General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 12 replies
Few pics of my first grow after first week of 400hps after 30w fluro, it is now in week four or so but been too busy to take pics, just throwing them some water and nutes every now and then
Last reply by boe~pimp, -
- 8 replies
hey ppls just wondering if anyone would know if its better to use rain or tapwater witth canna nutes thanks
Last reply by barefoot, -
Ph meter..? 1 2
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 18 replies
Sup ppls.. ive been readin around.. and i noticed alot of ppls Ph there systems.. i myself have never used one and thinking about purchasing one... what kinds r out there..? and whats the usual prices..? what levels is perfect for ganja cultivation.. cheers Ele
Last reply by hydrodude, -
this is bullshit 1 2
by PROZAC- 14 replies
G'day all,this is the weirdest thing.I woke up this morning and I noticed two little white hairs coming out of where the stem meets the branches(nodes I think thier called)but the thing is absolutely have these plants under 24 hrs of light this is impossible isnt it?anyway their two white v shaped thingies with little hairs on them they are pistils aren't they and if so what the fuck's goin on oh yeah the plants are like 15cm tall only just in veg stage
Last reply by bent, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys Just been reading up on the latest posts and one got me thinking. How much does a (typical) plant smell while in veg stage (sativas smell more then indicas?), if anyone could be kind enough to let me know which strains are smelly buggers while in veg stage, it'll help me be prepared for em'. I have these experimental-bagseed's that are round 3.5weeks and Im not smelling anything yet, zilch...which is a convenience-sorta-way. Being a newbie and Im just curious if the better strains/seeds will end up smelling at all throughout veg stage. (ATM these things only give off a pine smell when u lightly rub a leaf and some are darken then others, but s…
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 24 replies
Finally I have some pictures of my first grow! I got 2 Ak99's and a Big Bud. I did have a Misty but she had a accident My biggest AK99 has moved to my mates backyard as I have ran out of room and money All clones from SPC... Thanks StondedAs First my biggest AK99
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, just wondering if those of you using drip emitters could advise me on drip emitters? What kinds are there, and what are the best to use? I'm growing in growool, so any tips on the best types of drippers or even what's the worst would be greatly appreciated.... I've heard of "self-cleaning" drippers, what the heck is that? Anyway, I'll look forward to ensuing discussion on the relative merits of the pro and anti dripper growers, (I know it will turn to that eventually, :: ) and hopefully we can stay on subject long enough to get an answer here.... Just joshin.... Talk to you all soon!
Last reply by hydrodude, -
- 8 replies
I am intersted to hear peoples different theorys on watering times for my specific system, recirculating bucket. Capacity is 15litres and the 2 buckets (30litres) flow 1litre in 45sec. any ideas :-) Thanx Heaps nimer
- 13 replies
hi guys Im curious as to how hard it is to keep mothers around for continuing cloning (indoors). I gather that it depends on the strain and so on.. Just wonna get a basic idea of how big they must be before you decide to isolate her, what light intensity they need, and any other basic principles. (eg.nutes). Are most mum's a pain in the arse or not fussy plants that keep producing clone after clone ? Cheers Lok
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 6 replies
ok guys I have been told by a few people that if you are growing in Perlite only that you should use a PH of around 5.2 but I used this PH and the plants would not grow too much at all I am thinking that I should go back to a ph of 5.8 or so...... what do you guys think??
Last reply by WhiteSkunk, -
- 20 replies
Hi Guys, Im tossing up whether to go for a run to waste system or a recirculating one. What are the pro's and con's of each system, also what differs between how the systems are run ( feeding, flushing, testing etc...) Thanks
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
Hello hows it going. I was just wondering if i am going to use a bubbler setup in a rectangular tub say a 90Ltr. I was wondering if i am growing 6 plants how much area between the holes would i need? Like what is the minimum and maximum area between plants that i need ? Write back thanks.
Last reply by gooddaysunshine, -
- 2 replies
hi ppls found another rockwool guide this one hosted on a oz site memnock rockwool growing
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 2 replies
G'day guys, I was surfing a few weeks ago and stumbled across ed rosenthal's "ask ed". Anyway some dude asked him if it was ok to have a green lamp in the grow room for nightime gardening. Ed said yes but didn't go into specifics. I know for a lot of people this would be a very handy idea. Is there a downside i wonder. Also is there specific brands of green lamps to buy? I've asked at 2 hydro shops and they said they'd never heard of idea. So has anyone else got any thoughts? wc
- 19 replies
Hello, I'm a relavtive nuub as to this as it's only my third crop. I'm growing "red devil" in perlite. Anyway this is my first time growing in perlite and wonder what people thought of it as a growing medium? Furthermore how often do people think it'd be appropriate to water in perlite given that it doesn't seem to hold a lot of moisture. I now have a problem. I've just turned the plants over to 12/12 and lifted up the the grow tubs to find the resivours beneath full of roots. What should i do with them? A mate said to put a spacer in because they'll rot. Will they harm the plant if i leave them there? Looking for any shared knowledge.
Last reply by waychillin,