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Ph meter..?

Guest elefunk_delivers

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Guest elefunk_delivers

Sup ppls.. ive been readin around..

and i noticed alot of ppls Ph there systems..

i myself have never used one and thinking about purchasing one...

what kinds r out there..? and whats the usual prices..?

what levels is perfect for ganja cultivation..




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hey elefunk,


you can get a digital ph tester for say $70-$100. Or you can get those colour change types for under $20. I haven't started growing yet but i've heard 5.3-5.8 ph level for non organic mediums and 6.3-6.8 for organic mediums.


im sure the more experienced members will correct me if im wrong.



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Guest weekprik

no need to waste money on electronic testers mate, they are not as accurate as your eye,

I use a dropper type, wher eu take 10mls of you nute mix add a drop of tester and compare the colour of it too the bottle, ie red or yellow or green etc,

I use this every day and find my ph alters a fair bit, so i keep it as close as i can to 5.5-6.3.


my mate doesnt use ANY ph testing and his buds turn out just as good,


$10-00 for a liquid tester, dont buy the strips as you have to factor in the colour of the strips and it makes it too hard,


HOWEVER I HIGHLY reccomend that you buy a TDS meter called a Truncheon, its awesome!!

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Guest elefunk_delivers

Hmmm i also have never used one..

and got great results... and perfect looking ladys ive been told..

so.. hmm i dunno


but cheers for the responces..



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Flairform ph tests are only $5. Mine last me around 4 or 5 months. Make sure it goes just slightly orange, and you should be in the zone for hydro. Electronic testers are great, but when you're on a budget, just go for the liquid testers.


HOWEVER I HIGHLY reccomend that you buy a TDS meter called a Truncheon, its awesome!!


Yup, I too thought I was doing well with my nutrients until I got a tds meter. All the problems seemed to melt away.... $120. Lasts forever. Go get one and look at your plants grow!


But hey, if it ain't broke..... :D

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Couldn't agree more weekprik. The day I got a truncheon things improved out of sight. No calibrating, pretty flashing lights. Get One everybody. I do have a digi ph meter, but I've got my bloom room, mothers, clones, a fishtank and a 200 litre

mini pond to check, so I found it worth the money.


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Ive got a cheapo $8.50 liquid tester from the hydro shop.... Its great my PH was 8+ now I keep it around 5.5-6 and my plants are soooo much better now!


If your doing a run to waste system there isn't really a need for a TDS/EC tester is there? Just follow instructions on the bottle.

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Maybe if you have soft water, of less than 400 ppm, but if you live near the coast, or in a city with shitty scheme water, like me, (.8ec/560ppm, sometimes a little higher) then it's a very useful tool. I've made up nutrient according to instructions before and ended up with e.c. around 2.8! And that was supposed to be for vegging. So whilst not necessary, it's an extremely useful tool.


IMHO lol

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