General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 7 replies
hi I've got a liitle problem with excess root growth there growing out of my drain pipe into the main feed tank. no blockage yet, Ive just started 12/12 @ 4 weeks from seed there about 3ft tall and very bushie leaves the size of dinner plates, Im guessing another 4to 6 weeks till harvest. i've attached a rough diagram of my system. thanks for any help or opinions. MADOGA diagram1.doc
Last reply by quizywig, -
- 0 replies
hey everyone can drip b used if using slow release fetilizer,do u want drip driping slow fast etc
Last reply by cheech#1, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Here's a few pics of some of my Chimera Party Mix babies at 20 days old...
Last reply by SweetJane, -
Baking mediums
by Guest Wilderbud- 3 replies
My clay balls are in the oven to bake for 15 mins and I was wondering if it was OK to do the same to my perlite? I gave them a good wash a few hours ago and now I need to dry them out [not enough sun in the plan].
- 5 replies
Being new to the hydro scene im in some need of some advice. I have a bag of coco mix and was wondering if u could use this in a bubbler system. Ie if the bottom of the pot was filled with geolite or vermiculite would this help. Im thinking coco will clog up the pump maybe even with geolite placed in the bottom of the pot? once again im only hypothesizing can coco be used in a bubbler system or what medium is recomended for this system Cheers
Last reply by AussieToka, -
- 2 replies
hey everyone,wanting 2 know what is a suitable n p k and what trace elements does cannibas need,isnt it 14,and what r they,whats good 4 veg & flower thanks
Last reply by wade ounce, -
- 7 replies
please help. i am growning for 2 weeks. no lights yet. the plant is in a pot. about 5 cm tall. the round leaves are starting to go yellow and two of the pointy leaves ave got brown bits on them. using natural sunlight. and kmart fertiliser. can anyone tell me how to keep it happy. it looks diseased. no money, so please advise in the cheap area if possible. if not, the expensive way and i will save and try better next time. thankyou if anyone can help. ps. it has been a bit overcast in brissie at the moment, would that be a possible cause? ps. sorry, i tried getting a pic, but its seriously out of focus. here it is anyway.
Last reply by silent_ghekko, -
- 6 replies
due to seeds germing really quick.....they have like 1 inch heads/tails with a helmut so i guess heads? i am starting grow officially today.on my way to pick up a 400 w light now, and some medium(probably rockwool) so i need as much advice as possible.o...and i guess i will get some nutrient too..... thankfully grow room in new home is unreal!!! turns out i can get mylar(or some other reflective canvas...silver on one side, green on the other for i have covered complete grow room space- like 2m by 1m by 1.5m in that. can a normal household fan do 4 now... if long do i leave it on a day??? i am really worried about heat in there...i have left some …
- 5 replies
Hi guys, What is the best time to start training your plants ? (keeping in mind that this is from seed and not a clone) This is being done for outdoor stealth, so please feel free to post ideas on that too. Cheers Beaker
Last reply by wassily, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
hey everyone,how long do i need 2 leave clones before they root as wanting 2 take outdoors,
Last reply by wassily, -
- 12 replies
Hey all, recently I changed nutes from a cheaper brand called "Green Haze". 25 a bottle I think. In it's place I bought what I've been hearing as the greates t nutes arount "CANNA". $33? Actually, the money is irrelevant, at the cost of pot, a few bucks a bottle is nothing, so I'd even pay more if it came down it. I mean if anyone has any suggestions....(just dont tell the companies I'll go higher...shhh....) Now I'm seein much much slower growth than I did with the green haze. I mean significantly slower. If I'd seen no differnet, I may say all is well, but they just aren't booming (at the same NUTE strenghts). Do I have to just increase this stuf?Or what ? I'm …
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 4 replies
hey everyone,wanting 2 water plants using pump,using 200lt drum,can this be done with solanoid etc,thinking of using tap timer but not much water flow just fast dripping ,can anyone help cheers
- 2 replies
I went to the garden center yesterday and I bought a 5kg bag of dynamic lifter, a 10kg bag of blood and bone and 4 25lt bags of potting mix. The potting mix was a bit expensive at $5.90 a bag, but it was really good quality stuff. I've got some big straw bales at home and some sheep shit that have been sitting around for about 2 years now and I was thinking that I could mix them together in the compost tumbler. What do you guys think? In what way should I use this stuff? Thanks, Marty
- 1 reply
I'm just about to get my first ever crop started. Because this is my first year I haven't thought to get compost ready before hand. However, I've got plenty of horse manure (fresh) to put in the soil. I'll be planting near a river, and the soil is pretty loamy, because it's mainly broken down plants from the river's edge. Is this good soil to be planting in? Would you recommend that I put some potting mix, dynamic lifter, etc into the soil?
Last reply by dexo, -
- 4 replies
g'day everyone hope yas are all travelling well. just a quickie. i see a number of growers like to use a urea tea(pissin in abottle) was just wondering about dilution rate. i've been using miracle grow every ay at a quarter strength. would a pee tea be better do yas often would you give the plant a hit. and should i still continue with foliar ferting i should mention that the soil they are in is made up of spent stable manure,blood n bone bit of lime and some sulphate of potash. bit of a long question really hey sorry about that. wade
Last reply by dexo,