General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
Hey guys, doing my first grow ever (newbie) in a tent 1.2x1.2x2.0 with 3 autos, only have 2 sprouted so far had trouble with the 3rd so I germed another seed and planted it today and we will see how it goes. One white widow, one purple and one Pandora, all autos. Now the question is how much should I water them, I put them straight into big pots after germ they are 20L I know big but its what I had to work with. Hand watering run to waste system, substrate is coco 60% worm castings 30% perlite 10%. As its a big pot, by the time the top is dry the bottom will still be wet and as they are only sprouts their roots wont go down that far yet, should I just water enough for the…
Last reply by BlackBear, -
- 4 replies
G'day, First timer here. Don't have a magnifying glass and trying to determine when is best to harvest my girl. Whats the difference in layman's terms of harvesting early compared to late? How big is the difference of harvesting early? I'm getting a little impatient, but mainly it is getting more and more dodgy keeping it. Also plantwise: can't tell you what week its in, but planted late october from memory. been flowering for probably two months, sorry haven't been too strict with time, its for fun/hobby, not very serious. its outdoors too. I thought it would have been done by now, but we've had terrible weather for two weeks straight so its been in a shed without li…
Last reply by max_headroom, -
- 15 replies
Evening all, I was hoping for some insight and advice around the dreaded H (ermie) situation. Background Info- I have this plant (its a hermie that I have spent a fair bit of time removing the balls from) and as it is 1 of only 2 in this yrs crop. I really want to keep what little product I get from them, and managing 2 plants hasn't bee too tricky. So, the current situation is the hermie is showing quite good flowers (this pic is from last week, and it is filling out nicely since) However I looked at it today, and saw this.....both hairs from the lady, and possibly balls. Or is that another calyx which more lovely lady hairs will sprout from?? Will the plant c…
Last reply by DoctorWho, -
- 3 replies
Unfortunatly i left my plants veg alittle to long & have had to lollypop them 12 days into buding. Was this too late? If you're going to lollypop a plant for buding, how soon should it be done before you switch it to bud. Any info would be great... Thanks
Last reply by pegz, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys just a quickie, these are around 26 days old from seed now and are sitting under 2 x 250W cfl and 1 x 200w LED for vegging, As ive said in the diary they look a little condensed and bushy to me and was wondering if i should trim all the really small leaves and if it will actually benefit the vegging process at this stage... But im also afraid of getting rid of potential bud sites.... Is there an issue with flowering if the nodes are really close to each other light this ? This one i already trimmed a few bits off.. And these two i left alone and they look really bushy..
Last reply by herby, -
- 6 replies
G'Day Guys! Ive recently started my first grow... I started smoking as I suffer Crohnes and it has helped more then any prescribed pill ever has Figured its time I try my hand at saving some cash and growing my own.. I have done some reading in the past and tried in the past, but was called oversea's for work and left it with month old plants.. I cant remember the lights in using exactly, but im certain they are EzyGrow Lights... Germinated the seeds over 2 days (didnt pop the first), and they are now about 4 days in... Soil Acidity level was around 6.0 - 6.5. Lights are about 15-20cm from the plants... My big concern are the lights... Are they too c…
Last reply by herby, -
- 2 replies
Just wondering if any of you have recipes for TEAS... and also how you think they perform. I have seen lots of stuff from overseas sites but was hoping someone here can point me in the right direction for purchasing locally....
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 9 replies
Hi guys and gals. Newbie to site. Looks great from what I've seen so far. So good to see an Ozzie site. Just getting back into growing for medicinal. I have chronic back and neck problems from roof tiling for more than 30 years. Old boy also has Parkinson's. Haven't grown for over 25 years. I see a lot has changed since then. Just going for a tent setup using coco. Hope it goes well, and I'm sure this site will be a great benefit. Got some cuttings in as I speak. Just got them from an outdoor, but a little late. Hoping the 24 hour cycle will do the job. One quick question. I purchased some seed from Attitude Seed Bank. Hope I made the right choice. Be…
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hi, some people I know live in a rental but have a 2m plant out of sight down the back of the yard that is just starting to flower the owners daughter has split with her husband and wanting to move into the house, they have been given 3 weeks notice They have secured a canna friendly place to move to (they know the owner) and would like to be able to save their plant by relocating it to the new house but don't know if its possible or what to do. Advice would be appreciated.
Last reply by Naycha, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi fellow enthusiasts.... Has any one used the gas lamp routine for veg....? Lights 12h on, 5.5h off, 1h on, 5.5h off. If anyone has what where the results???? I can't try the theory out as I'm in flower. I'd like to give it a go next time round...
Last reply by MonstaCrop, -
- 1 reply
Heya all need some help figuring out this NPK(s) stuff. I know it means Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potassium & Sulfur, but where does each chemical come into play for the plants? is there a good guide on this somewhere? I am currently growing in Canna Terra Pro & using the Canna Bio range - Vega and Flores, they state on the bottles. Vega (3.5 - 1 - 5.5) Flores (3 - 1 - 5 - 1) How are these any different from each other? Don't you need more of one than the other for flowering, and where does the extra - 1 sulfur come into play? I have the PK 13/14 at (0 - 6 - 11 - 0) - when is the best time to use this? guy at the store said you can start running it 1 week…
Last reply by Vape, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Afternoon all, I think I have read the entire forum on nutes, and cant see what I am looking for, so here goes. I have 3 plants (bag seed, growing in 10 lt buckets of good organic potting mix from bunnings, growing outdoors in the back yard, no lights just nature) As the days get shorter, I looking to possibly switch fertilizer to some thing with more P in it, as I have read the flowers use more. I'm currently using Miracle Grow Max feed (22-6-11) and it has treated them well, reasonable size etc for a low tech kind of set up. Can anyone recommend a brand or type of fert that they have used in soil that will hopefully offer up the right mix for good buds? I hav…
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
hey guys when i do my nutrient solution mix i mix it up untill the PH is at around 6.3 but the EC ussualy ends up around 165 - 170 microseimens . Today i checked the run of from my 3 plants wich are all around 14 days old from seedling stage and then run of PH is still 6.3 but the EC is up above 600+ ? is this ok ? i was going to water them today ( around 7 hours ago ) but the coco / perlite was still moist so im going to wait till tomorrow, Im thinking of watering with just strait water tomorrow, will that bring it down ?
Last reply by herby, -
- 5 replies
Hiya all I'm planning on ordering some seeds soon & just wondering if anyone has successfully ordered to SA and if so what site did u use, thanx in advance And even if ur not in SA wat sites do u use?
Last reply by thebfg, -
- 3 replies
Ok so last year I grew a great mazar outdoor. (check out the previous grow! ) and we managed to find a seed throughout the plant! one very single one in the main cola. I've heard of plants doing this and they are always female and quite a few of you on the forum have seen this before even if there is no other male plant around. So I decided to grow it out this year.... She is very fast and very vigorous growing, More "sativa" like however her mother was short , squat, tight nodes full of big buds! I know she is off her for sure because of her structural branching, She is doing the typical "Christmas tree" which is typical from mazar, But however she's got some very ski…
Last reply by DoctorWho,