General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 6 replies
They have a lot of criminal show in Indonesia and iaw a report about a radi that happened in West Sumatra. Anyway, there were a few guys smoking near a lake and s bunch of cops raided them. Guns were drawn and one of the smokers ran. While he was running a cop shot ias gun and the bullet peirced the smokers calve (below the thigh muscle) and he went down. Shootings done by the cops to people without any weapons are very common in Indonesia and some of the time the police tell the the raidees to run so they can shoot. pretty sick pigs, huh?? I'm so pissed seeing these incidents every single day. pigs are pigs but indonesian pigs are the lowest of the low!! What about ove…
Last reply by red dragon, -
- 8 replies
well my plant is now 90% dead. FUCK. i couldn't help myself to start a few new ones today. yay
Last reply by jon chempo, -
- 4 replies
Any photo out there of some neat tricks? I want to protect my crop outside this year from deers and whatever wants my beautiful mary........ I heard human hair, soap and other things deter some animals. Any other ideas? Its almost time for the girls to leave the house!!!!HeHE
Last reply by red dragon, -
Growing Weed
by Guest mofo adams- 3 replies
if any 1 has some good info no bull shit on growing weed let me no and i need marij emoticons for msn so if u get some info e-mail me at
Copper Nail
by fox- 7 replies
Copper nailed shoved through th root 24 hours before harvest, and the plant wants to live so bad the buds double in potency damn neer. haven't tried it but debating. harvest time around may 4
Last reply by geezer, -
- 3 replies
I was just wondering about getting rid of pollen from my grow cupboard, the first crop had a fair bit of pollen drop the 2nd i think i got in time, How long can pollen stay viable in a grow room, ?and how can you make sure its all gone.?
Last reply by quizywig, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, My Plants are doing well and its almost time to take some clones before I put them into flower. As a newbie, cloning seems a bit complicated I have found a method that looks alot easier. Please check it out and tell me what you think Bucket.
Last reply by wassily, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I just recieved 10 seeds and now I can finally start my long awaited 1st grow! I have a large seedling tray with a moisture retention lid with some ventilation holes in the top and a heat pad under it. My indoor wardrobe fitted with a 400W HPS lamp is big enough for about 3-4 fully grown canna plants, I have no other rooms or light fixtures to separate males from females. So I'm assuming I'll have to plant double the amount of seeds for the desired amount of female plants I would like to end up with, and maybe a few more just incase? Should I just sow all 10 seeds in the search for 3 healthy females (for my first grow) I'm planning a mixture of potting s…
Last reply by Psychedelic Gecko, -
- 3 replies
G'day, I'm confused as to how often I should fertilize my plants. Do nutrients (Canna) dissolve after a while or are all the elements still present in the reservoir? Should I only be adding nutrients when I add more water? Whats the go? dwyndorf
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Ozone Filters/carbon Filters
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello everyone,Just wondering how many people need or use one of the two and if ya really needed it and how bad did it stink?(Last 4 weeks)Can the smell travel far?If so how far?And the ones not using em it didnt stink that bad did it?Depending on strain?Thanks
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 5 replies
been vegging in perlite in 10lt pots (2 gallon?) and they look "full" the plants are about half a foot tall but bushy and the leaves are almost touching the sides of the pot. i think its time to repot just wondering what size pots & method you like the best
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, I'm off to town to get sum growing stuff for next time, so what do we all consider the need to haves? i have pots and potting mix but i would appreciate any other ideas of what i should get? different mediums and fertalizers etc Thanks all
Last reply by expansion, -
well shit, my plant is dieing, when i layed down all those rocks i gave her a good feeding, well it wasnt very good let me tell you cuz all of the Fan leaves are turing a rust color, with yellow blobs, is there any way to save her, i cut the fan leaves that were affected,
Last reply by tecnos, -
this is prolly a dumb question but here it goes.... where can i find a seed at in my bud if it is pollinated? where would it be located at in the bud?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Ok guys, heres the dillo! I've been reading up and hear that sum ppl dilute stuff like vanilla essence and feed it to their plants and it gives the bud and the smoke a diff flavour? does this actually work or am i just gunna kill the plant, i think it was a table spoon when watering a 40.5cm plant one every 3 days
Last reply by F420,