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Why do "normal" people dislike weed?

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It's always good to give people who have no clue about the drugs war, some printed out documents. This way you don't need to argue with them about what's right-or-wrong and they can make up their own minds. Remember that all that people need to do to make up their minds is to gather information and who do they trust more, politicians or scientists who do research?


here are a few printable pdf files...


Roots of Marijuana Prohibition CSDP Research Report, March 2002

Nixon Tapes Show Roots of Marijuana Prohibition: Misinformation, Culture Wars and Prejudice.

Declassified Oval Office tapes from 1971-1972 demonstrate that the foundation of marijuana criminalization is misinformation, culture war and prejudice. The release of the newest set of tapes coincides with the 30th Anniversary of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse (“the Shafer Commission”) appointed by President Nixon, and highlights the discrepancy between Nixon’s personal agenda and his Commission’s highly researched recommendations.

The most important recommendation of the Commission was the decriminalization of possession and non-profit transfer of marijuana.

Decriminalization meant there should be no punishment – criminal or civil – under state or federal law.




Parker, L. A. (2003) Papers

"The Discriminatory Origins of the American Drug Wars, The Creation of the Drug Criminalization Industry, And The Effect On Modern Fourth Amendment Law: Using Luhmannian Concepts to Determine The Historical Origins & Effects of Social Phenomena."

Paper Presented at Copenhagen Business School, Center For Corporate Communication, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 25, 2003.

By Lori Ann Parker, M.C.J.




Agency of FEAR - Origins of the Drug Enforcement Agency

Opiates and Political Power in America. The Story of How the Drug Enforcement Administration Came to Be.

By Edward Jay Epstein





Cannabis and Psychosocial Harm Vol 363, 2004, pp 1579-1588

Comments on Cannabis and Psychosocial Harm Vol 363, 2004, pp 1568-1569

Cannabis Use Not Linked with Psychosocial Harm!

Psychological and social sequelae of cannabis and other illicit drug use by young people: a systematic review of longitudinal, general population studies.




After reading these files, it's hard to keep believing what they tell us about the drug war and most of all, it's hard to believe that "all drugs are bad".

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Most people most of the time aren't brave and have a deeply disturbed condition. They're inverted and have spiritual or mental problems (though not necessarily medical mental problems). This results in fear and they usually blame and take this out on others. That's how come there used to be support for burning witches, for religion and racism, and for believing the world is flat etc; humans are solely responsible. Today we have TVs and phones and it seems modern but in fact we live in the dark ages.


The irony here is that cannabis is one of the few drugs which actually improves people's spirituality and insight and makes them use their brains at their full potential, and the only one of these drugs that you can use regularly, every day. This makes it a big threat to people who want to play out their lives by certain rules, protected in a cacoon which makes them feel safe. Support for legal cannabis use has nothing to do with logic as it's prohibition is completely illogical. Instead it's presently an indicator of how spiritually and ideologically advanced we are – so that's a rating of 2/10 for the human condition from me!


By the way, who are these people who keep saying that it's always bad to smoke something? That's rubbish. Hemp smoke probably has more benefit than harm if it's grown properly and not smoked with tobacco. It's an expectorant for the lungs and apparently helps people with asthma. I've smoked cannabis for years every day and I'm a singer and my lungs are healthy, pink and strong. (At least I think they're pink!) So get off' smokers case and the guilt trip. Personally, I think humans are built to smoke weed.

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Well maybe that’s not the right question. Ask them why its a big deal for you to smoke pot but why don they make a big deal over the CIA selling coke to the American people to support the economy. You watch. 5 or 10 years the next war will be with Cuba. They have oil and drugs


Dont take to heart what these sheeple say. They think they have a clue but really they have no idea how the world is run

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Wow, this is an interesting old topic that's been revived :P I'm pretty stoned atm, so an intelligent answer will come later. For now- Everyone should smoke weed! Lots of it! :thumbsup

I think it has a lot to do with the media and our government, the way mainstream ppl think.

I mean, America is a perfect example. After 9/11, all they basically had to do was slowly introduce Suddam Hussein's name into the subject of Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda, mention them in conjunction a few times, and there was a war on terror with Iraq!! Who incidentally, had nothing to do with 9/11! Has anyone heard much about osama since? :whistling Nope. I can't believe the sneaky way Bush did it, and that our government got sucked into it! I swear we live in a world full of sheep :detective2:

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