General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
by stonerweed-
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
sup stoners iv got a plant its been in bud for about 4 and a half weeks now i was just wonderig when do the buds fatten up? and ive seen plants on this site that have been in bud for like half the time and there totally coverd in bud n mine int any 1 no why? these pics was took about 4 days ago toke on stoners
Last reply by Budman2012, -
hydro Systems 1 2
by cloud9-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hey all, just signed onto the site and need a little help with selecting a system to puschase. Ive had a look at my local hydro store and dont mind the EUROGROW sets by Gen Hydroponics. or their rainforest set with unique vortec multi nitrient/watering system. my options are not spending the odd 500-600 on these systems and going for a flood and drain method. for which could be good either way. my help being are these systems good for me or is there any other websites or places I should take a look at. Cheers Cloud9
Last reply by cranky, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
does any 1 no where i can get cheap seeds from a reliable seed bank cheers
Last reply by two2time, -
- 1 reply
im not sure if there has been a post about this before or how many of you have seen but advanced nutrients from canada run an online grow show dedicated to medical marijuana and growing indoors using advanced nutrients, its well worth a look even if you dont use the nutes they are talking about and just watch the show for the information contained. any way here is the speil from their site. The Urban Grower is a weekly Internet only show that will teach you everything you will need to know to help you grow up to two pounds per light. We are going to show you everything you will ever need to know about growing & producing some of the biggest yields you will ever see…
Last reply by Budman2012, -
seeds 1 2
by stonerweed-
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
hi ther stoners im gonna buy some seeds and i heard that northern lights is the strongest weed u can get if not what are the best seeds to buy i want some realy strong shit what do ya recomend thanks pot heads
Last reply by Dave The Nefarious, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
hello ppl.. after growing in dirt for 20+ years thought i'dd give hydro a go. a mate gave me a old double crate kit, that i looked at for a few weeks thinking of a better design, as i'm used to growing big plants as in 6' to 14' the crate kit is just to small 6 plants so close together, aint going to give me very big plants, so i'm building this new kit as a 3 pot system should be fine for 6' to 8' , plants. i'll be growing outside during summer & in a hothouse through winter as ive been doing in dirt.. i do have lights but cant afford to run them. but thats fine as i've never had any problems growing outside summer or winter. melbourne weather suck…
Last reply by KRINGLE1, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
this is my plant its been in bud for about 4 weeks now but this past week its barley grown any 1 got any ideas whats wrong. thnx stoners
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
i have 2 clones of "magic bud" just finished there reveg and bushy as hell, they are currently under 80 watts of cfl with the lights going off at 7pm and on at 1am i want to put em outside as the season has just begun, im wondering if they might bud as the dark period would of been increased. i would of preffered to have planted alot later but this was a one off chance for an actual strain. i live in perth and they have a nice sunny spot with good shade during the heat of the day, say i do everything right with some nice big pots what could i roughly expect? they grow real quick and where taken from the best female out of a batch of 15 seeds peace
Last reply by palmtrees, -
- 3 replies
wassup guys, forgot what temp range plants thrive in. is 85 hot? thanks -stone on
Last reply by sneek420, -
just sharin.. 1 2
by orion2076-
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
hey guys...I dont post too much, but an avid reader of this a bit excited with my grow getting close to cut 2 buds for a taste test...just thought i'd share tha pic.....cheers...
Last reply by mull, -
Plant Size 1 2
by mindgames-
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Ok before i set up my grow cupboard, i decided i want to try growing a plant in a small pot/bucket... is it possible to get a plant to only grow to say 1ft- 1.5ft? by either trimming it or limiting its root space? I no this can be done with a few other plants. I really have no intention of smoking anything on this plant, its just more of a 'showpeice' for my apartment... Any infor wauld be great!
Last reply by mindgames, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Sorry for shooting out all the questions here folks...just having ideas. I have a fishtank at home, a relatively small unit, which my spiny leaf insect lives inside. It has an openable lid, and an inbuilt light. I actually threw in a couple of seeds just to see what was happenin'...and it an extent. Mind you were talking about a tank with a normal fluro light, no nutrients, just some dirt down the bottom, some sticks and leaves. I had like 10 seeds growing successfully in there for a bit, Feeding off the water I sprayed in for the insect every now and then, but ended up with tall stalky things with tiny leaves on top...they reached a certain height (very qu…
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
OK i have got myself a nice little present sitting in my shed in a Pie warmer ( the type seen in stores holding Pies as shown below) The glass doors and the back glass panel i can replace with plywood for ventilation additions maybe into a carbon filter??? I was thinking that the shelves and the base stainless steel tray would be an ideal dryer and kiff catching tray what are your opinions on the following. Drying ventilation systems??? Drying speed up options (heat, chemical dehumidifiers, peltier devices)??? I havent tested how low a heat i can get it to spit out but if i could make it just sit very low heat non stop it would help the dry as im in a moist o…
Last reply by Stoney, -
Help me with my mix
by Guest KuH_De_Tah-
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Hi I am currently trying to make up my own potting mix. I am sitting on about 200kgs of worm castings, 40 kgs of enriched worm casting based fertilizer from nutri-tech called nutri verm. 10 bags of organic mushroom compost, 5 pags of composted chook shit and a 25kg bag of guano. I also have afew blocks of coco coir and a big bag of perlite. I am looking to make enough potting mix to fill 10 60litre bins. I was looking to use the castings as the base about 40% , perlite around 10% coco coir around 20% and the mushroom compost as the rest. Ofcourse adding a bit of lime and a few other goodies and then adding the chook poo and guano as a tea when required. I have s…
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 6 replies
Hi there........ Just need a few tips with soil pls......... For the past 3 years ive been buying this soil from a local Nursery called Heynes.........They make several types of soil, acidic etc.......... Anyway, i always buy the Neutral potting mix soil from them......... Its ok i guess and my plants usually do average in it , but i would like to know what things i could add to the potting mix to give me a Great soil that will give my ladies an extra boost.... and give the soil a little more depth and hold to it........... you know how some potting mixes when the top layer starts to dry out it hard to usually have to spray the top surface with a …
Last reply by orion2076,