General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
ordered from Seedman and now I'm scared customs have them. Normally when I order I get the message on my tracking saying "arrived awaiting clearance (inbound)" but it changes to "item processed" within about an hour, but its been like this for days, I am worried customs have it and I am worried about the consequences. Does "arrived awaiting clearance (inbound)" mean customs have it? and with it being on that message for a few days mean they have found the seeds? thanks guys.
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 3 replies
Returning to growing after many years. Have good seed ordered but in meantime... So I found some old seeds, quite old, but stored air tight in cool dark area. Thought give it a go, I put 2 in wet paper towel in a bowl and covered, 24 hrs later they both cracked and tap root showing, I planted in mix potting mix and pearlite to hold moisture, (done this before with success) Only used pencil to make 5mm hole dropped in gently and back filled. Be about 5 days now and nothing up
Last reply by Newbudgrower, -
- 21 replies
why do gorilla tents cost so much and why are they the best ? question two ordered two ios fan they are on back order but the guy said I only need one fan not two .I am thinking to need the in and out to be the same
Last reply by pug1010, -
- 15 replies
Hey crew I was looking at buying an aeroponic cloner - question is I hear people have mentioned having it on for 5 mins and off for 45 etc - what timers do you use for them ? Seems like it would take forever using a standard one to set one like that ? Also has anyone used the seahawk cloner at all ? Seems like a good idea , I don’t have a good success rate with experimenting with clones at the moment I’m quite new to this ... think i get them too wet in the rockwool so thought I’d give this style a shot . Any info , feedback or experience welcome Thanks ! Here’s a link too it
Last reply by torrietree, -
- 1 reply
Girls late in flower outdoors when mother nature takes a turn for the worse. You pop the only gazebo available, which unfortunately does not have a nice clear cover the allow sun to penetrate. What are the negative effects of having the girls out of direct sunlight for multiple days in a row vs protecting them from possible rain showers on overcast days? Is the ambient sunlight enough to still trigger day/night conditions or will they wig out if kept under the gazebo for too long?
Last reply by fred_hawk, -
- 13 replies
So I'm after some cfl all I can afford in lighting currently. Go same as another I read on here.. 24w CFL But they come in warm white or daylight I'm thinking the daylight.... Anyone advise Cheers
Last reply by puggle6, -
- 18 replies
Can anyone tell me pls how long after the whites of the bud turns brown is it time there finished. ??? Thanks . Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by steve_o_76, -
- 11 replies
hey all , I hear a few peeps like megacrop , were can you get it in Aus ?? & does it do the whole grow , or are there a few more nutes you add for flower stage, thx Nutter
Last reply by Nutter3, -
- 11 replies
Hi I read these words today; If you want to see explosive growth then you will also need to bubble your water. To do this just use an aquarium air pump and air stone. You place the stone in the water and allow bubbles to pas through it. The water should be bubbled for at least 12 hrs. By bubbling the water you allow oxygen to be dissolved in the water which is highly beneficial for the roots.The concept is simple and seems to be worth looking into more. I was wondering has anyone done this. This meaning bubbled the water for 12 hours before adding to plants. Can you say there was any explosive** growth as the article noted Cheers
Last reply by stickymickey, -
- 17 replies
Gday crew Bloody spider mites on my plants !! Noticed fine webbing between leaves and stems and buds ..... I’ve sprayed with some dish washing detergent in a spray bottle - any other methods people have tried and tested ?? Still got 5 weeks before harvest! Thanks in advance legends
Last reply by Carbcon, -
Any one tell me whats going on with my plant. Leaves dont look green. Has a slight brownness to them. Im growing in coco Temp is constant at 25c with 55 humidty. I just started neauts yesturday as i was told thats what they needed. Leaves are seriously drooping. I was watering every 4-5 days everytime it felt light. Any suggestions? Hopefully the neuts fix it up. cheers
Last reply by Matanuska Thunder, -
- 8 replies
I cut a couple scraggly branches as I have no idea which plant is what and don't wanna lose my first good cut haha. How successful will I be in my aero cloner. I've left all the buds and shit on, should I pull em off?
Last reply by Inthewoods, -
This contest is open to ALL oz sroners members; there are NO restrictions at all on environment / equipment / method, only the container size. (The primary rule being that roots must remain entirely inside Big M at all times). The true purpose of the contest in my eyes is to drive participation & cooperation on the site and bring members together in a spirit of sharing knowledge and experiences of growing in tiny containers. RULES Read Closely 1) All participants must use an individual BIG M(either the 300ml or 600ml only) Keep the original label on there, and show it in a photo if you plan on covering it later. 2) All participants will use a clone, seed, or …
Last reply by pedro de pacas, -
This will be my first every indoor grown just not sure about the lighting I think i know what I want for others has anyone used this light ? so far I am thinking EP whisper silencer fan 150mm Mountain air carbon filter 150mm Jungle room tent 100cm 100 cm -200 cm
Last reply by fred_hawk, -
I've been wanting to have a go at a hydro grow and saw this container at the hardware and thought I'd give it a go. Guy said it was quite tough and should keep almost all light out of the solution. 20ltr container. So my plan is simple enough (if it's this simple) I have these orchid pots, gonna cut a hole in the lid to fit the pot and sit on the edge. Drill a hole for the drain at the bottom and a hole for the air hoses. I have a 240v air pump with 2 outlets and run both 24hrs. I have some clay balls I was gonna use and have a go. What nutrients would I use for a system like this? Or I should start off asking would this work? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Joey Genovese,