General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 6 replies
Hi all I'm just curious as to what strains are favoured by some of the more experienced growers. What have you all found to be your favorite strain to grow? especially you Adelaide growers, i've been a fan of your "produce" for years now. cheers -cheebafan
Where's the haverst chart?
by Guest Urbanhog- 2 replies
Where's the chart that Tom posted few times of the hairs showing colours and their stages of showing when to haverst? Tried search and look for it, no luck. Anyone help me please, this is for a friend. Cheers, Urbanhog P.S - maybe this thread could be useful to be pinned or for Pipeman's FAQ project? cheers again
- 8 replies
well i got a ph testa, i had a soil probe but have got a liquard one now,, my tap water is about 7.4,, my resouvoir is about 7.2,, i have only got a weak nutes mix in there,, i was at the hydro shop today and am now spewin i didnt get some ph down, do i need this stuff, ant other tricks or tips,, an is this ph too high or will they be ok?? over to u guys,
Last reply by wassily, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, Here in SA my water ppm is 560 straight out of the cold tap & 700ppm out of the hot tap (I believe the difference is due to some of the water evapourating at the water heating stage & therefore leaving more metals/salts in the water after its been heated - this is the reason you should never boil a kettle twice as you end up drinking lots more dissolved nasty metals!) Anyway, I was wondering about different water ppm's around Aus & from rainwater. Adelaide is renound for shite water supply (I am reliably told that untill recently it was one of only two ports in the world where ships would not draw water from - the other port being somewhere in Indi…
Last reply by wassily, -
- 11 replies
Has anyone actually kept lights on 24/7 while vegging? i ask cuz after reading what i have i thought plants need darknees to go through sertian chemical reactions. Does it really work?
Last reply by wassily, -
- 19 replies
I've just cut 4 clippings for cloning. I've used plant cutting powder and placed in pots already and I don't know if you are to water them straight away or leave a day or so. Has anyone got a good guideline to stick to.
Nute levels in hydro
by Guest- 3 replies
Before I ask this question, I'll first say that I spent a good 20 minutes browsing the board to find out for myself, and had no luck I'm a little confused here - being the ametuer botanist I am - when reading about nutrients I see all these terms thrown about ... such as EC, CF, PPM, do they all refer to the same thing? I have a vague idea from somewhere that PPM refers to parts per million .. I think. Looking up nutrient level readers I've noticed they're not exactly cheap either, well into the $100+ mark for most electronic readers. Are these things really necessary and is there a cheaper 'solution'? Hehe oops my bad pun there Thanks
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 3 replies
Sup guys im amost finshed.. my grow.. and i was wondering how to go about harvesting.. ive been told to cut the plants at the bottom and hang em up to dry upside down in a closet or shed or sumthing, but i was wondering about the duration of time to leave them to dry out..? Then once, pulled up and dryed out.. ive been told to cut off the buds and place them in jars..? this im not to sure about.. if sumone could break it down for me that would b great..? how long do u leave your plants to dry..? and how long should i leave them hanging then once dryed out , is there any other procedures b4 smoking..? much respect
help, Should i prune?
by Guest weekprik- 9 replies
These are my ak47xc99, afghani#1 and G13, and an unknown strain. I managed to keep 1 each of my clones alive but they stressed a bit and i lost the other 1/2, Now ive the problem that they are too bushy, maybe left in veg too long ( trying to keep em alive) they are too bushy for my area and too many lats to scrog etc. I have been told to cut off the lower buds and branches to let the other do better, but hey where do i cut and how do i cut??
Last reply by pipeman, -
new babies 1 2
by memnock- 10 replies
hey ppls 6 days on n the babies are now livin in the cupboard only running the exhaust fan atm temps round 26 c running water n superthrive 15 min every 4 hours will be changin to nutes on w/e
Last reply by memnock, -
- 11 replies
Hey guys I have been reading your posts and you guys (and girls) in Aus. are some real stoners. Im starting up a new indoor garden and i wanted to know if anyone knows were I can get some some lights and equip. cheap. On the internet. I am using aeroponics and hydroponics for my garden. There seem to be alot of experienced growers in Aus., think u can help a fellow stoner in the U.S. I actually have a hydro shop in my town but they want $400 for a 600watt MH. Thats a joke. Also in the US its impossible to acquire good strains and clones. Get the hint. KaliKing
Here`s a pic. of a Skunk#1 .The plant is just over 4 weeks old from seed.It`s growing in Cocopeat.Using a 400W Son T Agrp Lamp.Temperature stays between 20 - 28 degrees celicius.Humidity is between 50-75. I thought I`d tie down a few branches to help the light reach the lower areas. Let me know what you think ? Is it a reasonable size for it`s age , do you think? (It`s about 2 foot tall -from the medium) The colour of the plant is much healthier than it appears in the pic.
Last reply by Ken Oath, -
- 2 replies
here is a pic of some Malawi Gold babies coming up. Just in soil in cups with holes drilled in bottom. I was gonna pull them after they had 2 or 3 nodes, wash the soil off the roots and wack them in bubblers. But maybe I'd be better off transpanting them into say 150mm pots of soil, flowering clones and from that picking which one to keep. transplanting from soil to bubbler seems a bit risky to me. also, how long do you think they could go in those cups before I need to tranplant them, just until they show signs of not doing well?
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, A few members have been hassling for this info....sorry its not so indepth for pics etc but rushed for time.... Anyhow what you will need 20-100litre tub/tank water heater (size to suit) Air pump/stone water pump (600 ltr/hour rio type) length of garden hose and attachment length of 1"pvc pipe (size to suit) 1 or 2 1" hose clamps Fill tub with required amount of water (60-75% of volume recommended) side walls of tub may need some supports or straps to stop distortion of tubs due to temp changes... Add air stone, air/water pump and heater to water... (2L of boiling water per 10L to speed up warming process) heater may need to be mouted off …
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 4 replies
Hey all all of my plants have shown preflower now and their all females out of 8 plants every last one isn't this strange to have such an abundance of females from one grow and no males.Who knows mabye I'm just trippin anyway just a thought.