General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hi I'm new and was wondering if anyone knows about changing nutrient tanks over for fresh ones - if you keep the TDS at a pretty fixed level by adding water when its higher and nutrients + water when its lower, how often do you change the whole tank for a fresh,flushed and clean one? I can see a sediment (white) on the bottom of the rez but the nute solution looks clear? My plants seem to be loving it by the way but I figure I will need to do a changeover eventually or the airponic sprayers are supposed to clog (they've been going since Aug 10 with no visible reduction in the spray) I'm keeping the ph at around 5.8 and TDS at around 1100 - I just posted some pix of …
Last reply by Mushaman, -
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
My plants are just 3 weeks old, only 5 inches tall - can I switch to flowering nutrients and 12/12hr light cycle? Or is it too early? How tall will they grow if i switch at 3 weeks old? Any info appreciated. Thanks. KN
Last reply by animal, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Hi gang, I am using an autopot system and am now going into the flowering stage. :thumbsup I bought some Manutec Bloom Booster and was wondering how much I should use. The box says 5g per 5 litres, but I guess that is for general garden use, not hydroponic use. Any and all feedback about how to get the biggest flowers is appreciated.
Last reply by animal, -
hey ppl, just transplanted a plant into a big bubbler in perlite , the plant was about a month old very lush and growing in a soil mix . now 2 days on it's having a hard time :smoke all limp and not responding . what is the best feeding regime ? it's in veg , under a 400 mh ph is 5.2 nutes are hydrobotanics 1\3 strengh . oh, plant is black widow\ hindu kush from seed . thanks for any guidance :smoke
Last reply by everest, -
- 24 replies
:scratchin These grow boxes are what I have used since switching to indoors growing. I made these initially following the flood and drain principals, and stuck with these since. They are cheap to make, easy to setup and maintain and they produce. Most bits come from hardware shops. So lets get growing then- What you will need- 2 stacker storage crates, Flood and drain componets-(mushroom and drain) I use the ones off the bigger flood and drain tables just to make sure nothing gets blocked, Air pump, air stone and a one way valve prevents water going up the air line the wrong way. Approx 500 - 600 litre water pump if you only fit the flood and drain. You w…
Last reply by dsyfer, -
- 4 replies
Hey yall My plants are about 5 weeks old under 600w hps and every time the light goes off some seem to wilt pretty bad but when the light comes back on they stand up again. The light isnt too close as im monitoring the tempreture at the top of the plants, which is about 26,27 degrees what would be causing them to wilt whilst the lights are off? help appreciated P.S. i'll have some pics as soon as i can figure out how to put em on here
Last reply by animal, -
- 1 reply
I am currently growing some White Rinho(indoor) At the moment they are vegging happily at 20/4. I am wondering if cuttings from these plants will veg outdoors this summer? If i planted out in mid September will they be light sencitive and go straight to flower or can i veg them through the summer into large plants? Labrat
Last reply by Spurious, -
- 13 replies
Howdy, I have been slowly getting all my gear together for my little stealth setup that'll be operational soon. Initially I was planning on using a regular old recirculating system, but after realising that I don't have all that much space to play with, I have decided to go with the DWC method instead. I'm just after some pointers on things to watch out for using this method, as it seems it's a bit harder to get right than other methods. I have read heaps on this site and others about various DWC setups but they never seem the same, I guess I just want to know where the heck I should start. Any help greatly appreciated.
Last reply by wastedwilly, -
- 3 replies
ok i am doing a soil grow but my next will be a hydro so i am preparing myself for it a few months in advance and hope to have everything set up by the time i need it but right now i have a question about the nuit mix i will be useing i found this in a book my neighbor gave me it is by arnon/hoagland in 190 and here it is macronutrients grams per liter potassium nitrate 1.02 calcium nitrate .49 ammonem dihydrogen phosphate .23 magnesiem sulfate .49 micronutrients millgrams per liter boric acid 2.86 maganese chloride 1.81 cuprous sulfate .08 zinc sulfate …
Last reply by sibannac2, -
- 11 replies
I'm from the old school when we grew only during the summer using found land, so this indoor stuff is all new to me. If we did grow indoors it was with a fluro in a wardrobe or cupboard and the plants were always sickly. I have planted 8 seeds in perlite only with a simple gravity, ( ph adjusted, nutrient) water flow to the small pots sitting on sponges. - with a 400w 3 ft above the pots. I pretty much dropped the seeds on the surface and they slid a little through the perlite. There just seems to be too much airspace for roots to take hold, should I have mixed the perlite with any indoor potting mix? It's only been 24 hrs, so nothing has sprouted yet. Does the perli…
Last reply by Lab-rat, -
- 6 replies
I am trying Canna Coco and their related products for the first time. I was wondering if anyone else has used these and what schedual they used for feeding. I have the chart for mix ratios but not for frequency of feeding. It is very dry where I live and I need to water every other day, I am worried that feeding that often is too much (?) Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks The Mountain Man :whistling sorry, I posted this to hydro when it should have gone to indoor....
Last reply by nitram, -
- 4 replies
I'm using the Mr. Green: I Grow Chronic - - technique in growing. He uses a reservoir and water pump under the growing tray to feed the plants. He doesn't say how often to change the water, though. Any ideas?
Last reply by animal, -
- 2 replies
Ok...I've just finished my first grow...all and all very sucessfull. however, theere are many areas I can do better. I used hot-coco for the last grow and was not impressed. The bugs, and mess. So I was thinking of going to somthing that drains better...So I could water more often. anyways ...I'd like some advice...what do you guys use and why? I have it set-up recycling the water( for space and practicality reasons) Also if anyone could post a pic of how I should step up my watering. I don't know really what I'm doing...what hard ware like T and L joints, drippers will I need. I was also thinking of growing organic...anyone have any opinions. is there a quaility d…
Last reply by Lab-rat, -
Rain Water
by dsyfer- 3 replies
If I am using rainwater out of my tank. do I still need to let it sit for 48hrs or is there no clorine in rainwater?
Last reply by Wal, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
:smoke hey everyone ........ gonna plonk these plants into 60l tubs in perlite , anybody know or use a good watering regime ?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -