, -
- 12 replies
Hi All I need help as i have only grown DWC, and have decided to try soil in my tent. I would like some input on this mix Please. seedling mix mushroom compost peat moss perlite Blood and bone Clay balls Is there anything i will need to add to this to help the mix Cheers
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 3 replies
Reckon they lookin alright? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by TheInsideMan, -
- 17 replies
Just ran out again, before i shell out 100 bucks on a litre does anyone use anything thats better value? Cheaper or more for the $$ Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by micmac, -
- 7 replies
Just after some advice should i start flushing her out? Or let her go for a bit longer? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by micmac, -
- 12 replies
If any experienced growers could please help me out on this, I'd be very grateful. It's my first indoor and DWC and auto grow and I think I have dilemma. - Fast Buds Auto Girl Scout Cookies - Germed in Rapid rooter - Into DWC after shoot emerged (2 days from sowing) - 20/4 cycle - Small tent (0.7 x 0.7 x 1.6m) - Light/passive ventilation - 300W LED (80cm above bucket) - Tube heater and dehumidifer - Tent Temps 19-20 off, 25-26 on - Water temps 19-22C - Ph 6.0ish - Humidity 60%ish - Status.... see photos after 8 days in DWC Question: After 8 days in the bucket, should I throw this baby out and start again, or persevere with it? I'm unfamiliar with autos but my unders…
Last reply by micmac,